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tangled是什么意思 tangled的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-01 12:24:25
  • 265

tangled是什么意思 tangled的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The wires in the back of the computer were all tangled up and it took me a long time to sort them out. (电脑后面的电线全部纠缠在一起,我花费了很长时间才将它们整理好。)

2. The plot of the movie was so tangled that I had difficulty keeping track of what was happening. (电影的情节非常复杂,我很难追踪发生的事情。)

3. Her hair was so tangled that it took her an hour to comb through it. (她的头发纠缠在一起,花了她一个小时才将它们梳理通顺。)




例句:And it's conflicting because the anger gets all tangled up with the anxiety and the fear and the risk and retaliation. (这是相互矛盾的,因为愤怒 与焦虑、恐惧、 风险和报复纠缠在一起。)


例句:But, no, you don't see us tangled up in the sheets with the Eiffel Tower in the window. (但是你根本想不到我们在窗户外能 看见艾菲尔铁塔的房间里浪漫)


例句:Just months ago, little Winter was found tangled in the ropes of a crab trap. (几个月前发现小Winter时,她被捕捉器的绳子缠住)


例句:It was 1:00 p.m. when they tangled it up. (翻译:咔涫 轻忧谏 轻媲拖? 阌橇ð 授演 轻烟?)


tangled一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在tangled with([网络] 纠缠在一起)、tangled case([法] 复杂的案件)、tangled grain(混杂粮谷)等常见短语中出现较多。

tangled with[网络] 纠缠在一起
tangled case[法] 复杂的案件
tangled grain混杂粮谷
tangled shape缠结形
tangled stems缠结茎
tangled traffic[法] 繁乱的交通
tangled up[网络] 纠缠;神魂颠倒;缠在一起
tangled vegetation密植度
tangled web[网络] 错综复杂;心网;混乱的网


1. Just months ago, little Winter was found tangled in the ropes of a crab trap. (翻译:几个月前发现小Winter时,她被捕捉器的绳子缠住)

2. It was 1:00 p.m. when they tangled it up. (翻译:咔涫 轻忧谏 轻媲拖? 阌橇ð 授演 轻烟?)

3. They must leave their sanctuary and find food in the tangled world above. (翻译:他们必须离开巢穴 {\3cH202020}They must leave their sanctuary 到上面枝蔓丛生的世界寻找食物 {\3cH202020}and find food in the tangled world above.)

4. A tangled fence of briars. (翻译:石南篱笆的纠缠。)

5. The tangled web of relationships among the Eternals means that a favor performed for one may be a slight to several others. (翻译:永生者们之间错综复杂的关系网意味着,讨好了其中一个永生者并不代表可以在其他人身上起到同样作用。)

6. Oh, what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive. (翻译:哦,一旦我们巧布 就编织了复杂纠结的网)

7. This is the tune we first tangled tongues to. (翻译:我们第一次接吻,舌头搅动的时候 你就说的这句话)

8. There was a guy at the oversight meeting. I tangled with him in Gaines' apartment. (翻译:高层会议时有个家伙 我和他在Gaines公寓里交过手)

9. They managed to extricate the pilot from the tangled control panel. (翻译:他们设法把困在控制盘里的飞行员救了出来。)

10. One tangled itself in Hermione's hair, and Ron beat it back with a pair of secateurs; (翻译:其中一根缠在了赫敏的头发上,罗恩赶紧用一把整枝剪刀把它打了回去。)

11. It has positive roles to decrease tow's lousiness, tangled and breaking of single fibre in the process. (翻译:这对减少集束过程中纤维的毛丝、纠结和单丝破断,亦具有积极的作用。)

12. Jungles are complex places tangled three-dimensional worlds created by lush tropical vegetation. (翻译:雨林错综复杂 丰富的热带植物 盘桓出一个立体世界)

13. Mr Fryer now applies his supple mind to the touchy, tangled issue of racial inequality. (翻译:弗莱尔现将他的敏捷思维用来思考敏感复杂的种族问题上。)

14. The sound of chest-beating ... travels more than a mile through the tangled understory. (翻译:它们槌的声音 在藤蔓丛生的林下植群中 可以传到一公里之外)

15. If I got tangled up with you, I might forget myself and break your neck. (翻译:如果我和你混战起来, 我可能会扭断你的脖子。)



1. 词义:tangled指的是错综复杂的、缠结在一起的,也可以表示纠缠不清的、混乱的。

2. 词性:tangled是形容词。

3. 词组搭配:tangled up 表示纠缠、缠结在一起;get tangled 表示被缠住。

4. 短语:tangled web 表示复杂的事情或情况。

5. 发音拼写:/'tæŋgld/


1. The boy's hair was so tangled that his mother had to cut it off.


2. The ropes were all tangled up in a huge knot on the deck.


3. I tried to untangle the fishing line, but it was too tangled.


4. The plot of the movie was so tangled that it was hard to follow.


5. The spider wove a tangled web of silk between the branches of the tree.


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