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instrumental是什么意思 instrumental的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-22 07:32:48
  • 129

instrumental是什么意思 instrumental的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. This piece of music is purely instrumental.


2. Her instrumental skills are exceptional.


3. The new policy was instrumental in reducing crime rates.


4. The support of his family was instrumental in his success.





例句:Comparison between the Microtone Phenomenon of Instrumental Music In Guangxi and the Western Microtone Music (广西民间器乐中的微分音现象与西方微分音乐)


例句:Solfeggio, as a basic theoretical course, plays an important role in vocal and instrumental music performance. (作为高等音乐院校中的一门基础理论课,视唱练耳是声乐演唱和器乐演奏中的重要环节。)


例句:Paul Mauriat's musical style is often referred to as "easy pop" or "instrumental pop" . (保罗。默里亚特的音乐风格常指的是“轻松流行乐”或叫“器乐流行乐”。)


例句:Henry was instrumental in bringing down Annie Walker, a rogue operative. (翻译:亨利能助我们逮捕安妮·沃克 一个叛变了的特工)


instrumental一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在instrumental aberrations(仪表误差)、instrumental action(工具性行动)、instrumental adverb(工具副词[状语])等常见短语中出现较多。

instrumental aberrations仪表误差
instrumental action工具性行动
instrumental adverb工具副词[状语]
instrumental aggression工具性攻击
instrumental alignment仪器准直校对
instrumental amusia[医] 奏乐器不能
instrumental azimuth仪器方位角
instrumental background仪器本底
instrumental bias仪器偏差


1. Paul Mauriat's musical style is often referred to as "easy pop" or "instrumental pop" . (翻译:保罗。默里亚特的音乐风格常指的是“轻松流行乐”或叫“器乐流行乐”。)

2. Henry was instrumental in bringing down Annie Walker, a rogue operative. (翻译:亨利能助我们逮捕安妮·沃克 一个叛变了的特工)

3. Studies on the Problem About the Instrumental Constant in Vapour Pressure Osmometry (翻译:气相渗透法测定数均分子量的仪器常数问题研究)

4. I'm pleased to announce the winner... of this year's instrumental and vocal competition. (翻译:我很荣幸为您揭晓今年的 乐器及声乐大赛的胜利者)

5. We used several instrumental variables to control for the endogeneity of market entry decisions. (翻译:我们使用了多个工具变量来衡量市场进入决策问题。)

6. A footstone of thinking for the construction of harmonious society, it plays a rational, instrumental and instructive role. (翻译:它是构建和谐社会的思维基石之一,起着理性作用、工具作用和制导作用。)

7. Director, Smith and his men were instrumental in recovering the plates. (翻译:长官 史密斯他们为这次行动立下汗马功劳 Director, Smith and his men were instrumental in recovering the plates.)

8. In providing specific plot content for instrumental music, Vivaldi was generations ahead of his time. (翻译:为器乐提供对应的情节内容, 在这方面,维瓦尔第领先了几个时代。)

9. Detective Blades was instrumental in uncovering a damaging leak that was in our office. (翻译:侦探的刀锋帮助了脱帽致敬一个损坏漏洞。)

10. Uh, Mr. Childs is instrumental in the matters directly under consideration here, Your Honor. (翻译:Childs先生是本案中的重要利害关系人 法官大人)

11. The isoseismal maps are valuable complements to the instrumental records. (翻译:线 图是仪器记录有价值的补充资料。)

12. Oh, yeah, it's an instrumental TV theme song cover band. (翻译:哦,是的,它是一个工具 电视剧主题曲翻唱乐队。)

13. In contrast to previous studies, we use instrumental variables to correct for selection effects in CMI. (翻译:相反,以往的研究中,我们使用工具变量,以正确的选择影响海事委员会。)

14. But we get these instrumental- and near-instrumental-quality records of temperature change that go back hundreds of years, and we put them together. (翻译:我们取得这些仪器般精准或接近仪器般精准的、 回溯了上百年的温度变化记录, 并把它们汇总起来。)

15. Years of instrumental practice, knowledge of repertoire and study of theory are necessary to approach this sort of genius. (翻译:没有数年的器乐方面的训练,有关经典作品和相关理论的知识,是难于把握他的那种高度的。)



1. 词性:'instrumental'是一个形容词,用于描述某个事物或者人在某个事件或者过程中所起的作用或者作为手段进行的操作。

例句:She played an instrumental role in the success of the project. (她在项目成功中发挥了关键作用。)

2. 音乐:'instrumental'也可以用作名词,表示纯乐器演奏曲。

例句:I prefer listening to instrumental music when I study. (我在学习时更偏爱听纯音乐。)

3. 法律:'instrumental'还可以指代某个法律文件或者条例的要件。

例句:The consent of the parties involved is instrumental to the validity of the contract. (当事人的同意对于合同的有效性至关重要。)

4. 教育:'instrumental'可以表示某个教育课程的重点在于培养学生的技能和能力。

例句:The school's instrumental music program focuses on developing students' musical talents. (学校的纯音乐课程注重培养学生的音乐才华。)

5. 社会:'instrumental'也可以用于描述某个社会问题或者事件中某个人或者组织的作用。

例句:NGOs play an instrumental role in promoting human rights and social justice. (非组织在推动和社会公正方面发挥了关键作用。)


1. The team manager played an instrumental role in negotiating the new contract. (这位团队经理在谈判新合同方面发挥了重要作用。)

2. I love listening to instrumental jazz when I want to relax. (我喜欢在放松身心时听纯爵士乐。)

3. The signature of both parties is instrumental to the validity of the agreement. (双方的签字对于协议的有效性至关重要。)

4. The school's instrumental music program has produced many talented musicians over the years. (学校多年来的纯音乐课程培养出了许多有才华的音乐家。)

5. The Red Cross was instrumental in providing aid to the victims of the natural disaster. (红十字会在向自然灾害受害者提供援助方面发挥了关键作用。)

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