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waterway是什么意思 waterway的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:17:30
  • 176

waterway是什么意思 waterway的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The ship sailed down the waterway and into the open sea.


2. The waterway is an important transportation route for goods.


3. The government is planning to dredge the waterway to improve navigation.





例句:The Persians entered the city secretively , during a time of drought, through a dried-up waterway. (在一干旱季节,波斯人利用一干涸的水道偷偷地进入城内。)


例句:At twenty-three, I finally escaped and found myself sailing for a year and a half down the inter-coastal waterway to the Bahamas. (23岁那年,我终于逃跑了,然后沿着两岸间水道航行了一年半,向南去往巴哈马群岛。)


例句:To achieve such ag oal, Shanghai will continue her large-scale port and waterway construction. (围绕着这一目标,上海将继续大规模地进行港航建设。)


例句:The president said the waterway would boost trading opportunities for Malawi as well as its neighbours, Zambia and Zimbabwe. (翻译:总统表示,这条水路将刺激马拉维及其邻国,赞比亚和津巴布韦的贸易机会。)


waterway一般作为名词使用,如在economic waterway([水运 航] 经济航道)、existing waterway(现有河道)、grass waterway(草皮泄水道)等常见短语中出现较多。

economic waterway[水运 航] 经济航道
existing waterway现有河道
grass waterway草皮泄水道
grassed waterway草地泄水道;草皮泄水道
gusset waterway舷侧水道
gutter waterway甲板舷侧流水沟
inland waterway内河航道
inner waterway舷侧排水道内侧材
internal waterway国内航道


1. To achieve such ag oal, Shanghai will continue her large-scale port and waterway construction. (翻译:围绕着这一目标,上海将继续大规模地进行港航建设。)

2. The president said the waterway would boost trading opportunities for Malawi as well as its neighbours, Zambia and Zimbabwe. (翻译:总统表示,这条水路将刺激马拉维及其邻国,赞比亚和津巴布韦的贸易机会。)

3. It also has a contract with Washington state to collect the algae called ulva, or sea lettuce, in parts of Seattle's Puget Sound waterway. (翻译:该公司也与华盛顿州签有合同,在西雅图PugetSound的部分水域收集一种叫做石莼或者海莴的海藻。)

4. There are difficulties when ARPA applied to narrow waterway. (翻译:ARPA用于狭窄水道时会遇到许多困难。)

5. For the past two days, search crews have dredged the waterway. (翻译:在过去的两天里 搜寻队已经在河道中进行了打捞 For the past two days, search crews have dredged the waterway.)

6. He opened a Kuwaiti oil spigot and polluted the waterway. (翻译:他打开一个科威特油栓,以至于染了航道。)

7. The design, construction and operation of the dock basin for winter- berthing of vessels of Heihe Waterway are briefly summarized. (翻译:简要总结黑河航道船舶卧冬坞池的设计、建设和使用情况。)

8. But number two: I also found the dirtiest waterway in New York City, by this measure, one measure. (翻译:第二:经过一次测量我就发现了 纽约最脏的水沟。)

9. Application of GPY-N Type Subbottom Profiler in Waterway Engineering (翻译:GPY-N型浅地层剖面仪在航道工程中的应用)

10. Based on the hydrologic and sediment feature of Jia Musi to Tong Jiang waterway of Song Hua River, the particular regulation and plan was draw up. (翻译:从针对松花江下游佳木斯至同江河段的河流特点及水文泥沙特征,制定了详细的整治原则和方案。)

11. Shipment was impossible at the moment since the only waterway was blocked. (翻译:当时不可能用船运输,因为唯一的一条水路被封锁了。)

12. The Company is close to publicity Highway, near the Yangtze River waterway. The traffic is convenient. (翻译:公司紧靠张扬公路,紧邻长江水道,交通十分便捷。)

13. The sea reach of the Thames stretched before us like the beginning of an interminable waterway. (翻译:泰晤士河的入海口在我的眼前伸展,仿佛是一条横无际涯的水路的开端。)

14. Zahir bin Hamad is eight kilometres inside a mountain, cleaning a waterway dug by his ancestors over 2,000 years ago. (翻译:查希尔本哈马德正在山里八千米的深处 清理由他的祖先于 2,000多年前挖掘的河道)

15. Based on the waterway regulation measures such as dredging, reef explosion and so on, the target of constructing Baini waterway is achieved. (翻译:白坭水道航道整治工程拟通过疏浚、炸礁等航道整治工程措施来达到航道建设目的。)





词组搭配:常见的waterway相关短语包括navigable waterway(可航行的水道)、inland waterway(内陆水道)、coastal waterway(沿海水道)等。


例句:The Erie C is an important waterway in the northeastern United States.(伊利运河是美国东北部重要的水路。)

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