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emdr是什么意思 emdr的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-26 11:48:28
  • 213

emdr是什么意思 emdr的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:[yǎn dòng zài chǔ lǐ yǔ zài píng gū zhì liáo fǎ]

例句:EMDR治疗常常被用来帮助那些经历过创伤事件的人们恢复心理平衡。(EMDR therapy is often used to help people who have experienced traumatic events to restore psychological balance.)




例句:However, EMDR remains controversial largely because experts can't agree on why it works. (然而,此种疗法还存有争议,主要因为专家们未能在它的工作原理上达成协议。)


例句:Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing(EMDR) is one of the first therapy to treat PTSD patient. (目的探讨舍曲林联合眼动脱敏和再加工治疗对抑郁症的临床疗效及安全性。)


例句:Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing(EMDR) is one of the first therapy to treat PTSD patient. (眼动脱敏与再建是最近十几年来新兴的一种心理治疗法,主要用于治疗创伤后应激障碍等症状。)


例句:This undermines the idea that EMDR works specifically by taxing the so-called "visus-spatial sketch-pad" of working memory. (翻译:EMDR通过消耗所谓的工作记忆的视觉空间写生板来生效的说法因此受到质疑。)


1. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing(EMDR) is one of the first therapy to treat PTSD patient. (翻译:眼动脱敏与再建是最近十几年来新兴的一种心理治疗法,主要用于治疗创伤后应激障碍等症状。)

2. This undermines the idea that EMDR works specifically by taxing the so-called "visus-spatial sketch-pad" of working memory. (翻译:EMDR通过消耗所谓的工作记忆的视觉空间写生板来生效的说法因此受到质疑。)


1. 定义:EMDR是眼动复原与再处理疗法(Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)的缩写,是一种心理治疗方法,主要用于治疗创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)等心理问题。


- EMDR therapy has been found to be effective in treating PTSD.(EMDR疗法已被证明在治疗创伤后应激障碍方面有效。)

- The the used EMDR to help the patient process traumatic memories.(治疗师使用EMDR帮助患者处理创伤性记忆。)

2. 原理:EMDR的主要原理是通过眼动、听觉或触觉等方式刺激大脑,促进创伤性记忆再加工和消化。


- EMDR works by helping the brain process traumatic memories in a more adaptive way.(EMDR通过帮助大脑以更适应性的方式处理创伤性记忆来起作用。)

- The the used bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, to facilitate EMDR.(治疗师使用双侧刺激,如眼动,来促进EMDR。)

3. 应用:除了治疗PTSD外,EMDR还可以用于治疗其他心理疾病,如焦虑、抑郁、强迫症等。


- EMDR has been used to treat a wide range of psychological disorders.(EMDR已被用于治疗广泛的心理障碍。)

- The the recommended EMDR as a treatment option for the patient's anxiety.(治疗师建议EMDR作为患者焦虑的治疗选择。)

4. 研究:EMDR已经被多项研究证明是一种有效的心理治疗方法。


- Research has shown that EMDR is as effective as other forms of therapy in treating PTSD.(研究表明,EMDR在治疗创伤后应激障碍方面与其他疗法同样有效。)

- A recent study found that EMDR was effective in reducing symptoms of depression in a group of partints.(最近的一项研究发现,在一组参与者中,EMDR对减轻抑郁症状有效。)

5. 执行:EMDR需要由受过培训和资格认证的治疗师执行。治疗通常需要多次会话。


- It is important to find a licensed the who is trained in EMDR.(找到受过EMDR培训和认证的持牌治疗师非常重要。)

- The patient attended several EMDR sessions with their the to work through their traumatic experiences.(患者与治疗师一起参加了多次EMDR会话,以处理他们的创伤经历。)

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