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pus是什么意思 pus的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:11
  • 330

pus是什么意思 pus的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The wound was swollen and infected, and pus was oozing out.


2. The doctor had to drain the pus from the abscess.





例句:All the people around you, your sons and daughters your brothers and sisters, their bodies stacked around you like firewood leaking blood and pus. (你身边的所有人,儿子女儿 All the people around you, your sons and daughters 兄弟姐妹 your brothers and sisters, 尸体围你堆起 theirbodiesstackedaround youlikefirewood)


例句:Meanwhile, I got friends out in Hollywood, terrible comics, the worst, just leaking this derivative, pandering comedic pus, you know? (可是呢 我在好莱坞的朋友 都是些垃圾喜剧演员 烂透了 四处模仿 不伦不类的)


例句:"As a surgeon where there is an abscess, you cut, you evacuate the pus and you let the body heal,长一个脓包就要切除一个,排出脓水才能让身体恢复健康,”他说。)

4.脓 、脓

例句:Boil(or furuncle orfurunculosis ): Inflamed pus-filled swelling due to staphylococcus skin infection at a hair follicle. (翻译::在毛囊部由葡萄球菌引起的皮肤感染造成充满脓液的炎症肿胀。)


pus一般作为名词使用,如在of pus([医] 排脓法)、discharge of pus([医] 排脓)、evacuation of pus(排脓;排脓法)等常见短语中出现较多。

of pus[医] 排脓法
discharge of pus[医] 排脓
evacuation of pus排脓;排脓法
gram pus露嵴鲸
green pus[医] 绿脓
ichorous pus[医] 败液性脓, 稀臭脓
itch pus[医] 疥疮脓
lakes of pus脓湖
laudable pus[医] 黄稠脓, 无毒脓(旧名)


1. "As a surgeon where there is an abscess, you cut, you evacuate the pus and you let the body heal, " 8 he said. (翻译,长一个脓包就要切除一个,排出脓水才能让身体恢复健康,”他说。)

2. Boil(or furuncle orfurunculosis ): Inflamed pus-filled swelling due to staphylococcus skin infection at a hair follicle. (翻译::在毛囊部由葡萄球菌引起的皮肤感染造成充满脓液的炎症肿胀。)

3. Signifiable symptoms have diarrhea, pus and blood stool, bellyache and tenesmus. (翻译:重要症状有腹泻、脓血便、腹痛和里急后重。)

4. In 2 or 3 days pink lesions appear on his body, along with pustules... which erupt with the blood and pus. (翻译:两三天以后全身出现红斑不久变成脓包 很快就溃烂出血和脓)

5. A localized collection of pus in part of the body, formed by tissue disintegration and surrounded by an inflamed area. (翻译:脓肿,脓疡身体的一部分因组织损坏而形成的局部脓肿,被四周发炎部位围绕。)

6. Recovery is usually quick unless there is pus formation, which can destroy the inner-ear structures, causing permanent deafness in that ear. (翻译:若无化脓则常于数天后恢复,若已化脓则内耳结构全部,以致该耳听力永久丧失。)

7. Suture ligation and antibiotics were not adequate due to her friable and pus-flooded tissue. (翻译:血管缝合结扎和抗生素治疗并不足够,因为她的患部组织脆弱及充满脓液。)

8. They can become inflamed and fill with pus (pyocele) or pus and mucus (mucopyocele). (翻译:它们可以发炎并充填以脓液或粘液。)

9. All the physical that you held so dear. (翻译:如流脓淌血的柴火 leaking blood and pus. 你如此珍爱的躯体 All the physical that you held so dear.)

10. Mr. Wang's stout body was covered in cuts scabbed over with blood and pus, and he drifted in and out of sleep while talking to a reporter. (翻译:王先生臃肿的身体布满了出血渗液的划痕伤疤,他似睡非睡地跟记者聊着。)

11. A bacterial leaf spot on Clausena lansium(Lour)Skeels was observed at the cam- pus of South China College of Tropical Crops in recent years. (翻译:近年来,华南热带作物学院校园内的黄皮树叶片发生一种细菌性叶斑病。)

12. Even when it was minus 20 and I hadn't eaten for days, with my lungs full of pus... (翻译:即使只有二十分钟 且多日未进食 肺里面都是脓水)

13. laboratory, urinalysis, urine can be seen in red, white, and pus cells. (翻译:实验室检查,尿常规检查,尿中可见红细胞、白细胞、脓细胞。)

14. Psoriatic arthritis, unusual points, pus this type, erythrodermic. (翻译:银屑病分寻常型、关节病型、脓庖型、红皮病型。)

15. Rarely pericardial effusion can be caused by infection and consist of pus. (翻译:心包积液也能由感染引起,所积液体为脓液,但很罕见。)




1. 定义:Pus是由感染引起的炎症过程中形成的或白色的液体,包括细菌、死细胞和白细胞的混合物。

2. 医疗用途:医生会利用pus诊断感染或炎症。例如,在外科手术中,医生可能会在手术部位上收集样本进行测试,以确定是否存在感染。

3. 语言用途:pus也可用作形容词,表示不卫生、恶臭或令人不愉快的气味、质地或情况。

4. 相关词汇:与pus相关的词汇包括abscess(脓疮)、pustule(脓疱)和pyogenic(产脓的)等。


1. The wound was oozing pus and required immediate medical attention.(伤口渗出脓液,需要立即就医。)

2. The doctor examined the pus under a microscope to identify the type of bacteria present.(医生用显微镜检查脓液,以确定存在的细菌类型。)

3. The smell of the pus was so strong that I had to leave the room.(脓液的气味非常刺鼻,我不得不离间。)

4. The abscess was drained to release the pus and relieve the pressure.(脓疮被排出以释放脓液并缓解压力。)

5. The pyogenic bacteria caused pus to form in the wound.(产脓细菌导致伤口形成脓液。)

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