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warring是什么意思 warring的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:30
  • 205

warring是什么意思 warring的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The two warring nations finally signed a peace treaty.


2. The warring factions in the company are hindering progress.





例句:During the Warring States, more walls were put up to defend the borders of teh different kingdoms. (战国时期,各诸候国为了保卫自己的边境,分别修筑了更多的边墙。)


例句:The idea was that a large group of influential people would go together and plead with the warring governments to give up the war. (他的打算是一大帮有影响的人物将会和他们一起恳请交战各国放弃战争。)


例句:In the Warring States Period, Sun and Pang learned art of war from Guiguzi in Qianling Mountain. (传说在战国时期,孙膑和庞涓在千灵山跟随鬼谷子学习兵法。)


例句:He's a Montague, you know, like the Hatfields and the McCoys, the warring families two lovers, it's as old as literature that's here. (翻译:他姓蒙克特,你们都知道,就像是哈特菲尔德和麦科伊,敌对的家族,两个爱人,和这古老的文学一样。)


warring一般作为形容词使用,如在warring factions([网络] 交战各方;交战各派)、warring states([法] 战国)、warring states period(战国时代)等常见短语中出现较多。

warring factions[网络] 交战各方;交战各派
warring states[法] 战国
warring states period战国时代


1. In the Warring States Period, Sun and Pang learned art of war from Guiguzi in Qianling Mountain. (翻译:传说在战国时期,孙膑和庞涓在千灵山跟随鬼谷子学习兵法。)

2. He's a Montague, you know, like the Hatfields and the McCoys, the warring families two lovers, it's as old as literature that's here. (翻译:他姓蒙克特,你们都知道,就像是哈特菲尔德和麦科伊,敌对的家族,两个爱人,和这古老的文学一样。)

3. It was not until the mid period of the Warring State that the Confucians integrates them and provides a content of a certain meaning. (翻译:但到了战国中期,儒家已经将这四个字合在一起并且赋予它们一定的内容和意义。)

4. Sweden has never and will never approve weapons to warring countries. (翻译:瑞典从未 也绝不会允许向交战国家出售武器)

5. This was what China looked like with the victory of the Qin Dynasty in 221 B.C. at the end of the warring-state period -- the birth of modern China. (翻译:中国是 在公元前221年也就在战国时期的末期从秦朝一统江山起, 就诞生了。)

6. But if you insist that the worst disputes between two warring nations can be resolved, then can't two old friends make peace? (翻译:但如果你认为两个交战国家之间 最严重的分歧都能解决 那为什么两位老朋友不能和好)

7. Zaidi, an Iraqi Shia, has had the common Iraqi experience of being caught between the warring parties. (翻译:作为一名,扎伊迪与普通人一样有在交战双方被抓的经历。)

8. Sensing that the time had come, Gul'dan united the warring clans into a single unstoppable Horde. (翻译:古尔丹觉得时机已经成熟了,就将互相征伐的各个氏族联合成了一个统一的、无可阻挡的部落。)

9. He is just one of the Warring States Period Zhao Ping Yuanjun Menke. (翻译:他只不过是战国时期赵国平原君的一位门客。)

10. From the south, even unto the plain of Jordan came four warring kings: (翻译:从南方至约旦河的平原... 有四位敌对的王)

11. The early Warring States period, Han, Zhao, Wei "three sub-Jin," Korean capital Pingyang. (翻译:战国初期,韩、赵、魏“三家分晋”,韩建都平阳。)

12. This was what China looked like with the victory of the Qin Dynasty in 221 B.C. at the end of the warring-state period -- the birth of modern China. (翻译:中国是 在公元前221年也就在战国时期的末期从秦朝一统江山起, 就诞生了。)

13. Major Phil Ashby works in Sierra Leone with the United Nations to help oversee the peace process in this troubled, warring nation. (翻译:上校PhilAshby在塞拉利昂为工作,以帮助监督在这个多灾多难国家里的和平进程。)

14. Mozi is the founder of Mohism in the early Warring States. (翻译:墨子,是战国初期墨家学派的创始人。)

15. By contrasting, we sure that it was written by Zisi in the early stage of the mid of the Warring States. (翻译:通过对比,我们进一步肯定了《中庸》为战国中前期子思的作品。)



1. 词的意思:warring指的是交战、作战、互相争斗的状态或行为。

2. 词性:warring是形容词,意为战争的、交战的、敌对的。

3. 常用场景:该词通常用于描述国家、组织、团体等之间的冲突、武装冲突、矛盾等,也可以用于形容个人不断的争斗、斗争状态。

4. 词组搭配:warring parties(交战方)、warring factions(敌对派别)、warring tribes(交战部落)等。

5. 相关短语:warring nations(交战国家)、warring states(战国时期)、warring cultures(战斗文化)、warring ideas(交锋思想)等。

6. 发音拼写:warring的发音为[ˈwɔːrɪŋ],其中"w"读作/w/,"ar"读作/ɑː/,"r"发轻音,"ing"读作/ɪŋ/。


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