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flatter是什么意思 flatter的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:26:41
  • 171

flatter是什么意思 flatter的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. She knew he was trying to flatter her, but she couldn't help feeling pleased.


2. Don't you think he's just flattering you with all those compliments?

你不觉得他只是在用那些恭维话奉承你吗3. He tried to flatter the boss by agreeing with everything he said.


4. It's not necessary to flatter me, I can see through your insincere words.





例句:I flatter myself that my overtures of goodwill are highly commendable, and will not lead you to reject the offered olive branch. (我自诩这件善意之举 很值得嘉许 各位也不会拒绝我这个 让两家和平的提议)


例句:Demagogues can flatter and whisper and chuckle. (蛊惑人心的政客会奉承、耳语、偷笑。)


例句:To flatter with solicitous overtures in an attempt to obtain something or clear away antagonism. (讨好,求爱试图获得某物或消除敌对而用热心的表示来奉承)


例句:This face, known as the near side, has darker regions called mares which in fact are flatter regions. (翻译:这面的月球上深色的地区,称为月海,实际上是较为平坦的区域。)


flatter一般作为副词、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在flatter on(在…(方面)恭维)、flatter with(以…讨好)、flatter about(在…(方面)恭维)等常见短语中出现较多。

flatter on在…(方面)恭维
flatter with以…讨好
flatter about在…(方面)恭维
flatter distribution扁平形分布
flatter generator噪声发生器
flatter hammerun. 平锤
flatter oneself自信, 自想, 自以为
flatter yourself[网络] 自以为是
round flatter头平锤


1. To flatter with solicitous overtures in an attempt to obtain something or clear away antagonism. (翻译:讨好,求爱试图获得某物或消除敌对而用热心的表示来奉承)

2. This face, known as the near side, has darker regions called mares which in fact are flatter regions. (翻译:这面的月球上深色的地区,称为月海,实际上是较为平坦的区域。)

3. That colour doesn't flatter many people. (翻译:那种颜色很多人都不适宜。)

4. It might be my brilliant mind or my scintillating wit, but knowing you, you're not about to flatter me. (翻译:可能是我聪明的大脑 或四处闪耀的智慧 但以我对你的了解 你是不会奉承我的)

5. I flatter myself that your refusal is merely a natural delicacy. (翻译:说句自不量力的话 你的拒绝正符合女人家微妙的天性)

6. But I was still working with sculpture, and I was really trying to go flatter and flatter. (翻译:我还尝试雕塑创作, 而且我真的是越来越趋于平面化。)

7. When we ask others for advice, they like us because we flatter them, and we're expressing humility. (翻译:当我们向他人寻求建议时,他们 就会因为我们重视他们而喜欢我们 因为我们表现出了谦恭。)

8. You flatter yourself that you are of loftiness and probity to make other feel shameful and eclipsed. (翻译:你又自以为清高廉洁,使别人心生惭愧,自觉形秽。)

9. But she didn't flatter his ego as much as she brought out certain tendencies he kept quiet about. (翻译:但她从来没有屈服于他的自我主义下 她坚持她的见解 他没有什么好说的)

10. Well, to him money is not an object but I'm the only flatter around him (翻译:我的波士有什么? 他有的是钱嘛 拍马屁就只有我一个)

11. The staircase, I flatter myself, is eminently suitable for a clergyman in my position, being neither too shallow nor too steep. (翻译:不是我自夸,这楼梯 对我这种地位的神职人员 是在适合也不过了 既不太浅也不太陡)

12. I flatter myself the beasts that perish could not underbid that, as a low form of consciousness. (翻译:我自认为,会毁灭的兽类是不可能以更便宜的方式获得那种低级的意识形式的。)

13. Mrs. Coiler then changed the subject and began to flatter me. (翻译:可意乐夫人不久便改变话题,开始恭维起我来。)

14. Counselor, if you're trying to flatter me, you must first woo my wife! (翻译:汤师爷 你要是拍我马屁 就先要先过夫人这一关)

15. When they are just a few days old, they have to move to the flatter tundra. (翻译:它们只有几天大的时候,就得 迁徙去冻土带平原。)








1.在社交场合中,人们经常使用flatter表达自己对他人的赞美、夸奖和讨好,例如:He flatters her by telling her how beautiful she looks. (他通过告诉她她看起来有多美来讨好她。)

2.在商业领域中,人们常常使用flatter来传递商业信息,以吸引客户和潜在的合作伙伴,例如:The advertit flatters the quality of the product. (广告夸大了产品的质量。)


1. flatter oneself 自我欣赏,自我膜拜

2. flattery will get you nowhere 过分夸奖会适得其反

3. flatter to deceive 用谄媚的话来欺骗

4. not to flatter oneself 客观看待自己

5. sweet words and flattery 甜言蜜语


1. flattering remarks 谄媚的话语

2. flatter someone into doing something 谄媚某人做某事

3. too good to be true 难以置信的好


flatter的发音为 /ˈflætər/(英式音标)或 /ˈflætər/(美式音标)。其中,fla读作/ flæ/,tter读作/ tər/。

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