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far high是什么意思 far high的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:34:18
  • 97

far high是什么意思 far high的中文翻译、读音、例句

far high的中文翻译为“远高”,读音为fär haɪ。


1. He climbed far high into the mountains to capture the stunning view.


2. The plane flew far high above the clouds, giving the passengers a breathtaking view of the earth below.


3. The skyser stood far high above the surrounding buildings, it a landmark of the city.


1. 词性与意义

"Far high" 并不是一个单词或者缩写词,可能是出现了拼写错误或者翻译错误。正确的英语单词或者词组可能是 "Far and High" 或者 "Far Up".

"Far and high" 意为 "非常高",可用于描述高山或者建筑物等具有高度的事物;"Far up" 意为 "远处的高处",可用于描述远处天空中的物体或者天空中的视野。

2. 用法


- The mountain peak was far and high, covered with snow.


- He saw a plane far up in the sky, disappearing into the horizon.


3. 搭配

"Far and high" 和 "far up" 通常与表示高度、远离等概念的词语搭配使用,比如:

- Far and high mountain peaks (高耸入云的山峰)

- Far up in the sky (高悬于天空之上)

- Far and high building (高层建筑)

- Far up on the mountain (山顶的远处)

- Flying far and high (高空飞行)


1. The eagle was soaring far up in the sky, its wings spread wide. (老鹰在高空翱翔,翅膀展开。)

2. The hot air balloon rose far and high, carrying the passengers up into the clouds. (热气球高高升起,将乘客带入云层。)

3. The skyser was built far and high above the city streets, providing a spectacular view. (摩天大楼高高耸立于城市街道之上,提供惊人的视野。)

4. The astronauts went for a spacewalk, floating far up in the darkness of outer space. (宇航员进行太空行走,漂浮在遥远的外太空中。)

5. The adventurous climber scaled the mountain peak, reaching far up into the clear blue sky. (冒险家攀登山顶,抵达蓝天的高处。)

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