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endurance是什么意思 endurance的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:21:41
  • 185

endurance是什么意思 endurance的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Marathon running requires a lot of endurance.


2. She showed great endurance during her illness.





例句:You underestimate his endurance, and I his shrewdness. (你低估了他的耐力,而我低估了他的精明。)


例句:She has no experience, no endurance, no training, no muscle. (失望。她没有经验, 没有耐力,没有训练,)


例句:The results suggest that BCAAs supplements tend to increase exercise endurance. (本研究结果认为支链胺基酸补充剂有助于运动耐力之倾向。)


例句:And as athletes have realized that we're perfectly suited for ultra-endurance, they've taken on feats that would have been unthinkable before, athletes like Spanish endurance racer Kilian Jornet. (翻译:当运动员们理解到 我们完美适应长时间持续性运动, 他们展示出在以前不可思议 的技巧, 就如同西班牙长跑运动员克里安.琼尼特。)


endurance一般作为名词使用,如在electrical endurance(电耐久性)、endurance ability(续航力)、endurance athletes([网络] 耐力运动员;长跑习惯的人)等常见短语中出现较多。

electrical endurance电耐久性
endurance ability续航力
endurance athletes[网络] 耐力运动员;长跑习惯的人
Endurance Canyon[地名] 持久号海底峡谷 ( 大西洋 )
endurance capacity耐力
endurance character疲劳特性
endurance characteristic耐久特性
endurance chart耐航图表
endurance contest[网络] 耐力比赛


1. The results suggest that BCAAs supplements tend to increase exercise endurance. (翻译:本研究结果认为支链胺基酸补充剂有助于运动耐力之倾向。)

2. And as athletes have realized that we're perfectly suited for ultra-endurance, they've taken on feats that would have been unthinkable before, athletes like Spanish endurance racer Kilian Jornet. (翻译:当运动员们理解到 我们完美适应长时间持续性运动, 他们展示出在以前不可思议 的技巧, 就如同西班牙长跑运动员克里安.琼尼特。)

3. TARS kept the Endurance right where we needed her. (翻译:TARS将永恒号维持在我们需要的地方 TARS kept the Endurance right where we needed her.)

4. Nobody in the history of mankind has not reached such endurance and fortitude! (翻译:人类历史上是没有人 能有这样强大忍耐力和毅力的!)

5. A lie has speed, but truth has endurance — Edgar J. Mohn. (翻译:谎言有速度,但是真理有耐力- - -埃德加。J。摩恩。)

6. We have already gone far beyond the limits of human endurance. (翻译:压力巨大到远远超过人类耐力极限的时候尤其重要。)

7. The endurance of setbacks is a standard mat can evaluate the volitional character of a person. (翻译:挫折承受能力是衡量人的意志品质的一个重要指标。)

8. Endurance is more important than pure speed, and as such, the stifles are only moderately angulated. (翻译:耐力比单纯的速度更重要,因此,后膝关节的角度必须适中。)

9. All of the greatest religions speak of the soul's endurance beyond the end of life. (翻译:伟大的都曾谈到灵魂的存在 超越了生死)

10. AS: They all had this beautiful quality of endurance, but that was true of the singles, too. (翻译:Alec Soth: 他们都拥有忍耐这种美好品质, 然而,单身人士也是如此。)

11. They have the cardiovascular and muscular endurance levels of elite athletes. (翻译:他们有心血管和肌肉 精英运动员的耐力水平。)

12. The exercise obviously will improve strength and endurance. (翻译:这项练习将明显增强力量和耐力。)

13. In this way, she did not exceed her normal, individual stress endurance. (翻译:这样一来,她并没有超越她本人正常的抵抗压力的水平。)

14. Effects of tiotropium on the exercise endurance of patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (翻译:噻托溴胺粉雾剂对稳定期慢性阻塞性肺病患者运动耐力的影响)

15. The Dakar rally is an endurance car race. (翻译:达喀尔拉力赛 是一项考验汽车持久度的比赛)





1. 名词,意为“忍耐力,耐力,持久力”;

2. 在体育运动中,意为“耐力训练,长跑训练”(如耐力训练 endurance training);

3. 在工程技术中,意为“耐久性,持久力”(如耐久性测试 endurance testing)。


1. 常用于评价个人或团体的 endurance,或者指定某项活动需要的 endurance,例如:“He has amazing endurance and can run long distances without getting tired”(他的耐力非常惊人,能够长跑而不会累);“The endurance race requires contestants to run for over 24 hours without stopping”(耐力赛要求选手连续跑24小时以上)。

2. 也可用于修饰形容词,例如:“endurance exercise”(耐力锻炼)、“endurance training”(耐力训练)、“endurance athlete”(耐力运动员)。


1. Stamina:强调持续运动或活动的能力,与 endurance 含义相似但更偏向于体力上的能力;

2. Persistence:强调在坚持不懈的面对挫折、困难时的能力;

3. Tenacity:强调不屈不挠、坚韧不拔的精神质量;

4. Tolerance:强调忍受压力、疼痛等负面因素的能力;

5. Resilience:强调从挫折、危机中快速恢复的能力。


1. The marathon runner's endurance was tested to the limits in the grueling race.(马拉松选手的耐力在激烈的比赛中被极限考验了。)

2. Endurance training is an important part of an athlete's fitness routine.(耐力训练是运动员保持健康的重要组成部分。)

3. The bike race is a test of both speed and endurance.(自行车比赛既是速度的考验,也是耐力的考验。)

4. The team showed incredible endurance, refusing to give up even when they were losing by a large margin.(该团队表现出了惊人的耐力,即使在分落后时也不放弃。)

5. The new car model underwent rigorous endurance testing to ensure it could withstand all kinds of weather conditions.(新车型经过严格的耐久性测试,以确保其能够经受各种气候条件的考验。)

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