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dilution是什么意思 dilution的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-28 03:57:44
  • 163

dilution是什么意思 dilution的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The dilution of the chemical solution made it safe to handle. (将化学溶液稀释后,变得安全可靠。)

2. The dilution of the company's shares affected its stock price. (公司股份的稀释对其股价产生了影响。)

3. The dilution of the flavor in the soup made it tasteless. (汤里的口味被稀释后,变得没有味道了。)

4. The dilution of the medicine weakened its effectiveness. (药物的稀释降低了其疗效。)

dilution的意思是"削弱、稀度",在英美地区还有"稀释"的意思,在线读音是[dai'lju:ʃәn, di'l-],dilution是一个英语名词,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到53个与dilution相关的例句。



例句:Results Dilution penicillin did not interfere with limulus agent in120diluted concentrations. (结果青霉素稀释液经120倍稀释后对鲎试剂反应无干扰作用。)


例句:For greater sharpness, but with a slight increase in graininess , you can use a 1: 1 dilution of this developer. (为了更好的锐度,但是附带的会多一些颗粒度,可以使用这个显影剂的1:1稀释液。)


例句:Effect of dilution rate on the formation of GOS was studied in the packed-bed reactor. (填充床反应器中,研究了稀释速率对低聚半乳糖形成的影响。)


例句:So the ALT dilution mother liquid can be confected to the ALT quality product expediently. (翻译:这一实施方式主要是利用ALT稀释液母液可以方便地配制ALT质控品而实施的。)


dilution一般作为名词使用,如在dilution agent(稀释剂)、dilution air(稀释空气)、dilution anemia([医] 稀释性贫血)等常见短语中出现较多。

dilution agent稀释剂
dilution air稀释空气
dilution anemia[医] 稀释性贫血
dilution area稀释区域
dilution blank[网络] 对照稀释
dilution bottle稀释瓶
dilution er[医] 稀释试验(检肾机能)
dilution cloning[医]稀释克隆法[如用于获得细胞克隆株]
dilution coefficient稀释系数


1. Effect of dilution rate on the formation of GOS was studied in the packed-bed reactor. (翻译:填充床反应器中,研究了稀释速率对低聚半乳糖形成的影响。)

2. So the ALT dilution mother liquid can be confected to the ALT quality product expediently. (翻译:这一实施方式主要是利用ALT稀释液母液可以方便地配制ALT质控品而实施的。)

3. GPS positioning accuracy is influenced by Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP), Signal Noise Ratio (SNR) and so on. (翻译:几何精度衰减因子gdop和卫星信噪比SNR等多方面因素的影响,增大了GPS单点定位误差。)

4. Ruanjianzhitong unguent had antimicrobial effects to some extent, which could be blocked by dilution. (翻译:软坚止痛膏有一定程度的抑菌作用,可通过培养基稀释法消除抑菌作用;)

5. Results: The ofloxacin injection after4 times dilution had no interference to limulus reagent reaction. (翻译:结果阿奇霉素氯化钠注射液与鲎试剂反应无干扰。)

6. Trademark dilution seriously lessens the distinctiveness of trademarks in terms of three forms: blurring, tar-nishment, and generic ide. (翻译:商标淡化是对商标显著性的严重削弱,其有弱化、和退化三种形式。)

7. The sputamentum is too thick when may take orally or the injection gluten falls causes it dilution. (翻译:痰液太稠时可口服或注射胶蛋白降使之稀释。)

8. Limiting dilution was used to obtain subcell line clone fr om the same cells. (翻译:用有限稀释法,得到来源于同一细胞的亚细胞系克隆; )

9. Acid and dilution water feeds are usually proportioned in a predetermined ratio and interlocked. (翻译:硫酸和稀释用水通常按预先确定的比例供给并相互连锁。)

10. That means a new reason for Britons to worry about the dilution of their culture, a new burden on parents' pocketbooks, and new businesses selling prom essentials such as tuxedos and corsages. (翻译:这意味着英国人又增加了一条担心本土文化被冲淡的理由,而家长们的钱包又多了一层负担,售卖男士晚礼服、女士花束等舞会必备品的新商店也纷纷冒出来了。)

11. Objective To explore whether tube sealing on trochar with heparin dilution liquid is excellent than sodium chloride in patients with pneumocardial disease. (翻译:目的:探讨肝素稀释液用于肺心病患者静脉留置针封管是否优于生理盐水。)

12. This is a sad but unforgettable, with the increasingly grim streamer, only waiting for him to come to the next dilution. (翻译:只是这种伤感是刻骨铭心的,随着流光日益凝重,只等着下一个他来稀释。)

13. It is both a chemonucleolysis bidentata resin eucaryote such as solvents, dilution is also thinner and sub- ureplasm of cosolvents. (翻译:它既是溶解树脂等高分子物质的真溶剂,也是起稀释作用的稀释剂和起潜溶作用的助溶剂。)

14. This raises the specter of director over-commitment and the resultant dilution of contribution. (翻译:这引发了董事过度承诺以及由此导致的出资额稀释的担忧。)

15. The thickeners are characterized by high transparency and high thickening effectiveness at simultaneously high shear dilution. (翻译:该增稠剂的特征在于高透明度和高增稠效果以及高剪切稀释。)








1. The concentration of the alcohol in the wine is decreased by dilution with water.


2. The dilution of the chemical solution caused the reaction to slow down.


3. The company implemented a dilution strategy to increase the number of company shareholders.


4. The dilution of the river with pollutants has caused severe environmental problems.


5. The stock price dropped due to dilution after the company issued new shares.


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