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sourced是什么意思 sourced的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:33:10
  • 208

sourced是什么意思 sourced的中文翻译、读音、例句




- This information is sourced from a reliable website. (这些信息来源于一个可靠的网站。)

- Our products are sustainably sourced from local farms. (我们的产品都是从本地农场可持续采购的。)




例句:Stock market can act as the vehicle through which the benefit can be sourced from financing for the company. (证券市场是使企业可以通过融资来实现收益。)


例句:Primarily that was the sustainable technology sourced by renewable resources. (总的来说,那是用可再生能源 发展的可持续技术)


例句:VP3, an earlier version, was open sourced in 2002 and represents the basis for the open-source Theora codec. (VP8的早期版本VP3于2002年开源,成为开源的Theora codec的基础。)


例句:A lot of the libraries we build are open sourced as soon as we get some time to clean them up and split it out of our source tree. (翻译:每当我们有空将它们整理清楚并且将它们从我们的源码树上分离开来以后,我们建立的很多的类库都得以开放。)


sourced一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在open sourced([网络] 公开性)、foreign sourced income([经] 外籍职员)、open sourced software(开源软件)等常见短语中出现较多。

open sourced[网络] 公开性
foreign sourced income[经] 外籍职员
open sourced software开源软件


1. VP3, an earlier version, was open sourced in 2002 and represents the basis for the open-source Theora codec. (翻译:VP8的早期版本VP3于2002年开源,成为开源的Theora codec的基础。)

2. A lot of the libraries we build are open sourced as soon as we get some time to clean them up and split it out of our source tree. (翻译:每当我们有空将它们整理清楚并且将它们从我们的源码树上分离开来以后,我们建立的很多的类库都得以开放。)

3. The IFX-encoded messages are sourced from a message set provided in a directory specified by Scripter's properties file. (翻译:IFX编码的消息来源于一个消息集合,该集合在Scripter的属性文件所指定的目录中提供。)

4. In the year 2000, 80 percent of the world's coltan was sourced to the killing fields of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. (翻译:在2000年,世界上80%的钶钽铁矿 都来源于刚果共和国东部的 杀戮地区 )

5. Google has open-sourced WebM, a royalty free media file format for compressing and encoding video. (翻译:近日,Google开源了WebM——用于视频压缩与编码的免费媒体文件格式。)

6. Qitianling granite is a post - collisional, deep - sourced and hypabyssal, early Yanshanian high - K calc- alkaline granite complex pluton. (翻译:骑田岭花岗岩是燕山早期深源浅成的高钾钙碱性复式花岗岩岩体。)

7. In the year 2000, 80 percent of the world's coltan was sourced to the killing fields of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. (翻译:在2000年,世界上80%的钶钽铁矿 都来源于刚果共和国东部的 杀戮地区)

8. The lithium-ion cells for the packs will initially be sourced from Korea through LG Chem. (翻译:初始阶段,电池组的锂离子电池单元将从韩国LG化工采购。)

9. All the major rivers in south India are sourced in the Western Ghats, the chain of hills running along the west coast of India. (翻译:印度南部的主要河流 都起源于印度西海岸的 西高止山脉。)

10. Raina Merchant, of the University of Pennsylvania, believes that crowd-sourced Good Samaritans can help here, too. (翻译:宾夕法尼亚大学的RainaMerchant相信参与众包的热心人也会有助于这一项目。)

11. We sourced the signal to you, yet we found no communication equipment on your person, let alone something with the processing power to break through a helio-encrypted firewall. (翻译:追踪信号找到了你 却没在你身上发现任何通讯设备 更别提你是如何突破)

12. A hard-coded ID has been used in this case, but you could use an ID sourced from your database or UUID. (翻译:本例中使用了一个硬编码的ID,但是您也可以使用来自数据库的ID或UUID。)

13. After you so generously open-sourced your research, my guys adapted some of your best thinking to our bird. (翻译:由于你慷慨地开源了你的火箭研究 我的人把你的一些好点子用在我们的飞船上了)

14. He has installed an anaerobic digester, a wind turbine, solar panels and a ground-sourced heat pump. (翻译:他建起了厌氧消化池,安装了风轮机、太阳电池板和地源热泵。)

15. The audio texture for this piece is sourced from sonified data from a scientific weather station which measures the CO2 emissions from a mining site in the central North Island. (翻译:这首作品的音频织体来源于天气科研站的声化数据,数据测量了位于北岛中部采矿地的二氧化碳排出量。)




词性: soursed是一个动词。


词组搭配:常见的词组搭配包括:well-sourced(来源可靠)、responsibly sourced(负责任的采购)、locally sourced(本地采购)、ethically sourced(道德采购)等。

相关短语:与sourced有关的短语包括source out(找出,搜寻来源)、source from(从某地采购)、source materials(寻找原材料)等。


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