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foolproof是什么意思 foolproof的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-02 19:44:00
  • 210

foolproof是什么意思 foolproof的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. This security system is foolproof and can detect any unauthorized access.


2. The instructions for this product are foolproof, even someone with no experience can assemble it easily.


3. I thought my plan was foolproof, but somehow it still failed.





例句:The kid's right. It's foolproof. Come on. (这孩子说得对 那是万无一失 Come on)


例句:We've watched the financial markets that we uniquely create -- these markets that were supposed to be foolproof -- we've watched them kind of collapse before our eyes. (我们也看到我们特意创造的, 本应该万无一失的金融市场, 在我们眼皮子底下轰然坍塌。)


例句:Now, follow my foolproof plan... and I'm gonna help you put the bang in Banglapur. (现在, 听我说个完美的计划... 我来教你 怎样把你的那个 放进你的老家去.)


foolproof一般作为名词使用,如在foolproof apparatus(安全自锁装置)、foolproof verification(完善的核查)等常见短语中出现较多。

foolproof apparatus安全自锁装置
foolproof verification完善的核查


1. Now, follow my foolproof plan... and I'm gonna help you put the bang in Banglapur. (翻译:现在, 听我说个完美的计划... 我来教你 怎样把你的那个 放进你的老家去.)

2. This recipe is foolproof—it works every time. (翻译:这个食谱绝对管用,每次都万无一失。)

3. Courtesy of my 100% foolproof, Paris-is-magical itinerary. (翻译:我百分百诚意认证 Courtesy of my 100% full proof, 巴黎就是魔法之旅的代言 paris -is)

4. The SSDs will sometimes fail as well, and the company is working on ways to ensure a foolproof wipe of stored data. (翻译:不过固态硬盘有时候也会出现故障,该公司正在寻求一种确保万无一失的清除硬盘数据的方式。)

5. Taking a long walk by yourself, during which you devise a foolproof scheme for robbing Tiffany's, is serious. (翻译:独自一人走很长一段路, 在此期间,琢磨出一套蒂凡尼珠宝店的完全方案, 这是严肃的。)

6. But the question of whether Cheng's fMRI can be "somewhat reliable but foolproof" remains open. (翻译:但是Cheng所说的fMRI是否可以“可靠和万无一失”的问题仍然没有答案。)

7. Well, that sounds foolproof. (翻译:that sounds foolproof.)

8. - Would that stand up in a laboratory as absolute foolproof evidence that something happened? (翻译:好吧,那它们在理论上是否站得住脚? 有没有确信无疑的证据 证明确实发生了什么事?)

9. The second rule of gunrunning is, always ensure you have a foolproof way to get paid. (翻译:的第二个规则是, 始终确保你有一个万无一失的方法 得到报酬。)

10. That sounds like a foolproof plan. (翻译:这听上去是一个万无一失的计划 That sounds like a foolproof plan.)

11. I did that because I have a foolproof plan to stop Jack before he even gets started. (翻译:我这么做是因为我有一个非常简单 I did that because I have a foolproof plan 能让杰克还没开始就失败的计划 to stop Jack before he even gets started.)

12. You designed it, wanted it foolproof. You said every television in London! (翻译:你设计的,你要它傻瓜化 你说要装到伦敦每一台电视!)

13. If you guys got together, and then he was on our team, and then... we would be foolproof. (翻译:如果你们在一起了 他就是我们的同伴 然后... 我们就会更有效率)

14. Not as something that was foolproof, but as an idea to think about. (翻译:这不是一个万无一失的计划,但这的确是一个值得思考的观点。)

15. I would write these foolproof plays in my little green notebook that I had. (翻译:我会把简单的战术演练写在我那绿色的记事本上)

1. 词义:foolproof是一个形容词,指的是一项计划、设备或系统以及方法和程序等是无法被愚蠢的人或者错误操作所或者率极低的。其意思可以理解为“绝对安全”,“容易操作”,“不易出错”。

2. 词性:形容词

3. 词组搭配:foolproof的常见搭配有:foolproof plan(易行的计划),foolproof method(无敌的方法),foolproof system(安全的系统)等。

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:/ˈfuːlpruːf/


1. The new safety equipment is foolproof and has already saved many lives. (这种新安全设备非常安全,已经拯救了很多生命。)

2. The company has introduced a foolproof system to prevent fraud. (该公司引入了一项绝对安全的系统,防止欺诈。)

3. This is a foolproof recipe that anyone can follow. (这是一份任何人都能跟着做的绝对安全的食谱。)

4. With this foolproof plan, we'll be able to finish the project on time. (有了这个无敌的计划,我们将能够按时完成项目。)

5. The software has a foolproof intece that even beginners can easily understand. (这个软件有一个简单易用的界面,即使是初学者也能轻松理解。)

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