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stormy是什么意思 stormy的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:34:55
  • 234

stormy是什么意思 stormy的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The sea was stormy, with huge waves crashing against the sline.(海面狂风大作,巨浪拍打着海岸线)

2. The couple had a stormy relationship and often fought with each other.(这对夫妻关系不稳定,经常互相争吵)

3. The politician's tenure was marked by a stormy period of scandals and controversies.(这位家的任期充满了丑闻和争议的风波)

4. The weather forecast predicts a stormy evening with heavy rain and thunderstorms.(气象预报今晚将有暴风雨和雷雨)




例句:This battlefield gave rise to an atmosphere, stormy, red with nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen. (撞击产生了大气 大气翻腾,因含有氮、碳、氢而显得通红)


例句:The puppies arrived right on schedule, one wild and stormy night in October. (小狗狗们如期出生... 的一个的夜晚)


例句:An old saying describes to this way: "Sound traveling far and wide, a stormy day will be tied." (有句古话是这样说的:“声飘千里,风雨欲来。” )


例句:That day it was raining . Not a stormy rain or drizzly rain , but a soft gentle summer rain . the kind that came every summer. (翻译:那是一个雨天,但并不会是毛毛雨,而是那种温柔的夏雨。)


stormy一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在stormy fermentation([医] 汹涌发酵)、stormy petrel(n. 海燕)、stormy petrels(海燕)等常见短语中出现较多。

stormy fermentation[医] 汹涌发酵
stormy petreln. 海燕
stormy petrels海燕
stormy sea风大浪急的海面
stormy waves风浪
stormy weather风暴天气;暴风雨天气
stormy wind[网络] 暴风
Stormy L.[地名] 斯托米湖 ( 加 )


1. An old saying describes to this way: "Sound traveling far and wide, a stormy day will be tied." (翻译:有句古话是这样说的:“声飘千里,风雨欲来。” )

2. That day it was raining . Not a stormy rain or drizzly rain , but a soft gentle summer rain . the kind that came every summer. (翻译:那是一个雨天,但并不会是毛毛雨,而是那种温柔的夏雨。)

3. When stormy solar winds blow, this zone of protection grows; (翻译:当太阳风如骤雨般爆发时 When stormy solar winds blow, 太阳风层也会随之扩张 this zone of protection grows;)

4. Waves surfed in sunny California may have originated in the stormy seas near New Zealand. (翻译:在加州的阳光海岸冲的浪, 可能来自于新西兰海域的汹涌波涛。)

5. One and a half years flash past in a matter of seconds. On this timescale, the dunes are like a stormy sea. (翻译:将一年半的影像资料缩短至几秒 {\3cH202020}One and a half years flash past in a matter of seconds. 沙丘仿佛风急雨骤的大海 {\3cH202020}the dunes are like a stormy sea.)

6. I did not know that he himself was an old rag and stormy conditions. (翻译:我不知道他和我一样 也曾是一个街头 不过他很喜欢我)

7. She had just separated and I had just come out of a stormy relationship. (翻译:我们不得不分开 我们之间的关系不被人们接受)

8. It was a dark and stormy night. (翻译:这是一个风雨交加的黑夜 It was a dark and stormy night.)

9. --to my desk... in the middle of a stormy night... during which... (翻译:我桌前 这是个风雨交加的夜晚 此刻...)

10. But then one stormy night, Zhang Axi disappeared. (翻译:但是一个风雨交加的夜晚,张阿喜不见了。)

11. Let the stormy clouds chase (翻译:Let the stormy clouds chase 任风云驱赶)

12. It was a dark and stormy night, like this one. (翻译:在一个暴风骤雨 乌云蔽月的夜晚 就像今晚)

13. The "stormy, husky, brawling " Chicago of Sandburg doubled and tripled in population after 1850. (翻译:桑德博格笔下“激烈、强健、吵闹”的芝加哥,在1850年后开始迎来人口的两倍、三倍的增长。)

14. It was a wild, stormy night; the hut was shaking in the gusts and all the boards were creaking. (翻译:那是一个的夜晚;小屋在狂风中摇晃,所有的木板都嘎吱作响。)

15. The artist has rendered the stormy sea in dark greens and browns. (翻译:画家用了深绿色和棕色来表现波涛汹涌的大海。)



1. 词义和词性方面:'stormy'是一个形容词,意思是“暴风雨的,起风的,风雨交加的,动荡不安的,争吵不休的”。在不同的语境中,可能会有不同的涵义,例如在天气预报中,表示天气状态;在人际关系中,表示关系的不稳定或者不和谐等等。

2. 用法和搭配方面:'stormy'一般用来描述天气、气氛或者人际关系等,常与动词be或者feel搭配使用。另外,其也可作为名词(如'weatherstormy'表示暴风雨天气),或者加上后缀-s或者-er变成其他形式,如'stormier'、'stormily'等。

3. 发音和拼写方面:'stormy'的读音是/stɔːrmi/,其中/stɔːm/为主要重音,而其拼写则比较简单,只需注意双写字母'y'即可。

4. 常见误区和易混淆单词:有时候,'stormy'会被误写成'stormey'或者'stormie'等,这都是拼写错误;另外,'stormy'易与'storming'混淆,后者是一种动词形式,表示猛烈袭击或者进攻。


1. The sky was stormy and dark, lightning flashing and thunder rumbling.(天空阴沉,闪电和雷声交织。)

2. The relationship between the two countries has been stormy for a long time.(两国关系长期不和谐。)

3. He has a stormy temper and easily loses his temper in arguments.(他的脾气很暴躁,在争吵中很容易发火。)

4. The stormy meeting ended in a heated argument, with no one willing to compromise.(激烈的会议以争吵结束,没有人愿意妥协。)

5. Despite the stormy weather, they set out on their trip, determined to enjoy themselves.(尽管天气艰难,他们还是出发旅行,决心享受。)

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