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booth是什么意思 booth的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:22:24
  • 175

booth是什么意思 booth的中文翻译、读音、例句

英文单词'booth' 的意思是“小间隔,小亭子;摊位”。




1. There was an empty phone booth at the corner of the street.


2. The food booth at the fair was very popular.





例句:It dates to... please don't touch that, Agent Booth. (这能追溯到... 请别碰 Booth探员)


例句:I need something on a Dr. Randall Booth. (我要查Randall Booth医生的消息)


例句:I dub you Sir Seeley Booth... (册封你为Seeley Booth爵士...)


例句:Which will not concern Dr. Brennan or Agent Booth, will it? (翻译:- 但这个与Brennan博士还有Booth探员无关吧)


booth一般作为名词使用,如在drying booth([网络] 干燥室)、dressing booth(试衣间)、fettling booth(un. 整修室)等常见短语中出现较多。

drying booth[网络] 干燥室
dressing booth试衣间
fettling boothun. 整修室
grinding booth磨削棚
head booth(在展览会或市场上陈列的)瘾君子物品专摊
information booth问讯台
isolation booth隔音室
kissing booth[网络] 接吻亭;亲吻亭;亲吻指数
open booth[经] 货摊, 摆货摊
painting booth喷漆隔间


1. I dub you Sir Seeley Booth... (翻译:册封你为Seeley Booth爵士...)

2. Which will not concern Dr. Brennan or Agent Booth, will it? (翻译:- 但这个与Brennan博士还有Booth探员无关吧)

3. Control Booth to Dreamer. Control Booth to Dreamer. Are you there? (翻译:梦想家 这里是控制台 梦想家 这里是控制台 收到么?)

4. When you went to see Dr. Booth, what did you ask him? (翻译:你去见Booth医生的时候 问了他什么?)

5. What if Booth and Brennan won't agree to go through with this? (翻译:- 如果Booth和Brennan不同意这么做呢)

6. Well, that one's easy to blame on Agent Booth. (翻译:- 嗯 这点很容易怪到Booth探员身上)

7. See the guy in the booth over there? (翻译:看见坐在那个位置的家伙没? See the guy in the booth over there?)

8. He's right, Booth; the arrow of time-- (翻译:他说得没错 Booth 时间只往前走...)

9. All right, Booth, this is just your anxiety talking. (翻译:- 好啦 Booth 你这么说 只是婚前焦虑了)

10. FBI. Special Agent Seeley Booth. (翻译:我是FBI的特别探员Seeley Booth)

11. No, come on, Booth, come back. (翻译:- 别 拜托 Booth 回来嘛 - 我是个好司机)

12. It's not a magic stick, Booth. It's an alternative light source. (翻译:这不是魔法棒 Booth 这是多波段光源)

13. I have a few more questions for you. (翻译:Booth探员 你觉得停尸房里的尸体...)

14. But, Agent Booth, you didn't kill Epps. (翻译:可是 Booth探员 你并没有杀Epps)

15. And right now I'm telling you to get in the booth, so get in the booth. (翻译:而且现在我要告诉你 回到你的位置干该干的)




- Phone booth:电话亭

- Voting booth:投票亭

- Photo booth:照相亭

- Information booth:信息台

- Ticket booth:售票处

- Sales booth:销售亭

- Food booth:食品摊位

短语:in the booth,在小间隔里



1. There was a phone booth at the corner of the street.(街角有个电话亭。)

2. I went to the voting booth to cast my ballot.(我去投票亭投了票。)

3. The party had a photo booth for guests to take pictures.(聚会为宾客开设了照相亭供拍照。)

4. Can you ask for directions at the information booth?(你可以向信息台询问方向吗?)

5. We purchased our tickets from the ticket booth.(我们从售票处购买了门票。)

6. The sales booth at the fair was busy all day.(集市上的销售亭整天都很忙。)

7. There was a food booth selling delicious snacks at the festival.(节日上有一个卖美味小吃的食品摊位。)

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