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javier是什么意思 javier的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:30:00
  • 156

javier是什么意思 javier的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:jiā wéi ěr


1. Javier是一个西班牙名字。

2. 我的朋友Javier非常喜欢足球。

3. Javier被认为是一个帅气的名字。




例句:To his clients, Javier is a god. (对他的顾客来说,Javier就是上帝。强壮。)


例句:In November, Eggert Magnusson became chairman and aired reservations about the deals for Tevez and Javier Mascherano. (11月,马格努森成为球队并对特维斯以及马斯切拉诺的转会表示持保留态度。)


例句:No, Julie, she wasn't married to Javier. (没有,Julie,她没有嫁给Javier)


例句:European Union Foreign Minister, Javier Solana described the daylong negotiations as generally constructive. (翻译:欧盟外交政策主管索拉纳表示,持续了一天的谈判总的来说富有建设性。)


javier一般作为名词使用,如在San Javier([地名] 圣哈维尔 ( 阿根、玻、厄、哥伦、墨、西、智、 ))、San Francisco Javier([地名] 圣弗朗西斯科-哈维尔 ( 西 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

San Javier[地名] 圣哈维尔 ( 阿根、玻、厄、哥伦、墨、西、智、 )
San Francisco Javier[地名] 圣弗朗西斯科-哈维尔 ( 西 )


1. No, Julie, she wasn't married to Javier. (翻译:没有,Julie,她没有嫁给Javier)

2. European Union Foreign Minister, Javier Solana described the daylong negotiations as generally constructive. (翻译:欧盟外交政策主管索拉纳表示,持续了一天的谈判总的来说富有建设性。)

3. Nowhere left to run, Javier! (翻译:没地方跑了吧 哈维尔 Nowhere left to run, Javier!)

4. Look, I wanted Javier to join us because what happens to you could affect his life for a very long time. (翻译:听着 我希望Javier能加入我们 只是因为你现在遭遇的事情 可能对他今后很长一段人生有所影响)

5. Later I learned that at about this same time, Javier and Octavio were thinking about the challenge of reform in Honduras. (翻译:大约我了解这些的同时, 哈维尔和奥克塔维奥 正在思考在洪都拉斯重新规划的 问题。)

6. Javier: Be nice Dogie or I wont feed you! (翻译:哈维尔:好的字母或我不会给你的! )

7. I have to go. I promised Javier that I'd help him get set up with his foster family, but... (翻译:我答应了Javier 会去收养家庭帮他安顿 所以...)

8. Farid Baraheri, you are under arrest for the murder of your sister, Zahra Baraheri and Javier Pedraza. (翻译:Zahra Baraheri和Javier Pedraza被捕)

9. And Spain's Javier Bardem won best supporting actor in "No Country for Old Men." (翻译:西班牙演员贾维尔·巴尔顿因《老无所依》而获得最佳男配角。)

10. Javier is dead, and we have no proof that Eva orchestrated this. (翻译:哈维尔已经死了 我们没有证据证明 Javier is dead, and we have no proof 伊娃设计的这一切 that Eva orchestrated this.)

11. Javier: Next time I take you, Hunting Dogie! (翻译:哈维尔:下次我带你,狩猎的小狗! )

12. Based on you coming to me first with this... instead of Javier. (翻译:基于你第一次带着这个来找我... ... 而不是Javier.)

13. - What do you want, Javier? (翻译:-你想干什么 哈维尔 -很简单 - What do you want, Javier?)

14. Javier, will you call Anna for us? (翻译:Javier 可以帮我们给Anna打个电话吗)

15. In June of 2002, Javier Duran returned to Mexico... to the town he left five years before. (翻译:2002年6月,Javier Duran回到了墨西哥... ... 那个他五年前离开的小镇。)

1. 词义:Javier是一个男性的名字,源自西班牙语,意为“新房子”的主人。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 词组搭配:没什么常用的词组搭配。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:[hɑːvɪə(r)]。


1. Javier is a common name in Spanish-speaking countries.(Javier是西班牙语国家中普遍的名字。)

2. Javier is the name of the landlord of that new house.(Javier是那栋新房子的房东的名字。)

3. As Javier walked through the room, he couldn't help but feel proud of his new house.(当Javier走过房间时,他禁不住为自己的新房子感到自豪。)

4. Javier always prepares a delicious meal for his guests.(Javier总是为他的客人准备一顿美味的饭菜。)

5. Despite the language barrier, Javier and his guests were able to communicate through gestures and smiles.(尽管有语言障碍,Javier和他的客人仍然通过手势和微笑进行了交流。)

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