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emerald是什么意思 emerald的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-09 10:22:34
  • 200

emerald是什么意思 emerald的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The emerald ring on her finger sparkles in the sunlight.(她手指上那枚翡翠戒指在阳光下闪闪发光。)

2. The forest was so lush and green, it felt like walking through an emerald paradise.(这片森林如此茂密翠绿,仿佛走在一个翡翠天堂中。)

3. He gave her an emerald necklace as a birthday present.(他送给她一条翡翠项链作为生日礼物。)




例句:From Ramel, if you must kn, in exchange for the emerald necklace. (从拉梅尔那里,如果你真想知道... 用绿宝石项链换来的!)


例句:I know you're obsessed with finding the Emerald Tablet, but we need our equipment. (我知道你急于找到第四块翡翠板 但是我们需要设备)


例句:The emerald isle reaches out with an ancestral celebration. (这座翠绿的小岛,向世人展示一场古老的庆典。)


例句:Rich velvets, in colors such as fuchsia and emerald green, are washed or reworked to create a patterned sheen effect. (翻译:丰富的紫红色和翡翠绿的天鹅绒,被洗涤或返工,以产生图案光泽效果。)


emerald一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在Emerald Basin([地名] 埃默拉尔德海盆 ( 太平洋 ))、Emerald Bay([地名] 拉默拉尔德贝 ( 美 ))、Emerald City([网络] 绿宝石之城;翡翠城;翡翠城市)等常见短语中出现较多。

Emerald Basin[地名] 埃默拉尔德海盆 ( 太平洋 )
Emerald Bay[地名] 拉默拉尔德贝 ( 美 )
Emerald City[网络] 绿宝石之城;翡翠城;翡翠城市
emerald creeper[网络] 翡翠爬行者
emerald creepers[网络] 翡翠爬行者\n(emerald creeper 的复数)
emerald cut祖母绿琢磨花样
emerald green[化] 翡翠绿; 巴黎绿
emerald isles绿宝石岛(爱尔兰岛的别名)
emerald malachite翠孔雀石


1. The emerald isle reaches out with an ancestral celebration. (翻译:这座翠绿的小岛,向世人展示一场古老的庆典。)

2. Rich velvets, in colors such as fuchsia and emerald green, are washed or reworked to create a patterned sheen effect. (翻译:丰富的紫红色和翡翠绿的天鹅绒,被洗涤或返工,以产生图案光泽效果。)

3. Thanks to Jade, Jared decided not to kill himself and he's leaving the Towers to Jade instead of Emerald. (翻译:还好碧玉及时出现 杰拉德才放弃了的念头 他要把高塔公司交给碧玉 而不是翡翠)

4. We've come to ask you to release the Scarecrow and restore the Emerald City. (翻译:我们来请求你释放稻草人并把翡翠还回翡翠城.)

5. It was there that I believed I would find the resting place of the remaining portion of the Emerald Tablet. (翻译:我相信这里就是 最后那块翡翠板的沉睡之地)

6. Hundreds of emerald dealers in four-wheel drives grind up the mountain each morning. (翻译:每天早晨,数百名绿宝石经销商驾驶着四驱车爬到山顶。)

7. You're missing the big picture. Sinclair has the third Emerald Tablet. (翻译:你们没有看到大局 Sinclair连第三块都拿到了)

8. And when I find it, if I could only reunite, all four pieces of the original Emerald Tablet? (翻译:当我找到了那块板 并将全部四块 重新聚合的时候)

9. Then we can go on to the Emerald City and see my friend the Scarecrow. (翻译:然后我们可以去翡翠城 去见我的朋友稻草人.)

10. From the branch of an olive tree, there hung a tiny chrysalis the color of emerald. (翻译:橄榄树的树枝上 吊着小小的蝶蛹 是翠绿色的)

11. On the dig, surrounded by emerald green rice paddies, I discovered an intact pot. (翻译:在挖掘过程中,我们被 绿油油的稻田环绕着, 我发现了一个完好的锅。)

12. Tthe eyes of the mother cat are as green as an emerald. (翻译:猫仔妈妈的目睭綠甲亲像宝石。)

13. Emerald sea, sardius ground, jasper sky to bleach. (翻译:翡翠之海,玛瑙的大地,漂白那碧玉色的天空。)

14. In the daytime, it looks like an emerald bordering the sea, while at night it appears to be a rocking cradle in the sea. (翻译:白天,青岛宛如镶嵌在黄海边的绿宝石,夜里则像一只在大海中摆动的摇篮。)

15. Montana plans to kill Jared so the Towers will belong to Emerald and him. (翻译:蒙塔那打算杀了杰拉德 让高塔公司落入他跟翡翠手中)



1. 词汇意义:emerald是指一种绿宝石,也可指其他翠绿色的宝石、颜色或事物。


- She wore a necklace made of emeralds.


- The emerald green leaves of the trees shimmered in the sunlight.


- The emerald city in 'The Wizard of Oz' is a magical place.


- He looked through the emerald green water at the fish swimming below.


2. 形容词用法:用于形容颜色或物品的翠绿色。


- She painted her bedroom walls emerald green.


- The emerald vase on the table was a gift from her grandmother.


- His eyes sparkled like emerald gems.


- The emerald dress she wore made her stand out at the party.


3. 缩写词:EMERALD还可指一种学术研究领域,即经济、数学、计算机科学、心理学和社会科学的集成研究方法。


- The EMERALD approach combines multiple perspectives to solve complex social problems.


- EMERALD research has shown that early education is key to improving literacy rates.


- The EMERALD project aims to develop sustainable agriculture practices for small farmers.


4. 洛神赋:根据中国古代文学作品《洛神赋》,emerald也可指芙蓉花,该诗中描述了洛水边的美丽景色和芙蓉花的风姿。


- The emerald flowers bloomed along the banks of the winding river.


- The scent of the emerald petals filled the air and delighted all who passed by.



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