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meti是什么意思 meti的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-28 20:42:43
  • 311

meti是什么意思 meti的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The meti is responsible for researching and promoting the use of technology in secondary education.


2. The meti has helped schools across the country integrate new technologies into their claooms.





例句:This is called active SETI, or METI, where the "M" stands for messaging. (这叫做积极的搜寻地外文明计划,或可以称作向地外文明发送信息。)


例句:Mighty MITI, as METI's forerunner, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, used to be known, will ride forth again. (日本通产省,经济产业省的前身,过去被称为国际贸易工业部,将重出江湖。)


例句:This is called active SETI, or METI, where the "m" stands for messaging. (这叫做积极的搜寻地外文明计划,或可以称作向地外文明发送信息。)


例句:Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), which handles fuel distribution, lists many causes of the fuel crisis. (翻译:负责燃料分配的日本经济贸易产业省,列出了一长串引发油荒的原因。)


meti一般作为名词使用,如在meti fibre(剑麻,龙舌兰纤维)等常见短语中出现较多。

meti fibre剑麻,龙舌兰纤维


1. This is called active SETI, or METI, where the "m" stands for messaging. (翻译:这叫做积极的搜寻地外文明计划,或可以称作向地外文明发送信息。)

2. Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), which handles fuel distribution, lists many causes of the fuel crisis. (翻译:负责燃料分配的日本经济贸易产业省,列出了一长串引发油荒的原因。)

3. There is, says one METI official, a change of mood. “Before March 11th the goal of Japan was not that clear. (翻译:“3月11日前,日本在目标上模糊不清,现在比以前清晰多了,”一位来自METI的官员说道,这是一种语气的转变。)

4. "We were behind in the IT revolution. The green revolution is a competition we cannot lose, " says the METI official. (翻译:经贸产业省的官员说:“我们已经在信息里稍显落后,这次的绿色里我们绝对不能落败。”)

5. The METI's tertiary sector activity index for 2q rose 2.6% QoQ, marking a sixth consecutive quarterly increase. (翻译:经济产业省公布第二季的第三产业活动指数较上季升2.6%,连升六季。)

6. There is, says one METI official, a change of mood. (翻译:一位经济产业省的官员说情绪上发生了变化。)

7. As part of this scheme METI has established product-category rules for 53 products. (翻译:作为这个计划的一部分,MET为53种产品建立了产品种类规则。)

8. There is, says one METI official, a change of mood. (翻译:一位经济产业省的官员说情绪上发生了变化。)

1. 解释:

'meti'是一种缩写词,代表着“教育、科技、工业和革新(Education, Technology, Industry and Innovation)”。这个单词或者缩写词通常会用来描述一个地区或者一个国家在教育、科技、工业、创新方面的发展情况。

2. 重要性:


3. 应用:



1. The government is investing heavily in meti in order to promote economic growth. (正在大力投资于教育、科技、工业和革新以促进经济增长。)

2. The meti sector has seen significant growth in recent years, particularly in the areas of technology and innovation. (近年来,教育、科技、工业和革新领域取得了显著的增长,特别是在技术和创新方面。)

3. It is widely believed that a strong meti sector is essential for a country's long-term economic success. (普遍认为,一个国家长期的经济成功必须要有强大的教育、科技、工业和革新领域。)

4. The government has set ambitious targets for the meti sector, with the aim of becoming a world leader in innovation and technology. (针对教育、科技、工业和革新领域设定了雄心勃勃的目标,旨在成为创新和技术领域的世界领先者。)

5. The meti sector is a key driver of economic growth, providing high-paying jobs and driving innovation across a range of industries. (教育、科技、工业和革新领域是经济增长的关键驱动力,提供高薪工作并推动各行各业的创新。)

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