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extended family是什么意思 extended family的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-23 06:13:42
  • 258

extended family是什么意思 extended family的中文翻译、读音、例句

extended family的意思是“大家族”,指的是超越核心家庭的亲属关系,包括祖父母、叔伯姑舅、表亲、堂亲等。


读音:/ɪkˈstendɪd ˈfæməli/


1. In many cultures, the extended family lives together and takes care of each other.


2. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all make up my extended family.


extended family在中文中有"大家庭、扩大的家庭"的意思,还经常被翻译为如数代同堂的家庭,单词读音音标为[iksˈtendid ˈfæmili],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到27个与extended family相关的句子。

Extended family的翻译


例句:He... said it was family only. (said it was family only.)


例句:My grandmother's brother Uncle Buddy and his wife, Ollie, were the primary members of my extended family. (我外婆的哥哥巴迪和他的妻子奥莉是我们这个大家庭的主要成员。)


例句:- Are you from around here? - No, but I have family here. (but I have family here.)


extended family一般作为名词使用,如在electronic extended family(电子大家庭)、extended(a. 延续的, 伸出的, 竭尽全力的, 广大的, 扩大范围的\n[法] 展期的, 延期的, 延长的)、extended to([网络] 延长到期日;延展至;督导主任)等常见短语中出现较多。

electronic extended family电子大家庭
extendeda. 延续的, 伸出的, 竭尽全力的, 广大的, 扩大范围的\n[法] 展期的, 延期的, 延长的
extended to[网络] 延长到期日;延展至;督导主任
extended addressing[计] 扩展寻址
extended aeration[化] 延时曝气
extended algol延伸 ALGOL 语言
extended allometry扩大异速生长
extended alphabet[计] 扩充字母表, 转义字母表
extended antenna加长天线


1. - Are you from around here? - No, but I have family here. (翻译:but I have family here.)

2. We are the most inventive and innovative of all primates, just one branch of a large and extended family, (翻译:我们是最有创造力 和创意的灵长类 我们只是一个 开枝散叶大家族的一个分支)

3. Phlox... as far as your extended family goes (翻译:Phlox... 鉴于你的家庭扩展到如此规模)

4. But, Russell needs a family. (翻译:Russell needs a family.)

5. All three cases belong to one extended family in Gharbiyah province, 80 kilometres northwest of the capital city, Cairo. (翻译:所有三例均属于距首都开罗西北80公里的西部省一个大家庭。)

6. You have a beautiful family. (翻译:You have a beautiful family.)

7. Societies retain their tribal structures based on extended family kinships and clientage. (翻译:社会保持了基于家族血族关系和委托关系的宗族结构。)

8. Apparently, it runs in the family. (翻译:it runs in the family.)

9. Societies retain their tribal structures based on extended family kinships and clientage. (翻译:社会保持了基于家族血族关系和委托关系的宗族结构。)

10. One day, we could become a family. (翻译:we could become a family.)

11. And in doing so, they discovered an extraordinary affinity ... with our extended family. (翻译:过程中他们发现 人类和近亲动物之间 有特殊的相似之处)

12. He wants us to be a family. (翻译:He wants us to be a family.)

13. Hello. Welcome to the family. (翻译:Welcome to the family.)

14. Whether it be in the form of a cosmetics saleswoman, religious Zealots or extended family. (翻译:要么就是个化妆品推销员 或是狂热者 或者一大家子人)

15. - I wanted my brother, alive. (翻译:- You wanted a family.)


extended family作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、extended、families等。

1. 定义和解释:

Extended family是指由多代人组成的家庭群体,一般包括父母、祖父母、姑姑、叔叔、表兄弟姐妹、堂兄弟姐妹等亲戚。Extended family相对于核心家庭(nuclear family)而言,更加扩展,包含更多的亲戚关系。

2. 优点:


3. 缺点:



1. He grew up in an extended family with his grandparents, uncles, and aunts all under one roof. 他在一个大家庭里长大,祖父母、叔叔、姑姑都住在同一屋檐下。

2. She is very close with her cousins because they all grew up in the same extended family. 她和表亲关系非常亲密,因为他们一起在大家庭里长大。

3. After the death of his parents, his extended family stepped in to care for him. 在他父母去世后,他的大家庭接管了他的抚养和照顾。

4. The extended family all contributed money to send the young couple on their honeymoon. 大家庭所有成员都出钱为新婚的年轻夫妇送去他们的蜜月旅行。

5. Despite some disagreements, the extended family always comes together for holiday gatherings. 尽管存在一些分歧,大家庭在节假日聚会时总是能够团聚在一起。

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