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nm是什么意思 nm的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:30:37
  • 613

nm是什么意思 nm的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 纳米(nanometer)的缩写。单位纳米表示长度、宽度或高度的度量标准,相当于一百万分之一毫米。例如:This chip has features as small as 10 nm.(这个芯片的特征大小只有10纳米。)

2. 一种流行的网络用语,代表not much(不多)。通常用来回答问候或者感谢时,表示自己没有做什么特别值得称赞的事情。例如:A: Thanks for helping me out yesterday! B: np, nm.

3. 一种缩写,代表no message(没有留言)。在短信或者社交媒体上,当收到一条文本消息但没有回复时,有时会用nm回复对方,表示没有什么好回复的。

4. 纽曼(Newman)的缩写。在计算机图形学中,纽曼位图(Newman's bitmap)是一种处理2D图像的算法。这种算法最早由纽曼在1966年提出。


读音:英 [ˌɛn ˈɛm] ;美 [ˌɛn (ˌ)ɛm]


1. This is a breakthrough because it's the first time we can manage to create a transistor channel at a 5 nm scale.这是一个突破,因为这是我们第一次能够创建一个5纳米比例的晶体管通道。

2. A: Do you want something to drink? B: nm, I'm good. A:你想喝点什么吗? B:不用了,我不渴。

3. I got a text from John, but I was too busy to reply. Later, when I saw it, I just sent him a quick "nm". 我收到了John的短信,但是太忙了没回。后来看到了,我就回了一条"没什么"。

4. Newman's bitmap algorithm is still widely used in computer graphics. 纽曼位图算法在计算机图形学中仍然被广泛应用。




例句:Based on the SWB environment, the design for manufacturing and optimization of the nano-level NMOS integrated chips were implemented. (基于SWB环境实现了nm级NMOS集成化管芯的可制造性设计及优化。)


例句:Intel came up with a cool technology with its Arrandale 32nm CPU coupled with a 45nm graphics core. (英特尔公司提出了与它的阿伦代尔32纳米与45纳米图形核心的CPU,加上冷却技术。)


例句:QPC has internally demonstrated single-frequency powers exceeding 3 watts at conversion efficiencies greater than 50 percent at 1064 nm. (在QPC公司的内部演示中,在1064nm波长处,单频功率超过3瓦,转换效率高于50%。)


例句:In addition, Elpida will continue to evaluate and improve HKMG in order to apply the technology at the 30nm and 25nm nodes. (翻译:另外,尔必达还将继续评估将HKMG技术应用到其30/25nm节点制程的可能性。)


nm一般作为名词使用,如在NM([计] 纳米, 毫微米\n[医] 新霉素, 弗氏霉素)、nm.([化] 纳米; 毫微米\n[医] 肉豆蔻)、Euro.NM([网络] 欧洲新市场;欧洲新兴市场;欧洲新市场下亦利用)等常见短语中出现较多。

NM[计] 纳米, 毫微米\n[医] 新霉素, 弗氏霉素
nm.[化] 纳米; 毫微米\n[医] 肉豆蔻
Euro.NM[网络] 欧洲新市场;欧洲新兴市场;欧洲新市场下亦利用
NM1[=stylovirus NM1]长尾病毒


1. QPC has internally demonstrated single-frequency powers exceeding 3 watts at conversion efficiencies greater than 50 percent at 1064 nm. (翻译:在QPC公司的内部演示中,在1064nm波长处,单频功率超过3瓦,转换效率高于50%。)

2. In addition, Elpida will continue to evaluate and improve HKMG in order to apply the technology at the 30nm and 25nm nodes. (翻译:另外,尔必达还将继续评估将HKMG技术应用到其30/25nm节点制程的可能性。)

3. This study presents the REE geochemical characteristics of mudstones from Guantao Formation(Ng)and Minghuazhen Formation(Nm)of Neogene in Nanpu sag, Bohai Basin. (翻译:详细研究渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷新近系馆陶组和明化镇组泥岩的稀土元素地球化学特征。)

4. Syndesmosis width significantly increased when the screw was inserted in dorsiflexion for 5 Nm of torque. (翻译:当踝关节背伸位、下胫腓螺钉以5Nm扭矩植入时,下胫腓宽度明显增加。)

5. Process shuttles for the. 28-nm LPH process are available now, Samsung said. (翻译:三星还表示目前已可向外提供28nmLPH制程的芯片样品。)

6. SMIC has also licensed more advanced 45nm technology from IBM to help it produce high-end logic memory chips. (翻译:中芯国际还从IBM获得了更先进的45纳米技术,以帮助其生产高端逻辑存储器芯片。)

7. AMD's 32nm Llano processors have entered into volume production at GlobalFoudries. (翻译:此外,AMD32nm制程Llano处理器已经在GlobalFoudries投入量产。)

8. The sarcolemma , about 7. 5 nm thick , is a unit- membrane like that investing other cells . (翻译:肌纤维膜厚约7.5毫微米,同包裹着其它细胞的壁一样,是一层单位膜。)

9. Rated relieving capacity: The flow capacity of a relief device expressed in terms of air flow at standard conditions ( SCFH or Nm3/h) at a designated pressure or vacuum. (翻译:额定泄放量:在设计压力或设计真空下,用标准状况下的气体体积表示的泄压设施的体积流量。)

10. It said that was because of low customer demand, and from what Iunderstand, uptake on TSMC's 32nm is about as strong. (翻译:它说,这是因为客户的需求较低,从我个人理解,吸收TSMC的32纳米左右强劲。)

11. The three mammalian NM II isoforms have both overlapping and unique properties. (翻译:哺乳动物地中海的三个异构体二都重叠和独特的性质。)

12. Intel unveiled plans to invest $7 billion in factories in America that will make new, 32-nanometre chips and support 7, 000 high-tech jobs. (翻译:英特尔披露了公司将投资70亿美元在美国境内新建32nm芯片工厂,这个工厂将会提供7000个高科技就业岗位。)

13. Of the factors affecting adsorptive capacity of adsorbents , the micropore of 0. 85nm diameter is quite important. (翻译:在影响单位体积吸附剂贮气性能的几个要素中,吸附剂的微孔孔径最为重要。)

14. The strategic development alliance of Infineon and Nanya also covers the next technology node with 70nm structures. (翻译:英飞凌和南亚科技的战略联盟联合开发还包括下一代还将在新生代技术节点上开发70纳米工艺制程技术。)

15. Partial Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the gag Gene of Jaagsiekte Sheep Retrovirus NM Strain (翻译:绵羊肺腺瘤病毒中国NM株部分gag基因的克隆与序列分析)



1. 词义:'nm' 没有一个固定的词义,常常被用作网络用语或者缩略语,常常用来表示不满或者无奈。

2. 词性:'nm' 是一个缩略语,一般用作名词。

3. 词组搭配:'nm' 常见的搭配有 'what the nm',意思是 '什么鬼',以及 'nm u',表示 '你在干啥'。

4. 短语:没有特定的短语与 'nm' 相关。

5. 发音拼写:'nm' 极其简单易记,发音为 /ɛn ɛm/,即 "en em"。


1. I just wasted an hour on this nm. 我刚刚浪费了一个小时在这个毛病上。

2. She's so annoying, nm. 她真烦人,无话可说。

3. What the nm is going on here? 这里到底是怎么回事?

4. Can you come over? nm u. 你能过来吗?你在干嘛?

5. I'm too tired to deal with this nm. 我太累了,无力应对这个事情。

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