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miit是什么意思 miit的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-14 04:24:57
  • 211

miit是什么意思 miit的中文翻译、读音、例句





例句:At 8 AM, April 18, MIIT had the fifth steering group meeting for quake relief in Yushu, Qinghai province. (4月18日8时,工业和信息化部召开青海玉树抗震救灾指挥领导小组第五次会议。)


例句:If no overcapacity, it is clear that it is disgreeing with MIIT. (如果说产能不过剩,摆明了是跟工信部唱反调。)


例句:MIIT announces entry criteria for cement industry. (工信部发布《水泥行业准入条件》。)


1. MIIT announces entry criteria for cement industry. (翻译:工信部发布《水泥行业准入条件》。)

2. The MIIT said in a round of consultations on Green Dam in March that it had received "broad support" from PC makers. (翻译:工业和信息化部在今年3月就“绿坝”进行的一轮磋商中表示,它得到了“众多计算机厂商的支持”。)

3. It is worth noting that new energy vehicles are seen most frequently in the new vehicle admittance catalogue released by MIIT. (翻译:值得注意的是,在工信部此次推出的新车准入目录中,新能源车型是出现频率最高的一次。)

4. Position: The technical supporting Organization of MIIT for the implementation of pollution control policy of electronics IT Products (翻译:定位:信息产业部组织贯彻电子信息产品染控制政策的技术支持机构)

5. The two stopped their row after MIIT stepped in, warning them against unfair competition and practices harming consumers. (翻译:在工信部介入,警告它们不要展开不公平竞争和有害消费者的行为后,两家公司的争执平息了下来。)

6. So the MIIT could do everyone a favor by clarifying these and other questions about the Green Dam plan. (翻译:因此工信部可能会在百忙之中解释一下有关绿坝计划的或这或那问题。)

7. If no overcapacity, it is clear that it is disgreeing with MIIT. (翻译:如果说产能不过剩,摆明了是跟工信部唱反调。)

8. According to Xi, MIIT will fix a clear positioning, development goals, timetable and roadmap of IOT industry. . . (翻译:据奚称,工信部将为物联网行业制定清晰的定位、发展目标、时间表和路线图。)

1. 含义:MIIT是中国国家工业和信息化部的缩写,是中国负责协调国民经济中工业和信息化事务的部门。

2. 职责:MIIT的职责包括制定和实施相关政策、规划和管理工业和信息化领域的发展、监督和管理相关行业和企业等。

3. 重要性:MIIT在中国国民经济中发挥着重要的作用,特别是在推动信息化建设、促进创新和技术升级、推进产业转型升级等方面。

4. 影响:MIIT政策和规划的实施对于中国的经济发展、产业结构和创新力量的增强都具有重要的影响。


1. The MIIT has announced a new policy to encourage the development of high-tech industries in China.


2. MIIT is responsible for the regulation of China's telecommunications industry.


3. The MIIT has set a target of increasing China's Internet penetration rate to 60% by 2020.


4. MIIT encourages the development of innovative enterprises and provides support for innovative projects.


5. The MIIT plays an important role in promoting the development of digital economy in China.


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