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preload是什么意思 preload的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-23 09:27:32
  • 296

preload是什么意思 preload的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The app uses a technique called "preload" to make it run faster. (这个应用程序使用一种称为“预加载”的技术使其运行更快。)

2. The browser will preload the images on the webpage to improve the user's experience. (浏览器将预加载网页上的图像以提高用户体验。)




例句:Comprehensive Analysis on Effect of Vacuum Preload Consolidation for Overdepth Soft Soil Foundation of Jiao jiangSewage Treatment Project (椒江水处理工程超深软基真空预压加固效果综合分析)


例句:Because application and operating conditions differ widely it is often not possible to give general guidelines for the requisite preload. (由于应用场合和工作条件差异很大。)


例句:If you do not require such dynamic loading, you can preload your application with entities that you wish to be read from memory. (如果您不需要动态装载,那么可以将应用程序与想要从内存中读取的实体一起装载。)


例句:Preload may look like the opposite of post-load, but it actually has a different goal. (翻译:预载荷可能看起来像post-load的相反,但它实际上有一个不同的目标。)


preload一般作为名词、动词使用,如在preload of leg([网络] 桩腿预压负荷)、preload reserve(前负荷储量)、preload stress(预应力)等常见短语中出现较多。

preload of leg[网络] 桩腿预压负荷
preload reserve前负荷储量
preload stress预应力
preload tank预应力混凝土水池


1. If you do not require such dynamic loading, you can preload your application with entities that you wish to be read from memory. (翻译:如果您不需要动态装载,那么可以将应用程序与想要从内存中读取的实体一起装载。)

2. Preload may look like the opposite of post-load, but it actually has a different goal. (翻译:预载荷可能看起来像post-load的相反,但它实际上有一个不同的目标。)

3. preload/ - Root directory for all the preload notice fragment subdirectories. (翻译:preload/ - 所有预加载的通知片段子目录的根目录。)

4. But the need of the adjustable bearing preload is required due to the multiform load cases in the bearing service life. (翻译:但空间复杂工况对轴承实际应用的选择提出了可调预载的要求。)

5. Measuring and inspection procedures provide that the established nominal preload force is obtained with the least possible deviation. (翻译:测量和检查步骤确保所得到的公称预加载荷力的偏差值尽可能小。)

6. Calcium channel blockers reduce afterload with little effect on preload. (翻译:钙通道阻滞剂降低后负荷,而对前负荷几乎没有作用。)





词组搭配:preload data(预加载数据);preload images(预加载图像);preload video(预加载视频);preload audio(预加载音频)。




1. Before the game starts, the system will preload all the necessary game assets. (在游戏开始之前,系统会预加载所有必要的游戏资源。)

2. The website uses a technique called 'preload' to speed up the loading time. (该网站使用一种称为“预加载”的技术来加快加载时间。)

3. You can use the HTML 'preload' attribute to load a font before it is used. (您可以使用HTML的“预加载”属性在使用字体之前加载它。)

4. The app is designed to preload commonly used features to provide a seamless experience. (该应用程序旨在预加载常用功能,以提供无缝的体验。)

5. The browser automatically preloads the next page when you're reading an article. (当您阅读文章时,浏览器会自动预加载下一页。)

6. The game developer recommends players to 'preload' the game before playing for the first time. (游戏开发者建议玩家在第一次玩之前“预加载”游戏。)

7. Many websites use lazy loading to only load images when they're needed, instead of preloading them all at once. (许多网站使用延迟加载,只在需要时加载图像,而不是一次性预加载所有图像。)

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