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shake hands是什么意思 shake hands的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-07 00:36:37
  • 310

shake hands是什么意思 shake hands的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:shākè shǒu


1. When you meet someone for the first time, it is common to shake hands. (当你第一次见到别人时,握手是很普遍的礼节。)

2. The two leaders shook hands to signify the start of the peace negotiations. (两位握手,表示和平谈判的开始。)

3. I always shake hands with my colleagues before and after a meeting. (我总是在会议前后和同事握手。)

shake hands的意思是"握手",其中文解释还有"搹"的意思,发音音标为[shakehands],shake hands来源于英语,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到72个与shake hands相关的例句。

Shake hands的中文翻译


例句:He was the one I wanted to shake hands with. (刚才那一刻我突然好想握手的人 竟然是敏雄)


例句:Shenzhen Hui Gagaku Decoration Engineering co., Ltd. all the staff look forward to shake hands with you, willing to shake hands with our sincere and powerful. (深圳市惠雅乐装饰工程有限公司全体人员期待与您的握手,愿我们的握手真诚而有力。)


shake hands一般作为名词使用,如在shake hands with(和…握手)、to shake hands(握手)、shake(摇动 )等常见短语中出现较多。

shake hands with和…握手
to shake hands握手
on the shake参与(敲诈、勒索等)犯罪活动
shake it[网络] 摇摆;摇晃;日文版本
shake on(非正式)握手(成交)
shake on itna. 口头约定;致祝辞\n[网络] 握手;握手言和;让我们握手为定吧
shake with由于…而发抖
handsn. 拥有, 所有\n[计] 动手


1. Shake hands with Mr. Schindler and say farewell (翻译:跟Mr. SchindIer握个手 说声再见)

2. Then there was the question of whether Rabin and Arafat would shake hands. (翻译:然后就是拉宾和是否会握手的问题。)

3. - Not until you shake hands. (翻译:- 不行 除非你们握手言和 - 不 要相互拥抱)

4. ♪ Shake that booty... ♪ Everybody! (翻译:Shake that booty that booty booty 一起来 Shake that booty)

5. They make crackerjack pets. I taught this one to shake hands. (翻译:拿它们当宠物很好的 我已经教会了这一只怎么握手)

6. Shake hands in front of your wife. (翻译:- 你在说什么? - 握手 现在 - 这位女士也在场)

7. Shake it down, shake it down Shake it down now (翻译:Shake it down, shake it down Shake it down now)

8. # Shake, shake, shake, Senora Shake it all the time (翻译:摇摆吧 摇摆吧 摇摆吧 赛罗娜 无休止的摇摆吧)

9. "Shake hands, Starkey," said Hook, proffering his claw. (翻译:“握手吧,斯塔奇。”胡克伸出爪子说。)

10. This lucky policeman gets to shake hands with the President of the United States. (翻译:这位幸运的警员可以和美国总统握手 噢,还有 )

11. And shake till you feel better (翻译:And shake till you feel better)

12. For example, youusually shake hands withpeople when you meetthem for the first time. (翻译:例如,你在和别人初次见面的时候通常会和他们握手。)

13. When you meet someone, you must look them in the eye and shake hands. (翻译:遇到不认识的人... 你要看着对方的眼睛并跟他握手)

14. ♪ shake it fast, watch yourself ♪ (翻译:『Shake it fast watch yourself』)

15. I shake you warmly by the hand. (翻译:l shake you warmly by the hand.)

1. 词的意思: “shake hands” 意为“握手”, 是一种传统的礼仪和交流方式。

2. 词性: “shake” 是动词, “hands” 是名词,指双手。

3. 常用场景: “shake hands” 在商务、社交和正式场合中都十分常见,用于表示敬意、友好、感谢或祝福等情感。

4. 词组搭配:常见的搭配有“shake hands with sb.”(与某人握手)、“shake hands firmly”(握手有力)、“shake hands warmly”(热情握手)等。

5. 相关短语: “a firm handshake” (有力的握手)、“the handshake ritual”(握手仪式)、“shake hands and make friends”(握手成为朋友)等。

6. 发音拼写: “shake hands” 的发音为[ʃeɪk hændz], “shake” 发音为[ʃeɪk], “hands” 发音为[hændz]。

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