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idcc是什么意思 idcc的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:27:19
  • 235

idcc是什么意思 idcc的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. IDCC是一家知名的数据中心基础设施公司,提供高品质的设备和服务。

2. 今天的股市中,IDCC的股票价格有所上涨。

3. 我们公司需要一个可靠的数据中心基础设施供应商,是否考虑过IDCC?




例句:Locate the application, UOW and activity ID for the data. (确定数据的应用、UOW和活动id。)


例句:Has his family made the ID? (他家人那得到了信息? Has his family made the ID?)


1. CC spent all her savings to attend Eugene's party (翻译:CC为了出席Eugene的派对 几乎花尽所有积蓄)

2. - Have you lost your mind? (翻译:{\fnSTKaiti\fs14\1cH0042CC})

3. Then the injection line is flushed with 20 cc's of saline solution and then he'll be given 50 cc's of pancuronium bromide. (翻译:然后再注入20cc的生理盐水 之后再注射50cc的泮库溴铵)

4. To do this, either the effective user ID of the porcess must equal the owner ID of the file, or the process must have write permission for the file. (翻译:这时,进程的有效用户ID必须和文件的拥有者ID一致,或者进程必须拥有文件的写权限。)

5. For God's sake, let's talk for a minute. (翻译:{\fnSTKaiti\fs14\1cH0042CC}看在上帝的份上 {\fnSTKaiti\fs14\1cH0042CC}让我们来谈一会)

6. SetReplID [datetime] sets the database replica ID. (翻译:SetReplID [datetime]设置数据库副本id。)

7. OK, OK, search him for ID, see where he lives. (翻译:好吧,好吧,搜索他 ID,看到他在那里生活。)

8. - What do you want me to do? (翻译:{\fnSTKaiti\fs14\1cH0042CC})

9. The AMI ID is the sequence that looks like ami-XXXXXXX. (翻译:AMI ID 是类似 ami-XXXXXXX 的序列。)

10. Fuck are you looking at? Go and see to Diesel. (翻译:这是怎么回事 所以Parzysz女 ID 以柴油。)

11. Additionally, cc: or BCC: messages could be used later for reference. (翻译:此外,cc:或bcc:消息也可以在以后引用。)

12. Are you familiar with the id and the ego? (翻译:你知道本我和自我吗? Are you familiar with the id and the ego?)

13. - How old are you now, Atti? (翻译:{\fnSTKaiti\fs14\1cH0042CC})

14. CC RA emphasizes the synergies between cloud computing and SOA remarking that. (翻译:CC RA强调云计算与SOA的协作,它指出。)

15. 500 CC Strophine and 250 CC of Cryoxin. (翻译:500毫升sustrofin和250毫升krioksen。)


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