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reggae是什么意思 reggae的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-18 04:35:40
  • 245

reggae是什么意思 reggae的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:rè gē yīn yuè


1. 雷鬼音乐源于牙买加,现在已经成为全球流行的音乐类型之一。

Reggae music originated in Jamaica and has now become one of the most popular music genres worldwide.

2. 这个乐队的音乐风格是雷鬼,他们的演出非常受欢迎。

The band's music style is reggae, and their performances are very popular.




例句:I like all kinds of music from opera to reggae. (我喜欢各种音乐,从歌剧到雷盖都喜欢。)


例句:Jamaican reggae music is quite distinct from North American jazz or blues. (牙买加的雷盖音乐完全不同于北美的爵士乐或布鲁斯音乐。)


例句:Loves opera, reggae and, like any true California girl the Beach Boys. (喜欢歌剧、雷鬼音乐 也和其他加州女孩一样喜欢... 海滩男孩)

4.雷盖音乐 、雷鬼

例句:The Caribbean coast of Costa Rica is known for reggae music, Jamaican food and an edgy vibe that occasionally spills over into violence. (翻译:哥斯大黎加的加勒比海沿岸,以雷鬼音乐、牙买加美食以及偶尔会酿成暴力事件的紧张气氛闻名。)


reggae一般作为名词使用,如在reggae fusion([网络] 雷鬼融合)、roots reggae([网络] 根源雷鬼;根源雷吉;根式雷鬼)等常见短语中出现较多。

reggae fusion[网络] 雷鬼融合
roots reggae[网络] 根源雷鬼;根源雷吉;根式雷鬼


1. Loves opera, reggae and, like any true California girl the Beach Boys. (翻译:喜欢歌剧、雷鬼音乐 也和其他加州女孩一样喜欢... 海滩男孩)

2. The Caribbean coast of Costa Rica is known for reggae music, Jamaican food and an edgy vibe that occasionally spills over into violence. (翻译:哥斯大黎加的加勒比海沿岸,以雷鬼音乐、牙买加美食以及偶尔会酿成暴力事件的紧张气氛闻名。)

3. Eight new genre specific music communities: Electronic , Metal , Industrial & Gothic , Rap , Reggae , Jazz , Hindi , Elvis , and Blues . (翻译:八位新体裁特定的音乐社区:电子,金属工业和哥特,说唱,雷鬼,爵士乐。印地语,猫王,蓝调。)

4. It's a sign of reggae's growing acceptance... in the international pop music scene. (翻译:它是雷鬼标志 开始接受... 国际流行乐坛。)

5. That might've rubbed David the wrong way, 'cause at first he didn't really take to the news that me and Bob was forming a reggae band. (翻译:那可能惹毛了戴维 最初他不愿接受这消息 不信我和鲍比新组了雷鬼乐队)

6. Many people will remember Bob Marley for giving them their first taste of reggae music. (翻译:许多人将会记住鲍勃•马利,因为正是他让他们第一次体验雷盖音乐。)

7. IT MAY have a laid-back image of reggae and Rastas, sun and sand. (翻译:牙买加或许以瑞格舞、塔法里、阳光、沙滩等轻松形象著称。)

8. What really changed it to reggae... was the riff actually with the guitar. (翻译:这使得不同的雷鬼音乐... ... 被重重的摔在吉他)

9. It's like reggae, but it pops more, and they don't sing about Jah. (翻译:听起来像斯卡音乐 有点像瑞歌舞曲但是更流行 他们不唱乔的歌)

10. THE INCREDIBLE JSB! Is introducing a musical mix of Jazz, Chinese Folk music, Blues, reggae, English rock music, French chansons and African rhythms. (翻译:了不起的JSB !是一种全新的音乐,混合了爵士,中国民谣,布鲁斯,雷鬼,英国摇滚乐,法国小调和非洲节奏。)

11. It became known as reggae, but it started off as ska, which was putting all the accent... on a different beat than what is normally where the accent is. (翻译:被称为雷鬼, 但是斯卡的开始, 其中的重点... 位于拍 从平时的不同。)

12. One of Bob Marley's biggest challenges was introducing reggae to the American public. (翻译:鲍勃马利所遭遇的最大的挑战之一就是将雷鬼音乐介绍给美国大众。)

13. May 11, 2011 -- Bob Marley's musical legacy may be waning 30 years after his death as Jamaica's youth prefers dancehall to reggae, but the singer remains a cult, if highly commercialized, figure. (翻译:鲍勃·马利逝世30周年后,他的音乐遗产正在消亡,因为比起雷鬼乐,牙买加的年轻人更加亲睐舞厅音乐。然而,如果对马利的形象进行高度的商业化运作,身为歌手的马利将继续成为人们崇拜的偶象。)

14. Bob Marley, the world's leading exponent of reggae music, has agreed to appear in a major free concert to be held for the benefit... of the Jamaican people in Kingston on Sunday, December 5. (翻译:鲍勃・马利,指数的领先者 雷鬼音乐在世界上, 已同意在出现 免费音乐会举行... 牙买加的金斯敦人 上周日,12月5日。)

15. Is introducing a musical mix of Jazz, Chinese Folk music, Blues, reggae, English rock music, French chansons and African rhythms. (翻译:是一种全新的音乐,混合了爵士,中国民谣,布鲁斯,雷鬼,英国摇滚乐,法国小调和非洲节奏。他们刚刚退出他们的新专辑《迷情中国》。)






1. reggae music:雷鬼音乐

2. reggae band:雷鬼乐队

3. reggae artist:雷鬼艺术家

4. reggae festival:雷鬼音乐节

5. reggae dance:雷鬼舞蹈

6. reggae rhythm:雷鬼节奏

7. reggae culture:雷鬼文化





1. Bob Marley is one of the most famous reggae singers in the world. 鲍勃·马利是世界上最著名的雷鬼歌手之一。

2. Reggae music has a strong rhythm and a lot of soul. 雷鬼音乐有很强的节奏感和灵魂感。

3. Many reggae bands have been influenced by African rhythms. 许多雷鬼乐队受到非洲节奏的影响。

4. The reggae festival brought together music lovers from all over the country. 雷鬼音乐节汇聚了来自全国各地的音乐爱好者。

5. The reggae dance was full of energy and enthusiasm. 雷鬼舞蹈充满了活力和热情。

6. Reggae culture has had a major impact on music around the world. 雷鬼文化对世界音乐产生了重要影响。

7. The reggae rhythm is a unique combination of different musical styles. 雷鬼节奏是不同音乐风格的独特组合。

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