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stevie wonder是什么意思 stevie wonder的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-18 09:39:19
  • 264

stevie wonder是什么意思 stevie wonder的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:shǐ dì wéi wàng dá


1. 史蒂维·汪达被誉为现代音乐之神。

Stevie Wonder is hailed as the god of modern music.

2. 我们的音乐会上会演奏史蒂维·汪达的一些经典曲目。

We will play some classic songs by Stevie Wonder in our concert.

stevie wonder通常被翻译为"歌手"的意思,在英美地区还有"史提夫汪达"的意思,单词读音音标为[steviewonder],stevie wonder是一个英语名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到42个与stevie wonder相关的例句。

Stevie wonder的释义


例句:Little devil, no wonder that can not find you everywhere (no wonder that can not find you everywhere)


例句:- Oh, you are a wonder, Denker. (- Oh, you are a wonder, Denker.)


stevie wonder一般作为名词使用,如在Stevie(n. 史蒂夫(男子名))、wonder(想知道)、for a wonder(说来奇怪)等常见短语中出现较多。

Stevien. 史蒂夫(男子名)
for a wonder说来奇怪
in wonder惊奇地,惊愕地,惊叹不已地
no wonder不足为奇的
no wonder that怪道
to a wonder〈古〉…得叫人惊叹
to wonder at为…惊奇
with wonder惊奇地,惊愕地,惊叹不已地


1. I wonder why they call him Vick Vice? (翻译:I wonder why they call him Vick Vice?)

2. You see, Stevie, all of us can't win medals. (翻译:你看, Stevie,不是所有的人都能赢勋章的)

3. You feel the cold hand And wonder if you'll ever see the sun (翻译:You feel the cold hand and wonder if youll ever see the sun)

4. ¶ and just to dig it all and not to wonder ¶ (翻译:# and just to dig it all and not to wonder #)

5. On the wall ♪ ♪very superstitious, ladder's (翻译:♪And I wonder if I ever cross your mind♪)

6. # # No wonder they were all denied # (翻译:∮ 显然他们都不是∮ ♪ No wonder they were all denied ♪)

7. "We called her that because at the time, we were into the music of Stevie Wonder and that was his daughter's name, " says Mrs. Te Kani. (翻译:“我们给她取了这个名字,是因为那时我们恰好对史蒂夫?旺德的音乐很着迷,爱莎正是他女儿的名字,”特?卡尼太太说。)

8. I got Stevie to check if you were still on the wall. (翻译:我派史提去门边偷看你还在不在 你当然已经不在了)

9. Rob, "Top Five Musical Crimes Perpetrated by Stevie Wonder in the '80s and '90s." Go. (翻译:罗拔,问你个问题,史提米・旺德在80和 90年代,在音乐上犯下的五大罪恶是什么?)

10. It's twelve minutes after midnight and this is Stevie Wayne. (翻译:午夜过后整12分钟了 这里是史蒂芙. 韦恩.)

11. I wonder where the kids could get an idea like that, Papi? (翻译:- Yeah! I wonder where the kids could get an idea like that, Papi?)

12. Richie's crazy like a fox, Stevie. (翻译:Richie像狐狸一样疯狂,Stevie。)

13. - I was starting to wonder. (翻译:- Music! - I was starting to wonder.)

14. Stevie, no. Hey, Stevie, no! (翻译:Stevie 不行 嘿 Stevie 别那样!)

15. I heard that if Ferris dies, he's giving his eyes to Stevie Wonder (翻译:据闻若费利死了 他会把眼睛捐给史堤菲温达)

1. Stevie Wonder作为人名的解释

Stevie Wonder是一个著名的音乐家和歌手,出生于美国密歇根州。他的真名是Stevland Hardaway Morris,但是后来改名为Stevie Wonder并以此作为艺名。他是音乐界颇有影响力的歌手之一,曾获得过许多荣誉和奖项。


- Stevie Wonder has been a musical icon for decades.

- I grew up listening to Stevie Wonder's music.

- Stevie Wonder won 25 Grammy Awards during his career.

2. 缩写词SW的解释



- I'm taking a flight to Pnix with Southwest Airlines.

- My company develops software using SW technology.

- The SW quadrant of the city is known for its nightlife.

3. SW的其他解释



- SW clothing is becoming more popular among agers.

- The explosion generated a powerful SW that shattered windows.

- I'm wearing a cozy SW today because it's chilly outside.


Stevie Wonder是一个著名音乐家和歌手,SW可以代表很多不同的词语,需要根据上下文来理解具体意思。以下是总体例句:

- Stevie Wonder's music has influenced generations of musicians.

- The SW region of the country is known for its hot and dry weather.

- I'm trying to install a SW update on my computer.

- If you like SW fashion, you should check out this store.

- The earthquake produced a powerful SW that could be felt for miles.

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