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legacies是什么意思 legacies的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-17 21:20:09
  • 309

legacies是什么意思 legacies的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. He inherited a massive fortune and several legacies from his father.


2. The artist left behind a powerful legacy of inspiring and thought-provoking works.


3. The company's mission is to build a legacy of sustainable development for future generations.





例句:He sent it to the best craftsman of the empire, and now we're able to see one of the greatest legacies of the Ottoman period. (他把这颗钻石送给国家最好的工匠,所以,现在我们能够看到奥斯曼时期最伟大的遗产。)


例句:Ravenna was one of his conquests, the Church of San Vitale one of his legacies. (拉文纳就是他征服的地区之一, 圣维塔莱教堂就是他的一个遗产。)


例句:Some of these deficiencies can be traced to the legacies of past planning practice and some are deficiencies of the City Planning Act. (其中的一些缺漏可以追溯到过去计划经济时代,而另一些是城市规划法本身存在的问题。)


例句:Many Arab countries also face burdensome administrative legacies. (翻译:许多国家还面临着行政负担沉重的遗留问题。)


1. Some of these deficiencies can be traced to the legacies of past planning practice and some are deficiencies of the City Planning Act. (翻译:其中的一些缺漏可以追溯到过去计划经济时代,而另一些是城市规划法本身存在的问题。)

2. Many Arab countries also face burdensome administrative legacies. (翻译:许多国家还面临着行政负担沉重的遗留问题。)

3. "The legacies have been caught blindsided, " just as they were with online bookings in the 1990s. (翻译:“这些传统的公司进入了盲点。”就如他们在九十年代实施在线预订那样的缓慢。)

4. You'll recall, we had a discussion earlier in the week regarding my feelings about family, legacies, children and so forth. (翻译:你记得 这周早先的时候 我们曾经讨论过一些... 我对家庭 传承 孩子 等等的想法吗?)

5. If it can be called such, one of the benign legacies of the Pinochet years has been a succession of stable centre-left governments. (翻译:如果可以这样讲的话,皮诺切特时代的良好遗产之一就是一系列稳定的中左。)

6. Soon, many others were built, and within their protected walls the legacies of the wise, Greeks and Romans, could be handed down through the centuries. (翻译:不久,有很多修院建立 在坚壁内保存了智者的遗产 有希腊的,有罗马的,延续多个世纪)

7. The great castles of the Loire Valley are arguably among the finest legacies history has left us. (翻译:卢瓦尔河谷的伟大城堡可以说是历史留给我们的最好的遗产之一。)

8. The 1901 fair's legacies persist in more ways than we can imagine. (翻译:1901 年博览会的 遗留问题依然存在, 在很多方面超越我们的想象。)

9. The great castles of the Loire Valley are arguably among the finest legacies history has left us. (翻译:卢瓦尔河谷的伟大城堡可以说是历史留给我们的最好的遗产之一。)

10. Romano and Carroll both join Dave Davies for a discussion about online digital legacies. (翻译:Romano和Carroll都为了讨论网上数字遗产而加入了DaveDavies。)

11. "The legacies have been caught blindsided," just as they were with online bookings in the 1990s. (翻译:“这些传统的公司进入了盲点。”就如他们在九十年代实施在线预订那样的缓慢。)

12. Legacies and other things such as bloodstained pillowslips. (翻译:我曾经在一个房子住过,将要死去的老妇人 在那里怀念他们死去的丈夫)

13. One of her political legacies is of a champion of women's and children's rights. (翻译:她留下的遗产之一就是维护了女性以及儿童的权利。)

14. The friendship Nancy and I shared with Kay is one of the legacies of my government service. (翻译:我和南希与凯的友谊是当年我为服务的一个收获。)

15. One of his greatest legacies will be the superb team and company he left behind, in addition to the superb devices he innovated. (翻译:他最伟大的遗产是其身后卓尔不凡的团队和公司,除此之外就是其发明的无与伦比的产品。)



词义:'legacies' 的基本意思是“遗产”,特指由已故人遗留下来给后代或社会的财产或权利等。此外,该词还有“传统、遗风、遗产、遗传的东西”等引申义。

词性:'legacies' 是名词的复数形式。


- leave a legacy:留下遗产/传统

- inherit a legacy:继承遗产/传统

- legacy system:遗留系统

- legacy software:遗留软件


- legacy of the past:过去的遗产

- legacy of success:成功的传承

- legacy planning:遗产规划



1. She left her entire legacy to her children. (她把她的所有遗产留给了她的子女。)

2. The legacy of ancient Greece can still be seen in our modern world. (古希腊的传统在我们现代社会中仍然可见。)

3. The new CEO struggled with the company's legacy systems. (新CEO苦于公司的旧系统。)

4. The legacy software is no longer compatible with the latest operating system. (旧版软件已不再与最新操作系统兼容。)

5. The legacy of war continues to impact the region. (战争的遗产继续影响着该地区。)

6. Legacy planning is an important part of financial planning. (遗产规划是财务规划的重要组成部分。)

7. The legacy of his military service earned him great respect in the community. (他的军旅经历赢得了社区的极大尊重。)

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