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coined是什么意思 coined的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:14:51
  • 252

coined是什么意思 coined的中文翻译、读音、例句

coined的意思是铸造、制造或创造。读音为 [kɔind]。


1. The term 'smartphone' was coined in the late 1990s.


2. Shakespeare coined many words and phrases still in use today.


3. The new coin was minted to commemorate the anniversary of the country's independence.





例句:Kodak, Coca-cola, Orlon and Dacron are examples of coined words. (柯达,可口可乐,奥纶和涤纶的例子造词。)


例句:Economists coined a word "mancession" at the beginning of this year to describe the worldwide phenomenon of a waxing Yin and waning Yang. (经济学家在今年早些时候提出了“男性萧条”的概念,认为“阴盛阳衰”正在成为全球化现象。)


例句:He actually coined the term Homo sapiens -- it means wise man in Latin. (还创造了“智人”这个名词 — 拉丁文中的意思是“有智慧的人”。)


例句:No sucres will be printed or coined. (翻译:苏克雷货币不会印刷成纸币也不会铸成硬币。)


1. He actually coined the term Homo sapiens -- it means wise man in Latin. (翻译:还创造了“智人”这个名词 — 拉丁文中的意思是“有智慧的人”。)

2. No sucres will be printed or coined. (翻译:苏克雷货币不会印刷成纸币也不会铸成硬币。)

3. Eberlein, the term "human flesh search engine, " a literal translation of the Chinese phrase, was first coined in 2001. (翻译:她说,按照中文字面翻译的“人肉搜索引擎”一词最早出现在2001年。)

4. A nonce word is a word coined usually in imitation of the familiar word for a particular occasion and accepted into general usage . (翻译:临时词语是通常为用于一个特定的场合模仿熟悉的词创造出来一个新词语,这种词语在用法上一般可以接受。)

5. The study was performed by researchers at Australia's University of Melbourne and coined the phrase "workplace Internet leisure browsing," or WILB. (翻译:这项研究是由澳大利亚墨尔本大学进行的,正好迎合了“工作时间网络休闲”的说法。)

6. The term was coined in the 1950s by the British-Hungarian physical chemist and philosopher, Michael Polanyi. (翻译:“隐性知识”这个术语20世纪50年代由英国籍匈牙利裔物理化学家兼哲学家迈克尔·波兰尼首创。)

7. And Jaron coined a catchy name for the result: "virtual reality. " (翻译:杰伦为他的研究成果起了个响亮的名字:虚拟现实。)

8. Wilhelm johannsen coined the term gene . (翻译:约翰森提出了基因这个专门术语。)

9. "Thucydides's Trap" is a term I coined several years ago, to make vivid Thucydides's insight. (翻译:“修昔底德的陷阱”是 我几年前发明的词, 以便生动地阐述 修昔底德的见解。)

10. A climate psychiatrist coined that term, and that's a profession now, by the way, shrinks for climate woes. (翻译:一个气候精神病学家创造了这个术语, 顺便说一下,这已经是一种职业了, 专治气候心理问题的心理医生。)

11. Buckminster Fuller was the kind of green guru -- again, a word that had not been coined. (翻译:巴克明斯特 富勒是那种环保领袖-- 这也是当时还未被创造出来的词汇。)

12. It actually was first coined by Republican Congressman Barber Conable during the Watergate investigation. (翻译:实际上,该词是由共和党人巴伯·孔那波于水门事件调查期间杜撰出来的。)

13. The word "cannibal" dates from the time of Christopher Columbus; in fact, Columbus may even have coined it himself. (翻译:“食人族”一词起源于哥伦布时代, 实际上,这个词可能 是哥伦布创造的。)

14. The word laser was coined as an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. (翻译:激光这个词是由辐射的刺激发散产生的光的扩大的英文首字母缩略词而创造的。)

15. Another information asymmetry example is the "Market for Lemons" , a term coined by the economist George Akerlof. (翻译:另一个信息不对称性的例子是“柠檬市场”,该术语由经济学家乔治•阿克洛夫提出。)

1. 定义:'coined'是指某个词或短语在某个特定时期或由某个特定人物发明或首次使用所得来的。

2. 用途:这个词经常被用于描述某个词或短语的来历,尤其是在讲解特定专业术语或流行文化词汇时。它也可以用于描述某个人物首次提出某个新理论或概念的情况。

3. 意义:'coined'的含义是为一些常用的词汇、专业术语、流行文化词汇等,提供了一个有力的定义工具,可以帮助人们更好地理解和掌握英语语言的复杂性和多样性。

4. 例子:是5个中英文例句:

a. The term "global village" was coined by Marshall McLuhan in the 1960s. (“全球村”这个词是马歇尔·麦克卢汉在20世纪60年代创造的。)

b. The word "google" was coined as a play on the word "googol" to represent the vast amount of information available on the internet. (“谷歌”这个词是以“googol”这个词为基础创造的,来代表互联网上的巨量信息。)

c. The term "selfie" was coined in 2002 by an Australian man named Nathan Hope who took a photo of himself at a party. (“自拍”这个词是由一位叫Nathan Hope的澳大利亚人在2002年创建的,他在一次聚会上拍了一张自己的照片。)

d. The abbreviation "LOL" was coined in the early days of the internet to express laughter. (“LOL”这个缩写词是在早期的互联网时期创造的,用来表达笑声。)

e. The term "hacker" was originally coined to describe a person who was skilled in computer programming and could find creative solutions to problems. (“黑客”这个词最初是用来描述一位精通计算机编程,能够找到创造性解决问题的人的。)

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