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psf是什么意思 psf的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:14:06
  • 325

psf是什么意思 psf的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Point Spread Function(点扩散函数):在光学领域,psf表示成像系统中一个点光源的像在成像平面上的分布情况,它是一个关于像平面坐标的函数。

2. Python Software Foundation:Python软件基金会,是一个非营利组织,旨在促进、维护和发展Python编程语言及其社区。


1. 点扩散函数

2. Python软件基金会

读音:[piː es ef]


1. The psf of the imaging system determines the resolution of the image.


2. I want to contribute to the development of Python, so I joined the PSF.





例句:PSF: What do you think of that record now? (PSF:你现在怎么看那张专辑? )


例句:PSF: When u-Ziq started, Francis Naughton was working with you? (u-ziq开始运行的时候,弗朗西斯·诺顿有和你在一起共事吗?)


例句:In astronomy, the "diameter" of a stellar image as it appears on a CCD frame is often described by the FWHM of the PSF of the source. (在天文上,用CCD拍摄的一颗恒星的“角直径”经常被描述为该点扩展函数的半最大值宽度。)


1. In astronomy, the "diameter" of a stellar image as it appears on a CCD frame is often described by the FWHM of the PSF of the source. (翻译:在天文上,用CCD拍摄的一颗恒星的“角直径”经常被描述为该点扩展函数的半最大值宽度。)

2. Synthesis and characterization of a series of Polysulfone (PSF) -polyesters (PEs) block copolymers were undertaken. (翻译:本文合成了一系列聚砜—聚酯类嵌段共聚物。)

3. Synthesis and characterization of a series of Polysulfone (PSF)-Polyesters (PEs) block copolymers were undertaken. (翻译:本文合成了一系列聚砜— 聚酯类嵌段共聚物。)

4. PSF: What was your plan or idea behind doing this? (翻译:PSF:你做这些有什么打算或是主意呢? )

5. BACKGROUND: Acute suppurative thyroiditis (AST) is very rare. Pyriform sinus fistula (PSF) is implied as a cause of AST. (翻译:背景:急性化脓性甲状腺炎相当罕见,一般认为与梨状窝瘘管有关。)

6. PSF: Would you do another project like that? (翻译:你想再像那样的项目吗? )

7. Second, to match the decay nature of turbulence PSFs, an anisotropic and nonlinear regularization function is suggested to adequately regulate the PSF values in the process of rebuilding PSF. (翻译:再针对湍流点扩展函数的衰减性质,建立了一个具有非线性和空间各向异性的正则化函数,使其在重建点扩展函数时能适当地进行空间梯度平滑。)



1. 意义和定义:首先,作为英语老师,我要提到的是“PSF”这个缩写词的意义和定义。PSF是Point Spread Function(点扩散函数)的缩写,通常指的是一个光学系统的表现能力,即在点光源作用下,光学系统成像后,点扩散后的形状。

2. 应用范围:PSF广泛应用于光学系统的设计、计算和分析中,特别是在高清晰度成像、光学测量、遥感等领域的应用比较多。

3. 光学成像:在光学成像中,正是利用了PSF的概念,例如在望远镜、显微镜、摄影机和相机等光学设备中,我们需要根据所需成像的精度和清晰度,来设计和优化光学系统的PSF,从而得到更清晰、更精准的成像效果。

4. 数学计算:在进行光学设计的过程中,需要进行PSF的数学计算,通常使用相关软件来计算。例如,ZEMAX、Code V、OpticStudio等光学设计软件中,都自带了计算PSF的模块。

5. 图像处理:在图像处理领域中,PSF也有着重要的应用。例如,在去模糊处理中,需要了解图像的PSF,从而根据PSF反推出原始图像。


1. The PSF of the optical system determines the final image quality.(光学系统的PSF决定了最终的图像质量。)

2. In astronomy, the PSF of the telescope limits the resolution of the images.(在天文学中,望远镜的PSF限制了图像的分辨率。)

3. The calculation of PSF is an important step in the design of the optical system.(PSF计算是光学系统设计中的重骤。)

4. A well-designed PSF can greatly improve the accuracy and clarity of images.(一个设计良好的PSF,可以大大提高图像的精度和清晰度。)

5. In image processing, the PSF is used to model the blurring effect caused by the imaging system.(在图像处理中,PSF被用来模拟成像系统产生的模糊效果。)

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