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paddled是什么意思 paddled的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-06 17:25:37
  • 302

paddled是什么意思 paddled的中文翻译、读音、例句

paddled的意思是用桨划行,在水中划船。其中文翻译可以是“划桨”,“划船”。读音为 ['pædld]。


1. He paddled his canoe down the river.


2. We spent the afternoon paddling around the lake.


3. The fishermen paddled their boat out to sea.





例句:At Peoria Lake they struck open water, and paddled thence to the Mississippi and turned their prows southward. (在开阔的佩奥里亚湖面上他们的船头全都转向南方,他们奋力地划桨,划向密西西比州。)


例句:We paddled the canoe along the coast. (我们划着独木舟沿海岸而行。)


例句:We traveled one of these in dugout canoes, canoes paddled with machete-hewn oars, or poled in the shallows with bamboo. (我们荡舟其上,划着用大砍刀砍削而成的木桨,在浅水处则以竹当篙。)


例句:Noah paddled the canoe back to the main creek. She was still amazed by what she had seen. (翻译:诺亚划着独木舟回向主流的小溪。她为所看到的景象仍在吃惊。)


paddled一般作为动词使用,如在dog paddled(狗爬式游泳)、paddled conveyor chain(刮板输送链)等常见短语中出现较多。

dog paddled狗爬式游泳
paddled conveyor chain刮板输送链


1. We traveled one of these in dugout canoes, canoes paddled with machete-hewn oars, or poled in the shallows with bamboo. (翻译:我们荡舟其上,划着用大砍刀砍削而成的木桨,在浅水处则以竹当篙。)

2. Noah paddled the canoe back to the main creek. She was still amazed by what she had seen. (翻译:诺亚划着独木舟回向主流的小溪。她为所看到的景象仍在吃惊。)

3. We paddled downstream for about a mile. (翻译:我们划船顺流而下约一英里。)

4. ' He continues: 'Turning southward, they paddled down the stream, through a solitude unrelieved by the faintest trace of man. (翻译:他继续说:“向南一拐,他们沿河划桨,穿过一片没有一点人迹的、冷僻、单调的野地。”)

5. At Peoria Lake they struck open water, and paddled thence to the Mississippi and turned their prows southward. (翻译:在开阔的佩奥里亚湖面上他们的船头全都转向南方,他们奋力地划桨,划向密西西比州。)

6. However there are many other things to do as well such as water skiing or cruising around the lake on a motorized or paddled boat. (翻译:不过在这里也有很多其他事可干,例如滑水,乘汽艇或者手摇船游湖。)

7. When Confucius played Qin, a fisherman paddled his boat to the bank and stepped down to sit on a stone. (翻译:孔琴的时候,有一位渔夫自河中将船划靠岸,走下船来,坐在一块石头上。)

8. As they paddled past mangroves at dusk on 1 November, they spotted a badly decomposed body wrapped in a rug and raced to tell their parents. (翻译:这两个孩子十一月一日黄昏划船经过红树林时发现一具裹在地毯里严重腐烂的尸体,就马上跑回家告述其父母。)

9. The Arawak Indians paddled out in dugout logs, which they called canoes, and offered gifts to the strangers. (翻译:阿拉瓦克印地安人划着独木舟,即挖空的树干,出来迎接,向这群陌生人献上礼物。)

10. He borrowed a friend's surfboard and paddled out into the ocean at sunset. (翻译:他借了一个朋友的冲浪板,在日落的时候划入了大海。)

11. Bewitched, we paddled down the Mekong and through sunken forests before being picked up a few miles down river. (翻译:我们看得入了迷,然后沿着湄公河继续划船,经过水上树林,到下游几英里的地方被人接上了岸。)

12. It seemed also very attractive, but the correspondent knew that it was a long journey, and he paddled leisurely. (翻译:海岸似乎也很吸引人,不过记者知道还有很长的一段距离,所以他慢悠悠地划著。)

13. Plenty of time being allowed here for Kennelly to get back in position, and she's paddled right inside of Chadwick, and she's looking to catch her next wave. (翻译:有足够的时间让kennelly回到她的位置. 她就在chadwick的旁边滑行, 她好像又要上了)

14. When record-breaking storms flooded the village this past summer, the children happily paddled around on boards as if they were canoes. (翻译:去年夏天空前的暴雨淹没村寨时,孩子们把木板当做独木舟来嬉戏。)





1. 动词:Paddle是一种划桨的动作,有时也可以指手动搅拌或轻敲。在某些情况下,'paddled'可能会指通过划水或潜水移动船只或橡皮艇。


- He paddled his canoe all the way down the river. (他划着独木舟一路顺流而下。)

- She paddled the mixture gently with a s. (她轻轻地用勺子搅拌混合物。)

2. 名词:Paddle也可用作名词,指手柄或桨叶。


- The canoe paddles were stored in the shed. (独木舟的桨叶存放在小屋里。)

- The paddle on the mixer broke during use. (搅拌器上的手柄在使用过程中断裂了。)

3. 简写词:'Paddled'也可能是一个简写词,通常用于描述在学校或军事惩罚中被用桨子打。这种行为在现代社会已经被认为是暴力行为。


- The school prinl was criticized for allowing a student to be paddled. (学校校长因允许向一名学生施以桨打惩罚而受到批评。)

- Corporal punishment, such as paddling, is no longer acceptable in most schools. (大多数学校不再接受鞭打等行为。)

4. 代词:'Paddled'这个词还可以是过去式的第三人称。当一个人用桨子划船时,他/她可能会使用这个词来描述自己和别人的动作。


- He paddled hard to catch up with the other boat. (他用力划桨,追上了另一艘船。)

- They paddled across the lake as the sun set. (当太阳落山时,他们划桨穿过湖面。)

5. 形容词:Paddled也可以作形容词,表示有许多小的圆形凸起物。


- The suce of the leather was heavily padded. (皮革表面被厚厚的凸起加工了。)

- The seat was covered in a padded fabric for extra comfort. (座位上覆盖有一层加厚的织物,更舒适。)


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