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sabine是什么意思 sabine的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:24:24
  • 143

sabine是什么意思 sabine的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Sabine is excited to start her new job.


2. The Sabine River flows through both Texas and Louisiana.





例句:Now that the shackles are off Sabine Hobbs, we need Toohey puts a knall in favour of the military buildup. (现在萨宾 霍布斯去掉了脚镣 Now that the shackles are off Sabine Hobbs, 我们需要提醒图希赞成扩军 we need Toohey puts a knall in favour of the military buildup.)


sabine一般作为名词使用,如在Sabine absorption(赛宾吸声量)、Sabine County([地名] 萨宾县 ( 美 ))、Sabine equation(【声学】赛宾方程序)等常见短语中出现较多。

Sabine absorption赛宾吸声量
Sabine County[地名] 萨宾县 ( 美 )
Sabine equation【声学】赛宾方程序
Sabine formula赛宾公式
sabine lake[网络] 宾湖;萨宾湖
Sabine Land[地名] 萨宾地 ( 挪 )
Sabine Pass[地名] 萨宾帕斯 ( 美 )
sabine pine[网络] 沙丁松
sabine pines[网络] 沙丁松\n(sabine pine 的复数)


1. So, what have we got on Sabine Hobbs? (翻译:因此,萨宾 霍布斯事件我们了解多少? So, what have we got on Sabine Hobbs?)

2. I need to see Sabine Hobbs. (翻译:我需要去见萨宾霍布斯 I need to see Sabine Hobbs.)

3. This person's name could be Colette, Antoine, Sabine (翻译:{\cHE0B000}♫那是安托万 是克莱特 是萨冰♫)

4. I met you, Sabine, and I no longer look at other women. (翻译:我遇到了你 萨冰 我对其他女人 再也不多看一眼)

5. "Dear Sabine, This letter I write you today... (翻译:亲爱的Sabine,今天给你写这封信 Dear Sabine, this letter l write you today)

6. Cried like I was one of the Sabine women. (翻译:我给小学四年级的老师打了个电话 I rang my year four teacher. 像个色宾女人一样嚎啕大哭 Cried like I was one of the Sabine women.)

7. So, you both sang with Sabine Hobbs? (翻译:你们与萨宾 霍布斯同唱? So, you both sang with Sabine Hobbs?)

8. The ones that helped you organize your protest. I can't. (翻译:你所了解萨宾有卷入任何异见团队 Did Sabine have any involvement with dissident groups,)

9. Did Sabine give you an exclusive? (翻译:萨宾没有给你一个独家报道? Did Sabine give you an exclusive?)

10. Thank you, Sabine Azema, my first Eurydice. (翻译:谢谢你 萨宾娜·阿泽玛 我的第一任欧律狄刻)

11. How do you think warmongering is going to help Sabine? (翻译:你怎么认为好战份子能帮助萨宾? 你们让事情更糟! How do you think warmongering is going to help Sabine?)

12. Mom, green hair's creeping up Sabine's blouse. (翻译:妈妈,Sabine的衣服上沾上绿色的东西了 Mom, green hair creep towards Sabine blouse.)

13. - Did Sabine have any involvement with dissident groups? (翻译:卡西,你和凯文知道湖中男孩吗? Cassie, did you and Kevin know the boy from the lake?)

14. Did Sabine have any involvement with dissident groups, like Falun Gong or Uyghurs or... or Free Tibet! (翻译:你所了解萨宾有卷入任何异见团队 Did Sabine have any involvement with dissident groups, 像功或尔或... like Falun Gong or Uyghurs or...)

15. - I do not know where Sabine is. (翻译:- I do not know where Sabine is.)



'SABINE' 可以作为名词或形容词,其含义根据上下文有所不同。


1. 撒比尼族(Sabine),古罗马时代的一个部族;

2. (常大写)萨宾山(the Sabine Hills),位于意大利拉日奥省与维泰博省交界处的一片山地;

3. (常大写)撒比尼地区(the Sabine Region),指意大利拉齐奥大区的中部;

4. (常大写)萨宾山语(Sabine),一种已经灭绝的语言;

5. (常大写)萨宾教(Sabianism),一个古代,崇拜太阳和月亮;

6. (常大写)萨宾(Sabian),信奉萨宾教的人。



1. Sabine women 撒比尼女子

2. Sabine Mountains 萨宾山脉

3. Sabine language 萨宾山语

4. Sabine River 萨宾河

5. Sabine culture 撒比尼文化

6. Sabine people 撒比尼族

7. Sabine wine 萨宾山葡萄酒


1. Sabine invasion 撒比尼侵入

2. Sabine agreement 萨宾协议

3. Sabine rebellion 撒比尼叛乱

4. Sabine deity 萨宾神

5. Sabine shield 萨宾盾牌

6. Sabine horn 撒比尼号角

7. Sabine farmstead 萨宾农场



1. The Sabine invasion was a key event in Roman history.(撒比尼侵入是罗马历史上的重要事件。)

2. The Sabine Mountains are popular with hikers and nature lovers.(萨宾山脉深受徒步旅行者和自然爱好者的喜爱。)

3. Little is known about the Sabine language as it has been extinct for many centuries.(人们对萨宾山语了解甚少,因为它已经灭绝了很多个世纪。)

4. The Sabine River flows through several states in the southern United States.(萨宾河流经美国南部的几个州。)

5. The Sabine culture was heavily influenced by the Etruscans and the Romans.(撒比尼文化受到了伊特鲁里亚人和罗马人的强烈影响。)

6. The Sabine people were known for their fierce independence and warrior spirit.(撒比尼人以其强烈的独立精神和勇士精神而闻名。)

7. The Sabine farmstead was a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.(萨宾农场是一个远离城市喧嚣的宁静避难所。)

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