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symbolically是什么意思 symbolically的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-09 01:57:12
  • 280

symbolically是什么意思 symbolically的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The handshake was symbolic of their agreement.(握手象征着他们的协议。)

2. The painting was created symbolically to represent the artist's feelings of loneliness.(这幅画是象征性地创作的,代表了艺术家孤独的感受。)

3. The gift was given symbolically to show support and appreciation.(礼物是象征性地赠送的,表示支持和感激。)




例句:This device allows me to symbolically extract other people's eyes, so I have a diversity of eyes to use for my other sculptures. (这个装置也让我得以 将其他人的眼睛图像符号化, 这样我就有各式各样的眼睛图像可用在 我的其他的作品上。)


symbolically一般作为名词使用,如在symbolically expressed invariant(符号表示的不变量)等常见短语中出现较多。

symbolically expressed invariant符号表示的不变量


1. He's symbolically telling you we'll finish the project like that. (翻译:他是在告诉大家 我们将以这种方式结束这个项目)

2. How could they symbolically present the eradication of the German Jews? (翻译:他们如何告诉他德籍犹太人已经被全部消灭了?)

3. For this act of insolence, he was sent to the stands, symbolically imprisoned behind bars, as he scribbled notes to his bench. (翻译:因为这次无礼的举动,他被送上了看台,象征性地被“监禁”了,他草草地写了几张纸条给替补队员。)

4. We had viral images and videos, and we did crazy things like symbolically putting the White House lawn up for sale on eBay. (翻译:我们上传的图片和视频被疯狂转发, 我们甚至象征性的 把白宫草坪放到 eBay 上 去拍卖。)

5. And looking down, the nine wings are bound, structurally but symbolically strong, a great symbol of unity: pure geometry, a perfect circle, 30 meters in section and in plan, perfectly symmetrical, like the idea of sacredness and geometry. (翻译:然后往下看 九个翅膀是在一起的 不仅是结构性的,而且是标志性的强壮 一个联合的伟大标志 纯粹的几何,一个完美的圆圈 在部分和计划中30米 完美的对称 就好像神圣和几何的概念 )

6. The court found against Mr Beketov and symbolically fined him. (翻译:法庭判比克·托夫罪名成立,并象征性地罚款。)

7. The concept of the couch is also symbolically connected to a kind of lifestyle that is opulent , exclusive and of course, comfortable. (翻译:沙发的意思也是象征的表达了一种富足,专享的生活方式,当然,也是很舒服的体验。)

8. Symbolically significant donations are pouring in too. (翻译:象征性意义重大的捐助也在跟进。)

9. It's very important, symbolically, for this thing and you're bare, you're naked. (翻译:一群女孩子裸上身走着 这很重要,极具象征性, 为了这个你要全脱,你)

10. Nobody just kills somebody with a bone symbolically, not even in England. (翻译:没人会用一根骨头象征性地 即使是在英国也不会)

11. Symbolically, you could say that Tore Gravik crept into him and pulled him under. (翻译:我们可以象征性说 托尔·格拉维奇附上他身 把他带到湖底)

12. When he is there, barely alive - he symbolically with his fingers points a gun - at his own head. (翻译:当他在那奄奄一息时 以象征的方式,他以手指作枪 指着自己的脑袋)

13. I can't pour to you yet. You are sick. But let's say, symbolically. (翻译:你还不能喝酒 你在生病 们可以象征性的来一点)



词组搭配:symbolically charged(象征性的充电);symbolically rich(象征性的丰富)。

短语:symbolic gesture(象征性的姿态)、symbolic logic(象征逻辑)



1. The flag symbolically represents the country. (象征性地代表国家的旗帜。)

2. The wedding ring is symbolically significant. (婚戒在象征上非常重要。)

3. The change in policy was symbolically important. (政策的变化在象征上非常重要。)

4. He gave her a symbolic gesture by sending flowers. (他通过送花给了她一种象征性的姿态。)

5. The building was designed symbolically to resemble a tree. (这栋建筑物是象征性地被设计成树的形状。)

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