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pay per view是什么意思 pay per view的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-23 14:55:49
  • 288

pay per view是什么意思 pay per view的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:péi pèi wàng jiàn,dìng diǎn shōu fèi guān kàn


1. The boxing match will be available on pay-per-view.


2. Many people prefer pay-per-view to going to the cinema.


pay per view在英语中代表"每收视一次付费"的意思,在日常中也代表"每收视一次付费"的意思,发音音标为[payperview],pay per view常被用作名词,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到33个与pay per view相关的句子。

Pay per view的中文翻译


例句:Hey, uh, Ackerman! How come you're in the service anyway? (Oh, my, what a lovely view.)


pay per view一般作为名词使用,如在pay per use(按每次使用计费)、view(观看 )、in ... view(na. 看见;放在心里;考虑中的\n[网络] 被考虑;看得见;在看得见的地方)等常见短语中出现较多。

pay per use按每次使用计费
in ... viewna. 看见;放在心里;考虑中的\n[网络] 被考虑;看得见;在看得见的地方
in this view根据这种观点
in view在看得见的地方, 被考虑, 被期待
in view of考虑到, 由于\n[法] 鉴于
into view[网络] 出现在视野中
on the view经眼力观察,经表面的观察
on this view从这一观点来看


1. - Would you look at the view! (翻译:- 真不错呢 - Would you look at the view!)

2. Nobody can guarantee that. (翻译:空中交通控制 per civilian and military,)

3. Here, Heymann, describing Gonzales, gives his view on the hacker mindset: (翻译:gives his view on the hacker mindset:)

4. You included. 20 pads per box, 100 pages per pad. (翻译:每箱有20张处方笺 每张处方笺有100页 20 pads per box, 100 pages per pad.)

5. I will pay what I must pay (翻译:要钱你们就开口吧 I will pay what I must pay)

6. Paid in cash, but we got a charge off the card he laid down for deposit. (翻译:房费用现金支付 Paid for his room with cash, 们查到他留下作抵押的卡里 but we got a pay -per)

7. One Laptop Per Child,activism,computers,design,technology (翻译:One Laptop Per Child,activism,computers,design,technology)

8. Hey, did Mickey pay for that? (翻译:did Mickey pay for that?)

9. Uh, here is a microscopic view of the cells. (翻译:here is a microscopic view of the cells.)

10. Wait till you see this view. (翻译:Wait till you see this view. 等着看你这个观点)

11. Um, the view is really beautiful of the comet out there. (翻译:Um, the view is really beautiful of the comet out there.)

12. Beijing is gonna view this as deliberately provocative. (翻译:北京会看作挑衅 Beijing is gonna view this as deliberately provocative.)

13. Come on, then. I got us a great place to watch from. It'll be like Pay-per-view. (翻译:别这样,我给你留了好位置 好橡在看戏一样)

14. How much does Palgrave pay you per kid? (翻译:每个小孩Palgrave付你多少? 多少啊?)

15. – And the price you had to pay. (翻译:– And the price you had to pay.)

1. 定义:Pay per view(PPV)是指观众按次数付费观看影片、比赛或其他活动的商业模式。通常是指电视节目或者在线视频平台提供的付费观看服务。

2. 历史:Pay per view商业模式最早出现在1983年,由美国娱乐公司HBO和Showtime开始推出。

3. 应用:Pay per view商业模式广泛应用于各种体育赛事、音乐会、电影等大型活动的实况直播和录播。

4. 收益:Pay per view商业模式是投资方获得收益的主要方式之一,通过直接向观众收取费用,从而实现盈利。

5. 优缺点:Pay per view商业模式的优点在于能够为投资方带来可预见的、稳定的收益,缺点在于观众需要额外支付费用,可能会限制其观看的次数或者选择。


1. The boxing match will be available for pay per view on Saay night.(这场拳击比赛将于周六晚上开放付费观看。)

2. The concert will be broadcasted as a pay per view event.(这场音乐会将以付费观看的形式进行直播。)

3. The movie is available for pay per view on most online streaming platforms.(大多数在线视频平台都提供了这部电影的付费观看服务。)

4. The pay per view numbers for the UFC fight were record-breaking.(这场UFC比赛的付费观看人数创下了纪录。)

5. The pay per view revenue for the concert was split between the artist and the venue.(音乐会的付费观看收入被分配给了艺人和场馆。)

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