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rise是什么意思 rise的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-08 08:58:07
  • 242

rise是什么意思 rise的中文翻译、读音、例句

英 [raɪz] 美 [raɪz]



1. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.(太阳从东方升起,西方落下。)

2. Prices have risen by 10% since the beginning of the year.(自年初以来,价格已上涨了10%。)

3. The company has risen from obscurity to become a market leader.(这家公司从默默无闻崛起成为市场领军企业。)




例句:Not a sunrise... but a galaxy rise. (不是太阳升起 Not a sunrise... 而是星系的升起 but a galaxy rise.)




例句:Millions perished, only to rise again as legions of implacable undead. (却使得难以调和的活死军崛起 only to rise again as legions of implacable undead.)


例句:# Oh, and still I rise... # (翻译:# Oh, and still I rise #)


rise一般作为名词、动词使用,如在on the rise(在上涨, 在增长)、rise by([网络] 上升了;增长了;上升到)、rise to(上升到)等常见短语中出现较多。

on the rise在上涨, 在增长
rise by[网络] 上升了;增长了;上升到
rise to上升到
to rise(日)出
drag rise阻力增长
Eauripik Rise[地名] 欧里皮克海隆 ( 太平洋 )
district rise采区上山
duration of rise涨潮历时
enthalpy rise
fading rise上衰落


1. Millions perished, only to rise again as legions of implacable undead. (翻译:却使得难以调和的活死军崛起 only to rise again as legions of implacable undead.)

2. # Oh, and still I rise... # (翻译:# Oh, and still I rise #)

3. Tonight, when this Pod blooms, a new queen will rise! (翻译:a new Queen will rise.)

4. Please rise for the bride. (翻译:Please rise for the bride.)

5. Nor are you. Rise a knight. (翻译:作为骑士站起来 Rise a knight.)

6. Rise a knight and baron of Ibelin. (翻译:作为骑士、伊贝林男爵站起来 Rise a knight and baron of Ibelin.)

7. Second, it is too easy to conflate the rise of China with the rise of Asia. (翻译:第二,人们很容易将中国的崛起与亚洲的崛起混为一谈。)

8. The rise in interest rates was not reflected in a corresponding rise in the dollar. (翻译:利率上调没有反映在相应的美元增值上。)

://www.ted.com/talks/shyam_sankar_the_rise_of_human_computer_cooperation.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/shyam_sankar_the_rise_of_human_computer_cooperation.html)

10. I fear I shall rise no higher. (翻译:-Secretary rank. I fear l shall rise no higher.)

11. London is ready to rise up as soon as we have news of their deaths. (翻译:他们如果死了伦敦一定会 London is ready to rise up as soon as we have news of their deaths.)

12. Adam, the country will not rise up. (翻译:the country will not rise up.)

13. It is you that will not rise up. (翻译:是你不要 是你贪图舒适生活 It is you that will not rise up.)

14. - Watch the sun rise from a tropic isle. (翻译:- Watch the sun rise from a tropic isle)

15. ♫ May the road rise with you May the road rise with you... (翻译:给一个卖帽子的老同学打电话她没在 遇见几个英国人,他们带我逛遍了肯顿街 我在维珍唱片广场调了会儿情,买了 些唱片,看到上千个粉红头发的女孩)






1. rise up: 、反叛

2. rise to the occasion:应对挑战

3. on the rise: 在上升中

4. rise and fall: 兴衰、盛衰

5. give rise to: 引起

6. rise from the ashes: 重获新生、重振旗鼓

7. rise from the dead: 从死亡中复活

短语:rise up、rise to the occasion、on the rise、rise and fall、give rise to、rise from the ashes、rise from the dead



1. The sun will rise in the east.(太阳将从东方升起。)

2. The tide is rising, so we need to move our boat to higher ground.(潮水正在上涨,所以我们需要把船移往高处。)

3. The price of houses has been on the rise for the past few years.(房价在过去几年里一直在上涨。)

4. The success of the new product gave rise to a significant increase in sales revenue.(新产品的成功引发了销售收入的显著增长。)

5. The city was in ruins after the earthquake, but it has since risen from the ashes.(地震后城市遭受了毁灭性打击,但它后来从废墟中崛起。)

6. Many people believe that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion.(许多人相信在他被钉在十字架上的第三天从死亡中复活了。)

7. The protestors rose up against the government, demanding greater political .(者反对,要求更大的自由。)

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