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kuo是什么意思 kuo的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:23:31
  • 214

kuo是什么意思 kuo的中文翻译、读音、例句





例句:Ch'en Tu-hsiu, Chang Kuo-t'ao and Li Ta are elected Central Committee members, (、张国寿、李达三位同志 当选为中央局成员)


例句:But Kuo said the new service is not related to Facebook. (但郭怡广说新的服务与脸谱公司没有任何关系。)


例句:Xu Heng's Bian Nian Ge Kuo relates history in the form of ballads and is the child of a marriage between poetry and history. (许衡的《编年歌括》以歌谣的形式铺叙历史,是诗、史联姻的结晶,体现了作者的历史观念。)


例句:The Peking caucus has 13 members, including Li Ta-Chao, Chang Kuo-t'ao, (翻译:北京支部,共有成员十三名 他们是、张国寿)


kuo一般作为名词使用,如在kuo to(锅多)、Kuo Hsiang(郭象)、kuo scheme(郭氏法)等常见短语中出现较多。

kuo to锅多
Kuo Hsiang郭象
kuo scheme郭氏法
k'ang kuo chi康国伎
k'ang kuo y?eh康国乐
kuo t'ou y?eh裹头乐
p'iao kuo y?eh骠国乐


1. Xu Heng's Bian Nian Ge Kuo relates history in the form of ballads and is the child of a marriage between poetry and history. (翻译:许衡的《编年歌括》以歌谣的形式铺叙历史,是诗、史联姻的结晶,体现了作者的历史观念。)

2. The Peking caucus has 13 members, including Li Ta-Chao, Chang Kuo-t'ao, (翻译:北京支部,共有成员十三名 他们是、张国寿)

3. Kuo counts these organisms in water samples from the treatment process. (翻译:Kuo把这些水处理过程中取得的水样中的生物进行计数。)

4. Glad to hear of the Signing Ceremony held today in Nanjing for the NBR Joint-Venture Project between Jiangsu GPRO Group and Grupo KUO from Mexico. (翻译:欣闻江苏金浦集团和墨西哥kuo集团丁基橡胶合资项目,今天在南京举行签字活动。)

5. Mr. Kuo, you think the girls will be beaten? (翻译:郭教练,你真的觉得 我们女生拔河队会输给他们吗)

6. Agent Kelly, this is Mr. Kuo, he's our liaison with the government here. (翻译:凯利探员,这位是郭先生 他是我们跟这里的联络人)

7. A Baidu spokesman, Kaiser Kuo, declined to comment. (翻译:一位百度发言人Kaiser Kuo拒绝发表评论。)

8. And China is Chung Kuo, the Middle Kingdom, an ancient cradle of the world civilization. (翻译:中国 中央之国... ... 世界文明的古老核心)

9. Since the 80s, the academic study of the gradual deepening of Tseng Kuo-fan on his relatively objective evaluation. (翻译:80年代以来,学术界对曾国藩的研究逐步深入,对他的评价也相对客观。)

10. Mr. Kuo added that music search was profitable but had never been a source of major traffic. (翻译:Kuo先生补充说音乐搜索是盈利的但从来没有成为主要的流量源。)

11. On 28 Feb 1932, veterans supported the Japanese to create Manchu Kuo in the north east. (翻译:1932年2月28日 在满州元老鼓动扶持下 在东北满州围宫)

12. CLA Deputy Minister Kuo Fong-yu said his organization is prepared to conduct nationwide raids to over 10, 000 companies by year-end. (翻译:劳委会副主委郭芳煜说,他的机构正准备要在年底以前进行全国性超过一万家公司的突袭检查。)

13. Mr. Kuo says you have to be over 18 to play in the World Games. (翻译:教练说世界杯的比赛资格 要满十八岁才可以参加)

14. But... he has already sold out to Chen Kuo and took his downpayment... (翻译:不过你来迟了 他已经把店卖给旺风楼的陈国 还收了人家的订金呢)

15. In a lab on the ship, Julie Kuo of Moss Landing Marine Labs looks through a microscope at a tintinnid - a tiny, cone-shaped plankton. (翻译:在一个船上实验室,莫斯·兰丁海洋实验室的Julie Kuo正通过显微镜观察一只砂壳虫——一种微小的、圆锥形的浮游生物。)



1. 词义:国家/领土;扔/抛;阔/宽广

2. 词性:名词/动词/形容词

3. 词组搭配:

- 国家:国家、、国家利益

- 扔/抛:扔掉、抛物线、抛球

- 阔/宽广:阔气、宽广无边、视野开阔

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:kuò

6. 5个中英例句:

- 中国是一个拥有广袤领土的大国家。(China is a great country with vast territories.)

- 小明踢足球的时候,常常喜欢把球扔得很高。(When Xiaoming plays football, he often likes to throw the ball high.)

- 这条马路非常阔气,能够容纳很多车辆。(This road is very spacious and can accommodate a lot of vehicles.)

- 他总是能在举重比赛中抛出最高的成绩。(He always throws the highest weight in weightlifting competitions.)

- 他喜欢到宽广无边的草原上散步,感受自然的力量。(He likes to take walks on the boundless grasslands and feel the power of nature.)

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