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sadd是什么意思 sadd的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:32:47
  • 179

sadd是什么意思 sadd的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. He strapped the sadd onto the horse's back. (他将马鞍绑在马背上。)

2. I felt a bit sore after spending a day in the sadd. (我在马鞍里度过了一天后感觉有点疼。)




例句:Sadd because of you, happiness is not you. (悲伤因为你,快乐却不是你。)


例句:Let'sadd highlight and to make it more realistic. (让我们添加高光和阴影,使之更加切合实际。)


例句:Hoops sadd curves to a long or bony face. (环形耳环能给瘦长的脸增添线条。)


例句:Sadd looking, happiness is you give. (翻译:悲伤自找的,幸福是你给的。)


1. Hoops sadd curves to a long or bony face. (翻译:环形耳环能给瘦长的脸增添线条。)

2. Sadd looking, happiness is you give. (翻译:悲伤自找的,幸福是你给的。)

3. "The Iraqiswill be freed from the dictator Sadd-am and his regime" said George W. Bush. (翻译:美国总统布会说:“将会从者及他的统治中解放出来”。)

4. Sadd, next time you change the load out, you check with me first, please. (翻译:赛德,你下次再改变装载 请先跟我确认清楚,好吗?)

1. 词释:sadd通常是指“鞍痕”的缩写,指在马匹背部形成的印痕。也可以表示“悲伤的”或“沮丧的”。

2. 拼写及发音:sadd的发音为/sæd/,其中“dd”发音为/d/。在英语中,sadd是一个非常罕见的词汇,很少被使用。

3. 词性及用法:sadd通常作为名词使用,表示在马匹背部形成的印痕。也可以作为形容词使用,表示悲伤的或沮丧的。

4. 同义词及反义词:sadd的同义词包括saddle sore、girth sore、back sore等。反义词可以是happiness、joy等。

5. 实际运用:sadd这个词汇在现代英语中很少被使用,但是以下是一些常见的中英例句:

- The horse had a deep sadd from the heavy load it had been carrying. (这匹马背上有深深的鞍痕,因为它背负着沉重的负担。)

- Jane looked quite sadd when she heard the news of her friend's death. (Jane听到朋友去世的消息后,显得相当悲伤。)

- I need to bring my horse to the vet because it has a sore back and a bad sadd. (我的马背部疼痛,并且出现了鞍痕,我需要带它去兽医那里。)

- After a long day of riding, the horse had a few minor saddles, but nothing too serious. (经过一整天的骑行,这匹马背上有一些轻微的鞍痕,但并不严重。)

- Despite the financial difficulties, he was able to maintain a sadd expression and continue to work hard. (尽管有财务困难,他还是能保持悲伤的表情,继续努力工作。)

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