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ashworth是什么意思 ashworth的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:30:36
  • 324

ashworth是什么意思 ashworth的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Ashworth is a common surname in the United Kingdom.


2. Mr. Ashworth is the CEO of the company.


3. The Ashworth family has lived in this town for generations.





例句:But she soon leapt in with a bit of encouragement by Mrs Ashworth, from Lostwithiel, Cornwall. (但很快,猫咪在主人的鼓励下跳下了游泳池。)


例句:"We suspect that firms just ran out of potential productivity-enhancing measures, " Ashworth writes in a note to clients Thursday. (“我们怀疑这些公司在提高生产率方面已无他计可施”,艾许沃斯上周四在致客户的一份报告中指出。)


例句:Historically, the Fed had normally followed up an intermeeting cut with a further reduction at the next scheduled meeting, Mr Ashworth said. (从历史上看,美联储在减息之后的下一次利率会议中一般会跟进,进一步降低利率,阿什沃斯说。)


1. Historically, the Fed had normally followed up an intermeeting cut with a further reduction at the next scheduled meeting, Mr Ashworth said. (翻译:从历史上看,美联储在减息之后的下一次利率会议中一般会跟进,进一步降低利率,阿什沃斯说。)

2. No, I'm an unbeatable optimist. Nick Ashworth. (翻译:不 我是一个永不言败的乐观主义者 尼克・阿什沃斯)

3. Ashworth said he expected the pace of decline in the job market to moderate but the underlying position would stay weak. (翻译:Ashworth期望就业市场衰退速度会有所缓解,但形势依然疲软。)

4. Historically, the Fed had normally followed up an intermeeting cut with a further reduction at the next scheduled meeting, Mr Ashworth said. (翻译:从历史上看,美联储在减息之后的下一次利率会议中一般会跟进,进一步降低利率,阿什沃斯说。)

5. Paul Ashworth, of Capital Economics, said payrolls fell by an average of 500, 000 a month in the final quarter of 2008. (翻译:《资本经济》的PaulAshworth表示在2008年的最后一个季度,在职人数平均每月下降50万。)

6. Yet even Mr Ashworth admits that core inflation and wage growth have not fallen as much as the output gap and unemployment would seem to predict. (翻译:然而甚至是Ashworth先生也承认,核心通货膨胀率和工资增长水平都还没下降到产出缺口和失业率这两者似能的那种程度。)

7. Well, next time, you just tell Angela Ashworth, just because she feels insecure about being a little girl, in a society that puts an inordinate amount of pressure on a woman to live up to some physical standard, (翻译:嗯,要有下次你就告诉安吉拉·艾什沃 不能因为她自己身为一个小女孩 并且活在一个对女性身体健康有极高要求 并且给予极大压力的社会中)

1. 源头及含义:Ashworth可以是一个姓氏,也可以是一个地名,还可以是某个品牌或公司的名称。具体指代的内容需要根据上下文来确定。


- My friend's last name is Ashworth. (我朋友的姓是Ashworth。)

- Ashworth是英国的一个地名。(Ashworth is a place name in England.)

- Ashworth是一家著名的高尔夫球具品牌。(Ashworth is a well-known golf equipment brand.)

2. 品牌或公司:Ashworth还可以指代某个特定的品牌或公司,如Ashworth Golf和Ashworth College。这些品牌和公司都有自己的特点和业务范围,需要根据具体情况进行解释。


- Ashworth Golf是一家专门生产高尔夫球衣和鞋子的品牌。(Ashworth Golf is a brand that specializes in golf apparel and ss.)

- Ashworth College是一家提供在线学位课程的教育机构。(Ashworth College is an online educational institution that offers degree courses.)

3. 缩写词:Ashworth也可以是某个缩写词的一部分,如ASHWORTH Scale。这些缩写词通常在特定的领域中使用,需要根据上下文来解释。


- ASHWORTH Scale是一种用于评估病人脑损伤程度的工具。(ASHWORTH Scale is a tool used to s the degree of brain injury in patients.)

4. 研究方向:Ashworth还可以是某个研究领域或学术研究者的名称,如Ashworth Research Centre和Dr. Ashworth。这些都需要根据具体情况进行解释。


- Ashworth Research Centre是一家专门从事心理学和行为科学研究的机构。(Ashworth Research Centre is an organization that specializes in research in psychology and behavioral science.)

- Dr. Ashworth是一位著名的肿瘤学家,他在研发肿瘤治疗方面有很多突出的成果。(Dr. Ashworth is a famous oncologist who has made many outstanding achievements in the development of cancer treatments.)


1. My neighbor is a member of the Ashworth Golf Club. (我的邻居是Ashworth高尔夫俱乐部的一员。)

2. The ASHWORTH Scale is a useful tool for measuring spasticity in patients with spinal cord injury. (ASHWORTH评分法是评估脊髓损伤患者痉挛程度的有用工具。)

3. Ashworth College offers a variety of degree programs in fields such as healthcare, business, and education. (Ashworth College提供多种学位课程,涵盖医疗保健、商业和教育等领域。)

4. Dr. Ashworth's research on breast cancer has led to new treatments for the disease. (Ashworth博士对乳腺癌的研究已经为该疾病带来了新的治疗方法。)

5. The village of Ashworth is known for its picturesque landscapes and historic architecture. (Ashworth村以其风景如画的景观和历史建筑而闻名。)

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