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national treasure是什么意思 national treasure的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:13:27
  • 284

national treasure是什么意思 national treasure的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:guó bǎo


1. 这个古老的建筑是我们的国宝,需要好好保护。

Translation: This ancient building is our national treasure and needs to be well protected.

2. 这幅画是中国古代名画之一,也是国宝级文物。

Translation: This painting is one of the famous ancient Chinese paintings and also a national treasure-level cultural relic.

national treasure在中文中有"惊天夺宝、国家宝藏"的意思,在英美地区还有"国家财富"的意思,单词读音音标为[nationaltreasure],national treasure常被用作名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到68个与national treasure相关的例句。

National treasure的词典翻译


例句:I suppose he must have been about 40 then. (So this might not getinto the National Press?)


例句:- He is running national political on Hobbs. (- He is running national political on Hobbs.)


例句:Please welcome to the program, (掌声有请... The National)


例句:I will always treasure it. (翻译:我会永远视若珍宝的 I will always treasure it.)


national treasure一般作为名词使用,如在treasure(财富 )、misgotten treasure([法] 不义之财)、priceless treasure(un. 无价之宝\n[网络] 无价的珍品;无价之宝的意思是;重宝)等常见短语中出现较多。

misgotten treasure[法] 不义之财
priceless treasureun. 无价之宝\n[网络] 无价的珍品;无价之宝的意思是;重宝
Treasure Beach[地名] 特雷热比奇 ( 牙 )
treasure billn. 国库券
treasure box矿体
treasure cargo贵重货物
treasure chestn. 财宝箱/藏宝箱
treasure chests[网络] 宝箱;两个宝箱
Treasure County[地名] 特雷热县 ( 美 )


1. Please welcome to the program, (翻译:掌声有请... The National)

2. I will always treasure it. (翻译:我会永远视若珍宝的 I will always treasure it.)

3. Quite a treasure trove of information. (翻译:找到很多珍贵信息 Quite a treasure trove of information.)

4. or the Democrats, or National Suck-My-Dick Week. (翻译:or the Democrats, or National Suck -My -Dick Week.)

5. There was a long dispute about whether to preserve the tomb as is or to conserve that national treasure, that mural, (翻译:吵了很久,为了要保留 墓穴的现状 还是保护那些国宝、壁画..)

6. Julian Treasure: What a difference. (翻译:Julian Treasure:区别太大了! )

7. What is the national religion of Cameroon? (翻译:喀麦隆信奉什么国教? What is the national religion of Cameroon?)

8. Uh, I just need time to think, okay? (翻译:-J, 你可以在the national找到)

9. Our guests today in the studio are The National. (翻译:The National 我们马上将要和The National这个乐队对话 在最近的十年里)

10. But you have another national treasure and this evening is dedicated to her. (翻译:但你们还有一项国家宝藏 而我今晚的演出,就献给这位国宝)

11. This is one of the most talked about bands on the planet right now. (翻译:欢迎本节目的嘉宾 The National)

12. The National Federation... (翻译:The National Federation...)

13. This is your treasure, is it? (翻译:One gold piece. This is your treasure, is it?)

14. The treasure Stevenson... talked about in Treasure Island. (翻译:这一定是史蒂文生《金银岛》里... 所提到的宝藏)

15. Now, the treasure hunt is critical. (翻译:寻宝这个才是关键 Now, the treasure hunt is critical.)

1. 意释:


2. 形式:


3. 资源保护:



1. The Great Wall is not only a famous landmark of China but also a national treasure that symbolizes the country's long history and culture. (长城不仅是中国著名的地标,也是象征着国家悠久历史和文化的国家宝藏。)

2. The British Museum is home to many national treasures from around the world, such as the Rosetta Stone and the Parthenon sculptures. (大英博物馆收藏了来自世界各地的许多国家宝藏,例如罗塞塔石碑和巴台农神庙雕塑。)

3. The Emperor's Palace in Beijing is a remarkable monument and a national treasure of China. (北京故宫是中国一座著名的古迹,也是中国的国家宝藏。)

4. The Gutenberg Bible is a national treasure of Germany and is considered to be one of the most important books in the history of printing. (古腾堡圣经是德国的国家宝藏,被认为是印刷史上最重要的书之一。)

5. The Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo da Vinci is a national treasure of Italy, and it is housed in the Louvre Museum in Paris. (列奥纳多·达·芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》是意大利的国家宝藏,它存放在巴黎卢浮宫博物馆里。)

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