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tidy是什么意思 tidy的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:14:23
  • 292

tidy是什么意思 tidy的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. She always keeps her house tidy and clean. (她总是保持家里整洁干净。)

2. Can you tidy up your room before you go out? (你能在出门前把房间整理一下吗?)

3. The teacher asked the students to tidy their desks after class. (老师让学生们下课后整理桌子。)

4. He spent the whole morning tidying the garden. (他花了整个上午整理花园。)

5. I need to tidy my office before the meeting tomorrow. (我需要在明天的会议前把办公室整理一下。)




例句:Instead of the rational, tidy Christianity of the West, this is a faith which glories in mystery. (与西部教的理性、严谨不同, 这是一个推崇神秘的信仰。)


例句:We have a guest. Go tidy up the place ({\fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000}有人客来,你们去整理一下地方)


例句:Tidy up the connected and well wrapped wires, try to restitute it and make it well viewed. (将连接并包扎好的线路进行整理,尽量使其恢复原状,作到美观。)


例句:I want to go back with Mary to tidy up her room. (翻译:我打算待会一起回去 帮Mary婆婆收拾!)


tidy一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在neat and tidy(adj. 整整齐齐\n[网络] 干净利落;一干二净;干干净净)、sink tidy((水排水口处的)网挡,滤网罩)、tidy ... away(un. 把(某物)收藏起来:\n[网络] 收拾起来;收拾好;是东西用完整齐地放回原位)等常见短语中出现较多。

neat and tidyadj. 整整齐齐\n[网络] 干净利落;一干二净;干干净净
sink tidy(水排水口处的)网挡,滤网罩
tidy ... awayun. 把(某物)收藏起来:\n[网络] 收拾起来;收拾好;是东西用完整齐地放回原位
Tidy and Neat[网络] 整洁;整齐
tidy away收拾起来
tidy out收拾整齐
tidy sum[网络] 一大笔奖金
tidy sums大笔
tidy tips[网络] 洁顶菊


1. Tidy up the connected and well wrapped wires, try to restitute it and make it well viewed. (翻译:将连接并包扎好的线路进行整理,尽量使其恢复原状,作到美观。)

2. I want to go back with Mary to tidy up her room. (翻译:我打算待会一起回去 帮Mary婆婆收拾!)

3. She keeps her flat very tidy. (翻译:她把她的单元房间保持得很整洁。)

4. please keep it tidy for me, will ya? (翻译:PIease保持它的整洁对我来说,将可以获得吧?)

5. She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms. (翻译:她趁孩子们不在时收拾了他们的房间。)

6. It'll give our mum some tidy frocks, won't it, Dad? (翻译:这可以给妈妈做件相当好的连衣裙了 对吗 爸)

7. I joined the Navy because I liked the way they kept their ships neat and tidy. (翻译:我参加海军因为我喜欢他们将船保持得干净整洁)

8. I would think you'd haul in a tidy penny here, winking' at the bootleggers. (翻译:我想你也捞了一大笔钱,所以装作没看见贩)

9. It must have cost a tidy sum. (翻译:这准花了相当大的一笔钱。)

10. They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen. (翻译:他们坐在她那干净整齐的厨房里。)

11. - Go and tidy up and I'll tell them to come in and wait here. (翻译:-等等... -起来收拾干净,我会告诉他们... ...进来在这里等)

12. - They've always dressed nicely and tidy. (翻译:- What do you mean by that?)

13. I appear before you to make you tidy up your memory. (翻译:我之所以在你面前出现 是为了清空你的记忆)

14. So now I've been able to tidy up pictures that I've wanted to tidy up for a long time. (翻译:目前为止﹐我已经整理了很多我想要处理的图画)

15. "We are so busy trying to tidy up all this wreckage, " he said. (翻译:堀河说:“我们现在忙于清理这些破损残骸。”)







- tidy up 整理,收拾

- tidy sum 一笔可观的数目

- keep tidy 保持整洁

- tidy person 整洁的人

- tidy profit 可观的利润


- tidy desk 整洁的桌子

- tidy room 整洁的房间

- tidy appearance 整洁的外表


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