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zilli是什么意思 英文名zilli[齐利]的翻译、发音、来源

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:44
  • 242

zilli是什么意思 英文名zilli[齐利]的翻译、发音、来源




1. Zilli是一家意大利奢侈品牌。

2. 我认识一个叫Zilli的人,他是一个非常有才华的设计师。

3. 他的公司叫做Zilli Group,主要从事高端服装、皮具和配饰的设计和制造。




例句:Lao Zi's "not contending" is not a more sophisticated sort of contending. He was not promoting the craftiness of monarchy. (老子讲的“不争”并不是一种高明的争,他不是在提倡君王南面之术。)


例句:Tao Zi twisted her head to the side when Cang Li Man was trying to kiss her. (来点高兴的事吧:仓里满想吻陶子,陶子却把头扭到一边。)


例句:Xiao Hei Zi, tell the kitchen to keep the head of the pig! (哎呀 小黑子 叫厨房刁不遇杀猪留下个头啊)


例句:The Study of Microecological Products on the Caecal Flora of Heilongjiang Zi Geese (翻译:微生态制剂对黑龙江籽鹅盲肠菌群变化的影响研究)


1. Xiao Hei Zi, tell the kitchen to keep the head of the pig! (翻译:哎呀 小黑子 叫厨房刁不遇杀猪留下个头啊)

2. The Study of Microecological Products on the Caecal Flora of Heilongjiang Zi Geese (翻译:微生态制剂对黑龙江籽鹅盲肠菌群变化的影响研究)

3. Mak-zi, given name McFat dates of birth and death unknown an extremely insignificant philosopher and inventor (翻译:麦子 名兜 字仲肥 生卒年不详 是我国一位极次要极次要的思想家发明家)

4. This is online map of the address "Mao Dian Zi Zhen , Kuandian Manchu Autonomous County, Dandong City, Liaoning Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国辽宁省丹东市宽甸满族自治县毛甸子镇”匹配的在线电子地图。)

5. They close watch on the Aopi Zi, in questioning him, Ao Pizi insisted he did not kill. (翻译:他们盯紧了奥皮兹,在审问他时,奥皮兹坚持自己没有。)

6. BE ah, Kang Zi for the sake of his elder sister (翻译:Kang Zi for the sake of his elder sister)

7. Objective To investigate the protective effect of Ku Die Zi(KDZ, Ixeris sonchifolia) injection against cerebral ischemia. (翻译:目的探讨苦碟子注射液对脑缺血的保护作用。)

8. This is online map of the address "Hai Lin Zhen Tu La Zi , Hailin City, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国黑龙江省牡丹江市海林市海林镇土垃子”匹配的在线电子地图。)

9. Is that the procedure for all bilateral haematomas in a LeFort llI fracture of a comatose patient? (翻译:这是因为勒福氏骨折 造成两侧眶骨膜血肿吗? -勒福氏骨折?)

10. The waiter stuffed the card in Mak-Zi's mouth and tapped on... his acupressure points (翻译:店小二把卡塞到麦子的嘴里边 然后再嘟 嘟 嘟 嘟 摁了他几个穴位)

11. A few of Xieyin in Shi Ji Zhuan are relative to some written phenomena including Tongjia-zi, Yiwen etc. (翻译:《诗集传》有少量叶音跟《诗经》的某些通假字、异文等用字现象有关联。)

12. Tang Gulu takes a look at Tao Zi. (翻译:唐咕噜朝陶子看了看。)

13. Zi-gong said, "Undoubtedly it was Heaven that lavished upon him such great sageness and versatility." (翻译:子贡说:“毫无疑问,上天使他成为圣人,又使他多才多艺。” )

14. Interpreted this way, Zhuang Zi's idea is clear: it is not sceptical and sophistic as usually evaluated, but rather rich in dialectics. (翻译:它并非像人们通常所评价的那样是怀疑论和诡辩论,而是充满了辩证法。)

15. Yang Zi, the composer of Chinese Yuan Zaju Yu Rang Swallowed Coals, served as a government official and famous dramatist. (翻译:中国元杂剧《忠义士豫让吞炭》作者杨梓,一生为官并为知名剧作家。)

1. 词源和定义方面:ZILLI可能是一个人名或一个品牌名,具体定义需要根据语境来确定。


a. I met a guy named Zilli at the party last night. (我在昨晚的派对上遇到一个叫Zilli的人。)

b. Have you heard of Zilli, the high-end Italian fashion brand? (你听说过Zilli这个高端意大利时装品牌吗?)

2. 语法和拼写方面:ZILLI是一个大写字母单词或缩写词,需要注意拼写和大小写的正确使用。


a. Remember to capitalize the Z in ZILLI. (记得在ZILLI中把Z大写。)

b. The company's logo is always spelled in all caps as ZILLI. (公司的标志总是以大写的ZILLI拼写。)

3. 文化和社会方面:ZILLI在某些社会和文化环境中可能具有特殊的意义和象征作用。


a. In some countries, wearing a Zilli jacket is a symbol of wealth and status. (在一些国家,穿着Zilli夹克是财富和地位的象征。)

b. The rapper's lyrics frequently reference designer brands like Zilli and Gucci. (这位说唱歌手的歌词经常涉及Zilli和Gucci等设计师品牌。)

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