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outsiders是什么意思 outsiders的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:27:01
  • 283

outsiders是什么意思 outsiders的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The group of boys in leather jackets were considered outsiders in the small town.


2. She has always felt like an outsider at this company, despite working there for years.


3. The book tells the story of a young girl who feels like an outsider in her own family.





例句:Fine collectibles created by native artisans began to be marketed to outsiders in the 1880s. (收藏罚款造成本土工匠开始以销售为外人道,在1880年。)


例句:A generation ago, few outsiders had ever heard of Lake Lugu or the Mosuo. (在上一代,少有外地人听说过泸沽湖或。)


例句:The covens are hidden to outsiders. (这些女巫会是不为外人所见的。)


例句:They all go, the outsiders, the do-gooders in time. (翻译:那些外人,那些不切实际的社会改良家...)


outsiders一般作为名词使用,如在the outsiders([电影]小教父)、liabilities to outsiders([经] 对外负债)、liability to outsiders(对外负债)等常见短语中出现较多。

the outsiders[电影]小教父
liabilities to outsiders[经] 对外负债
liability to outsiders对外负债


1. The covens are hidden to outsiders. (翻译:这些女巫会是不为外人所见的。)

2. They all go, the outsiders, the do-gooders in time. (翻译:那些外人,那些不切实际的社会改良家...)

3. A lot of the jargon they use is unintelligible to outsiders. (翻译:他们所用的大量行话是外人听不懂的。)

4. After an experience like Yaser's, outsiders may consider Americans to be fickle. (翻译:经过像亚瑟的经验之后,局外人也许会视美国人为善变的。)

5. The outsiders this time were the small German Banks such as IKB. (翻译:这一次的“局外人”是德国产业投资银行这样的小型德国银行。)

6. When outsiders come to town—loners, drifters—they often find their way to Don. (翻译:外人——独身的人、流浪汉——来到镇上以后,通常会找上唐。)

7. ( Norick ) Why do you hate outsiders? (翻译:你们为什么这么恨外来人? {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}[Norick] Why do you hate outsiders?)

8. Eric and I, we're still looked at as outsiders in a lot of ways. (翻译:埃里克和我 人们很多时候依然把我们看成外人)

9. The same nest. Outsiders they will not tolerate. (翻译:或许蚁巢就只一个 不知道为什么它们要入侵)

10. The Prince found himself in John Canty's abode, with the door closed against the outsiders. (翻译:王子发现自己在约翰·康第的住所里,房门关上了,把外面的人拦在外面。)

11. Outsiders have come into Jessup County and they've been people of low morality and unhygienic. (翻译:外人已经进入杰瑟普县... 他们是道德卑贱的人... 不洁净的人)

12. Is it the fact that it's an intentional attack by, quote, outsiders? (翻译:是因为那是一个由“外国人” 发动的蓄意袭击吗? )

13. We all know they hate us outsiders more than anything. (翻译:我们都知道 他们恨我们这些外来人胜过一切)

14. They have decided to hire outsiders for some of the key positions. (翻译:他们决定在某些关键职位上聘任外来人员。)

15. And as for outsiders, white, black or brown, tar and feather them, and whip them out of town. (翻译:至于那些外来人,白人,黑人或棕色人种, 给他们涂满柏油沾满羽毛用鞭子赶出城去。)





第三,例如在计算机领域中,'OS'就是'Operating System'的缩写,表示“操作系统”,在体育比赛中,'OSS'则可能指代“Out-of-Season Sports”,也就是赛季外的体育运动。


1. The meeting will only be open to insiders, outsiders are not allowed to attend. (这次会议只对内部人员开放,不允许外部人员参加。)

2. The company hired an outsider consultant to help with their marketing strategy. (公司聘请了一名外部顾问来协助他们的营销策略。)

3. Some people view immigrants as outsiders who are not fully integrated into society. (一些人认为移民是局外人,在社会中没有完全融入。)

4. The operating system(OS) of your computer controls all the programs and functions. (你电脑的操作系统(OS)控制着所有的程序和功能。)

5. Many professional athletes partite in OSS activities during the off-season. (很多职业运动员在赛季结束后参加赛季外的体育运动。)

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