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evidens是什么意思 evidens的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:13:36
  • 186

evidens是什么意思 evidens的中文翻译、读音、例句

evidens的中文翻译是“证据”,读音为 [ˈevɪdəns]。


1. The police collected a lot of evidens from the crime scene. (警方从现场收集到了许多证据。)

2. The evidens is clear that he was the one who committed the crime.(证据明确表明他是犯罪嫌疑人。)

3. Without any evidens we cannot take any action against him. (没有证据我们就不能对他采取任何行动。)




例句:At large again, he had no place to go except to his usual drinking dens, where he was finally captured. (越狱后,他除了出入在通常饮酒的贼窝以外,无处可去,在那里,他终于再次被捕。)


例句:I could provide you with the addresses of at least three illegal drinking dens. (我能向你提供至少3个秘密非法酒馆的地址。)


例句:But with the spring melt here in Japan monsters stir in their dens. (可是在日本,每当春雪消融之际 一种怪物便在巢窟中苏醒)


例句:In January, snug in their dens, the females have given birth and now the family is beginning to stir. (翻译:一月时 在舒适的小窝里 母亲诞下了孩子 现在这个家庭开始活跃起来)


evidens一般作为名词使用,如在dictyla evidens(明无孔网蝽)等常见短语中出现较多。

dictyla evidens明无孔网蝽


1. But with the spring melt here in Japan monsters stir in their dens. (翻译:可是在日本,每当春雪消融之际 一种怪物便在巢窟中苏醒)

2. In January, snug in their dens, the females have given birth and now the family is beginning to stir. (翻译:一月时 在舒适的小窝里 母亲诞下了孩子 现在这个家庭开始活跃起来)

3. igh pressure the vapor may become as dens and as incompressible as the liquid at lower temperature. (翻译:在临界温度以上和高压下,蒸汽密度可能变得象在低温下液体那样稠密且不可压缩。)

4. And Apple's laptop and desktop computers are in more dens than they used to be. (翻译:苹果的笔记本及台式电脑也比以前在民居中更普及。)

5. All across these mountains, grizzly bears make their winter dens up to 3000 metres high in the deep snow of leeward slopes. (翻译:在这些山脉中 灰熊将巢筑在背风坡厚厚的积雪之下 海拔高达三千米)

6. as the icy grip eases, the world's largest bears emerge from their dens. (翻译:历经数千年 雅库次克马演化出御寒的厚皮浓毛)

7. The bears safely moving into their winter dens, the foxes hiding in the woods. (翻译:熊安全地迁徙到洞里过冬 狐狸也躲到树林里去)

8. The sun rises, and they steal away; they return and lie down in their dens . (翻译:太阳升起的时候,它们就躲避,回到自己的洞穴躺卧。)

9. Because of that, what you get is very large aggregations of snakes at these communal dens. (翻译:因此,在这些公共巢穴中,你会发现非常庞大的蛇群。)

10. The druids of the talon reside within Barrow Dens at the end of this valley. (翻译:猛禽德鲁伊就在这座山谷尽头的巴伦巢栖息。)

11. It can be minus 40 degrees Centigrade when polar bear cubs emerge at the start of the Arctic spring, from their dens where they were born. (翻译:在北冰洋春季伊始 幼熊从诞生的洞出来时的气温 可能是摄氏零下40度)

12. They prefer to stay close to well-hidden dens to protect their pups from rival packs. (翻译:他们更愿意守在 非常隐秘的兽穴周围 防止与它们竞争的族群伤害其幼崽)

13. In a statement posted on a website often used by militants, the Islamic State of Iraq said "martyrs . . . targeted the dens of infidelity" . (翻译:在一个武装分子常用的网站上贴出来的一份声明中,“国”声称“殉道者······瞄准的是那些异的老巢”。)

14. You're not with me in this situation, you are a eviþi. (翻译:你不是跟我在这种情况下,你是一个 eviti。)

15. In other well-known pirate dens, like Garoowe, Eyl, Hobyo and Xarardheere, pirates have become local celebrities. (翻译:在其他远近闻名的海盗窝点,比如加鲁威、伊尔和沙拉德西尔,海盗已经成了当地的名人。)

1. 词义:evidens 是英语单词 evidence 的拼写变体,意为"证据"或"迹象"。

2. 词性:evidens 是名词。

3. 词组搭配:无特定的词组搭配。

4. 短语:无特定的短语搭配。

5. 发音拼写:/ˈɛvɪdəns/,重音在第一个音节上。


1. The prosecutor presented the evidens to the jury in the trial.(检察官在庭审中向陪审团呈现证据。)

2. There is not enough evidens to support the claim that he committed the crime.(没有足够的证据支持他犯罪的指控。)

3. The police are still gathering evidens to determine the cause of the accident.(警方仍在收集证据以确定事故原因。)

4. The evidens suggests that the company's profits are declining.(证据表明,该公司的利润正在下降。)

5. The defense lawyer claimed that the evidens against his client was cirtantial.(辩护律师声称对他的客户的指控只是间接的证据。)

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