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gliding是什么意思 gliding的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:20:02
  • 177

gliding是什么意思 gliding的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. He loves gliding, soaring through the air like a bird.


2. The gliding competition was held on a beautiful sunny day.


3. Gliding high above the mountains, he felt free and alive.


4. Gliding is a popular sport in many parts of the world.


5. With his gliding skills, he was able to soar to great heights.





例句:Which might be relevant, had he been hang gliding. (如果他是在玩滑翔机时死的 你也许可以用这个借口)


例句:Dressed in a white dress, wear a monocle, behind the cloak can become a hang gliding. (身着白色礼服,佩单片眼镜,背后的披风可以变为滑翔翼。)


例句:The next best thing to flying is gliding. (仅次于飞行的事就是滑翔。)


例句:The last midnight, with the slender light of the air-condition, looked at the ceiling with tears gliding through my cheek. (翻译:上一个午夜,借着空调指示灯的微弱光线,我看着天花板,任由眼泪滑过面颊。)


gliding一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在epidermal gliding(表层滑动)、free gliding(自由滑动)、gliding acceleration(下滑加速度)等常见短语中出现较多。

epidermal gliding表层滑动
free gliding自由滑动
gliding acceleration下滑加速度
gliding aircraft滑翔机
gliding algae滑行藻类
gliding angle[机] 滑翔角
gliding articulation滑动关节
gliding bacteria滑行细菌
gliding bacterias[微] 滑行细菌


1. The next best thing to flying is gliding. (翻译:仅次于飞行的事就是滑翔。)

2. The last midnight, with the slender light of the air-condition, looked at the ceiling with tears gliding through my cheek. (翻译:上一个午夜,借着空调指示灯的微弱光线,我看着天花板,任由眼泪滑过面颊。)

3. Exocoetidae or flying fish is a tropical marine fish having enlarged winglike fins used for brief gliding flight. (翻译:飞鱼科或飞鱼属于热带海洋鱼类,有着扩大的翼状鳍,可以进行短距离的滑翔飞行。)

4. So now we were really confused, because there are no reports of it gliding. (翻译:我们被弄糊涂了。因为文献中并未记录壁虎拥有滑翔的能力。)

5. This is the actual video -- not staged, a real research video -- of animal gliding down. There is a red trajectory line. (翻译:这个短片没用道具,没有作假,是第一手的科研数据。红色是它的滑翔轨迹。)

6. Instead of gliding through the air as he expected, he made a parachute-jump and fell to the ground. (翻译:结果不是他所期望的那样滑翔升向天空,而是跳伞一样落到了地面。)

7. Almost there. Almost there. Sweet pushcarts gently gliding by (翻译:一就要到了 就要到了 一手推车慢慢地散步)

8. And sliding and gliding and staying alive (翻译:# 滑行 滑翔 努力生存 # # And sliding and gliding and staying alive #)

9. includes elasticity, plasticity and brittleness which are denoted by spring, gliding slab and cementation bar respectively. (翻译:分别以弹簧、滑片和胶结杆来代表固体的基本特性即弹性、塑性和脆性。)

10. The calves meanwhile benefited by gliding in their mother's slipstream. (翻译:因此这些幼体海豚能流畅地游动在它们母亲游动引起的滑流中。)

11. any of several small tropical Asian lizards capable of gliding by spreading winglike membranes on each side of the body. (翻译:亚洲热带的几种小蜥蜴,其身体两边长有扩展的翼状隔膜并能借以滑行。)

12. If the glider land on the floor, the point it touch the floor will be the reference point for measuring of the gliding distance. (翻译:或者滑翔机接触到地面时,亦以此落点作终点及量度滑行距离的依据。)

13. So now we were really confused, because there are no reports of it gliding. (翻译:我们被弄糊涂了。因为文献中并未记录壁虎拥有滑翔的能力。)

14. We love for gliding movement, I would like to glide through the wedding to his wife left one of the most romantic memories. (翻译:我们因滑翔运动而相爱,所以我想通过滑翔婚礼来留给妻子一个最浪漫的回忆。)

15. If an ice skater is gliding across the ice in straight-line motion and she pulls her arms in, she keeps on gliding at the same speed. (翻译:如果一个滑冰运动员冰面上, 直线滑行,然后收缩手臂, 她会继续以同样的速度滑行; )




1. 词性与意义:'gliding'是一个现在分词,意为“滑翔”,通常用于描述人或物体在空中滑行或滑翔的或者动作。 例如:The eagle was gliding effortlessly through the air. (老鹰在空中毫不费力地滑翔。)

2. 用途:'gliding'这个单词可以用于某些体育运动和娱乐活动。例如,滑翔伞运动和滑翔飞机活动都是运动员使用'gliding'这个词来描述他们的运动。

3. 派生词:'glider'是'gliding'的名词形式,用于描述一个可以飞行但不带发动机的航空器,通常由人或动物作为动力源。例如:My grandfather built a glider in his backyard when he was a young man. (我祖父在年轻时曾在后院建造了一架滑翔机。)

4. 相关词汇:'soaring'是一个与'gliding'相关的词汇,它指的是在空气中上升而不用煞车或汽车的运动。'paragliding'则是基于'gliding'的一种特殊形式,指的是在轻量级的带有一块大型帆的悬浮式滑翔伞中滑翔。

5. 例句:

- The glider flew silently over the fields, the only sound the wind in its wings. (滑翔机在田野上静静地飞行,唯一的声音是它翅膀上的风声。)

- I wasn't sure if I was ready for the thrill of paragliding, but the idea of gliding above the mountains was too tempting to resist. (我不确定我是否准备好了体验滑翔伞的刺激,但在山上飞行的想法太诱人了。)

- The sun was setting over the horizon as the glider made its final approach to the runway. (当滑翔机最后进近跑道时,太阳正在地平线上落山。)

- The bird spread its wings and glided effortlessly through the clear blue sky. (鸟儿展开翅膀,在晴朗的蓝天中毫不费力地滑翔。)

- The gliding competition was intense, with pilots from all over the world battling it out for the top spot. (滑翔比赛非常激烈,来自世界各地的飞行员们争夺冠军。)

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