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seate是什么意思 seate的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:12:41
  • 286

seate是什么意思 seate的中文翻译、读音、例句





例句:Sure you have the right seat? (你坐对位置了吗 Sure you have the right seat?)


例句:Please find a seat and put your seat belts on. (请坐好并系好安全带 Please find a seat and put your seat belts on.)


例句:Well, come here, have a seat. (额 过来 坐这 Well, come here, have a seat.)


例句:Apurese, apurese, vamos, vamos! (翻译:IA p火灾E,AP触发E, VAMOS,VAMOS!)


1. Well, come here, have a seat. (翻译:额 过来 坐这 Well, come here, have a seat.)

2. Apurese, apurese, vamos, vamos! (翻译:IA p火灾E,AP触发E, VAMOS,VAMOS!)

3. Get in your seat, fasten your seat belt. (翻译:fasten your seat belt.)

4. Oh adjusting the seat, really? (翻译:哦调座位啊 你逗我? Oh adjusting the seat, really?)

5. Billy, please have a seat. (翻译:Billy, please have a seat.)

6. All right. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, E L, E, P, T, L, P, E, F, E, T, Z, E, T... (翻译:好 , E F L E P T P L E P F L E L E P T L P E F E T Z E T)

7. ♪ upon the seat of a bicycle made for two ♪ (翻译:# 看起来会很甜美 # # Upon the seat of a bicycle made for two #)

8. When the towers came down, I was here in this very restaurant, this very seat. (翻译:这间餐厅里 这张椅子上 in this very restaurant, this very seat.)

9. It seems we have a seat to fill. (翻译:看来现在缺个人了 It seems we have a seat to fill.)

10. Can everybody keep a Secret? (翻译:可以通过e V erybody保持发E CRET?)

11. And use the briefcase as a booster seat. (翻译:再用这个箱子当个椅子 and use the briefcase as a booster seat.)

12. Uh, could you have a seat, please? (翻译:Morning. Uh, could you have a seat, please?)

13. Have a seat there for yourself, Collette. (翻译:随便坐吧,克里特 Have a seat there for yourself, Collette.)

14. The seatbelt sign is still on. (翻译:The seat belt sign is on.)

15. - Fasten your seatbelt, man. (翻译:- Fast your seat belt in.)



1. 词义:seate 是一个虚拟的英语单词,它并没有实际的词义,可能是输入错误造成的拼写错误。

2. 词性:未知。

3. 常用场景:由于这个词是一个拼写错误,因此它不应该被使用在任何场合。

4. 词组搭配:由于这个词是错误的拼写,因此它没有与其他单词搭配的固定词组。

5. 相关短语:与这个错误的拼写相关的短语或者词组也不应该被使用。

6. 发音拼写:seate 的拼写错误可能是由于打字时的手误所导致的。正确的拼写是"seat"。

综上所述,seate 是一个错误的拼写,不应该被用在任何正式的场合中。正确的拼写是 "seat"。

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