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xia是什么意思 xia的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:26:17
  • 349

xia是什么意思 xia的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. 这个夏天非常炎热,大家都很想找个凉快的地方去。

2. 我们要下山了,路很陡峭,大家要小心。

3. 侠士们为正义而战,保护了的安全。

4. 这条小路非常狭窄,只能走一人,大家要一个一个地过去。




例句:Approximately in the Xia Dynasty, Can Cong clan migrated tortuously to Chengdu plain and became the first King of Shu. (蚕丛氏大约在夏代就从岷山辗转迁徙到达成都平原,成为了第一代蜀王。)


例句:"Xia Gang" is a Chinese euphemism for "laid off". (下岗是一个中国语境的词汇,它是指离开工作岗位, )


例句:This is online map of the address "Yan Guo Xia Zhen , Yongjing County, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, China" . (这是地址“中国甘肃省临夏自治州永靖县盐锅峡镇”匹配的在线电子地图。)


例句:The effect of Xia Ru Yong Quan Powder on agalactia caused by low spirit (翻译:下乳涌泉散对因不良情绪乳汁不足的产妇催乳效果观察)


xia一般作为名词使用,如在Longyang Xia([地名] 龙羊峡 ( 南极洲 ))、Xi Xia([网络] 栖霞;夏茜)、Xia dynasty(夏朝)等常见短语中出现较多。

Longyang Xia[地名] 龙羊峡 ( 南极洲 )
Xi Xia[网络] 栖霞;夏茜
Xia dynasty夏朝
Xia Yan夏衍


1. This is online map of the address "Yan Guo Xia Zhen , Yongjing County, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国甘肃省临夏自治州永靖县盐锅峡镇”匹配的在线电子地图。)

2. The effect of Xia Ru Yong Quan Powder on agalactia caused by low spirit (翻译:下乳涌泉散对因不良情绪乳汁不足的产妇催乳效果观察)

3. Tea tree in place of precipice, have a long, narrow rock, rock Xia year-round have springs from the top Xia drippy. (翻译:茶树所处的峭壁上,有一条狭长的岩罅,岩顶终年有泉水自罅滴落。)

4. A businessman from distance, the better, up to arrive night JinCong dive in for Xia shrine stone, denier naught. (翻译:他日,有商人自远方夜归,将抵舍,潜置金丛祠石罅中,旦取无有。)

5. The Manufacture of Large Type Bogie Hearth Furnace for Bulk Heat Treatment of HWM Wheel Axle in San Xia Engineering (翻译:三峡水轮机转轮整体热处理大型台车式炉建成)

6. This is a page about postal code of "Jiang Xia Kang Long Ri Zhui , , China" , with area information and online map. (翻译:这是关于“中国江夏康龙日追”邮政编码的网页,以及详细地区信息和在线地图。)

7. Xia zhi xing: He is a desperado. I don't have any relationship with him. (翻译:夏之星:他啊,是个亡命之徒。我跟他一点关系都没有。)

8. Therefore, Xiaoyuan found her own way to get Yexun Xia's news and secrets. (翻译:因此小袁用她自己的方法来获取夏夜薰的新闻和秘密)

9. Mingtiao locates at the northwest of Xia county and north of Anyi town. (翻译:鸣条位于今夏县西北和安邑镇以北地带。)

10. Some even said the Xia, Shang period, Yu's wife, Daji is the feet. (翻译:有人甚至称夏、商时期的禹妻、妲己便是小脚。)

11. Xia north folk song; Melody characteristics; Arethusa flower; Style characteristic; Sing on stage technique. (翻译:陕北民歌;旋律特点;兰花花;风格特征;演唱技巧。)

12. Xia Fei, left, and Chen Zhiqiang have been dating for three years. (翻译:夏飞和陈志强约会三年了。)

13. Luo Xia Gou is in Yunnan Province, 250km from Kunming City. (翻译:落霞沟位于云南省,距离昆明市250公里。)

14. Recognizing Jia Tang Xia in her blog, like to listen to Jia Tang Xia songs, so let me be an online friend of Jia Tang Xia. (翻译:相识贾堂霞于博客,爱听贾堂霞歌曲,让我成为贾堂霞的网上好友。)

15. Xia Hong remembered and said as soul out of her body " He definitely has no time to say something. " (翻译:夏红惊魂未定地回忆说:“他什么都没来得及说。”)



1. 词的意思:夏季。可以指夏季的时间、气候和景色等。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 常用场景:夏季气候炎热,一年四季中相对来说人们休闲娱乐的季节。夏季往往与海洋、沙滩、游泳、烧烤、水果等联系在一起。

4. 词组搭配:

- 炎炎夏日:用来形容夏季高温天气。

- 盛夏时节:表示夏季最热的时候。

- 夏天里:表示夏季期间。

- 夏日风情:表示夏季特有的情调和风景。

5. 相关短语:

- 阴凉宜人:表示夏季到处都是阳光和炎热,人们喜欢去阴凉的地方避暑消暑。

- 穿凉鞋:表示夏季鞋子款式多样,人们喜欢穿轻便舒适的凉鞋。

- 打开空调:表示夏季高温难耐,人们往往需要打开空调降温。

6. 发音拼写:xià,四声。

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