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visualizing是什么意思 visualizing的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-20 10:09:57
  • 207

visualizing是什么意思 visualizing的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. By visualizing success, you can better achieve your goals.(通过视觉化成功,你可以更好地实现自己的目标。)

2. The software program allows for easy visualizing of complex data sets.(这个软件程序可以轻松地将复杂的数据集视觉化。)

3. Visualizing yourself calm and relaxed can help you reduce anxiety.(通过视觉化自己平静和放松,可以帮助你减轻焦虑。)




例句:So all the text you're going to see is real-time generated by the computer, visualizing what he's doing with his voice. (所以所有你将要看到的文本字幕 都是由一台电脑实时产生的, 它把雅普的声音转换为可视的了。)


1. So if you look at this in the context of visualizing the bailout, what you can see is if you stack up dollar bills, first of all, 360,000 dollars is about the size of a five-foot-four guy. (翻译:如果你在救援背景下想想这个问题, 你将看到的是,如果一个人堆积美元钞票, 首先是360,000美元 -大致相当于一个5.4英寸人的高度)

2. Visualizing a quantum computing problem. (翻译:使量子计算问题形象化。)

3. Now, cymatics is the process of visualizing sound by basically vibrating a medium such as sand or water, as you can see there. (翻译:现在,cymatics是一个使声音可视化的过程, 大部分是通过振动一种介质,例如沙子,或者水, 正如你所见。)

4. So all the text you're going to see is real-time generated by the computer, visualizing what he's doing with his voice. (翻译:所以所有你将要看到的文本字幕 都是由一台电脑实时产生的, 它把雅普的声音转换为可视的了。)

5. Now, cymatics is the process of visualizing sound by basically vibrating a medium such as sand or water, as you can see there. (翻译:现在,cymatics是一个使声音可视化的过程, 大部分是通过振动一种介质,例如沙子,或者水, 正如你所见。)

6. Visualizing a workflow, especially when talking about something as nebulous as content, can be a little confusing. (翻译:观察某个工作流,有时会有一些困惑,特别是在讨论某些像内容这样笼统的东西的时候。)

7. I also use it as a tool for visualizing and tracking pollution. (翻译:我同时也把它作为一种工具 来可视化和跟踪染物。)

8. These processes are too small to be seen directly, even with the best microscopes, so animations like this provide a really powerful way of visualizing a hypothesis. (翻译:这些过程太小了以至于无法看到, 即使是用最好的显微镜, 因此,像这样的动画就提供了一个强大的工具 把一个假说可视化。)

9. I mean, is there anything that is not visualizing what can't be seen, in terms of discovering this dinosaur bone from a small piece of it that's out there, or seeing the distortion that we try to see as evolutionary distortion in one animal to another? (翻译:我的意思是,所有的东西 都能在某种程度上把我们肉眼看不见的东西展示出来, 就恐龙挖掘而言,通过恐龙的一小部分的骨骼可以发现恐龙 观察那些 我们希望看到的扭曲, 这些是进化的扭曲,从一种动物到另一种动物。)

10. And it's visualizing SMS messages being sent in the city of Amsterdam. (翻译:它可视化在阿姆斯特丹发出的所有手机短信。)

11. What for me is so powerful and actually unprecedented in the work that he is doing, is visualizing the change that allows us to actually see what was and what is become. (翻译:对我来说 他的作品空前强大 他让人看到这个变化 看到冰川的过去及未来的走向)

://www.ted.com/talks/anders_ynnerman_visualizing_the_medical_data_explosion.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/anders_ynnerman_visualizing_the_medical_data_explosion.html)

13. For example, in oceanography, a lexicon of dolphin language is actually being created by basically visualizing the sonar beams that the dolphins emit. (翻译:例如:在海洋学中, 通过观察海豚发射的声纳波图案, 我们发现实际上海豚语言的词典正在增加。)

14. But design and science and the possibility of visualizing different scales, and therefore, really work at the scale of the very small to make it very big and very meaningful. (翻译:我们可以从不同的层面上去以形象化的方式展现二者的魅力。这需要从很小的工作做起, 只有这样才能做出伟大和有意义的事情。)

15. Spend Time Visualizing Your Success (翻译:在脑中想象你成功的画面 )



1. 定义:Visualizing 意为通过视觉方式,将想象或者概念转化为图像或者图表的过程。缩写词 VZ 通常指视觉化设计。


- She is great at visualizing complex data and presenting it in a simple way.

- The company hired a specialist in VZ to improve the user intece of their website.

2. 应用范围:Visualizing 在许多领域都有应用,包括教育、商业、科技和创意行业等。


- The teacher used visualizing techniques to help students understand difficult concepts.

- The marketing team created a visualizing tool to show sales data.

3. 工具和技术:Visualizing 可以借助各种工具和技术来实现,如图表、图像、动画和虚拟现实等。


- The researcher used a data visualization software to yze the survey results.

- The artist combined traditional painting techniques with digital visualization tools to create a unique artwork.

4. 效果和优点:Visualizing 可以帮助人们更好地理解、分析和表达信息。视觉化内容通常更容易被记忆和理解,也更具吸引力和影响力。


- The infographic on climate change helped raise public awareness and promote action.

- The visualized report made the financial data more transparent and understandable.

5. 发展趋势:随着技术和应用的不断发展,Visualizing 在未来将逐渐普及和深入到更多领域。同时,也会面临新的挑战和需求,如数据保护和反欺诈等。


- The trend of data visualization will drive the demand for more advanced tools and skills.

- The development of virtual and augmented reality will open up new possibilities for visualizing immersive experiences.

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