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lauder是什么意思 lauder的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-02 15:14:58
  • 142

lauder是什么意思 lauder的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. She was a lauder of the author's work, always praising it to anyone who would listen.(她是那位作家作品的一位赞美者,总是向任何愿意听的人夸赞。)

2. The singer had many lauders in the audience who cheered and applauded her after she finished her performance.(歌手在演出结束后得到了许多观众的欢呼和喝彩,其中有许多赞美者。)




例句:I caught up with Lauder today to ask him what gives with the bomb in lipstick sales and whether that upends his theory. (我今天遇到Lauder,询问他是什么造成口红销量的暴跌以及这是否颠覆了他的理论。)


例句:Liya Kebede is currently a "face" of Estee Lauder - the first woman of colour to represent the brand in its 59 year history. (Liya Kebede目前是Estée Lauder的“面孔”,她是代表具有59年历史的这一名牌产品的第一个有色种族妇女。)


例句:Luck, Lauder, that's what it's all about-- good luck and bad luck. (幸运 Lauder 事实如此 好运和霉运)


例句:Then this time I' m recommending you and then compare this series of Estee Lauder red pomegranate emulsion. (翻译:然后这个时节我比拟引荐你再用雅诗兰黛红石榴这个系列的乳液。)


lauder一般作为名词、动词使用,如在estee lauder(雅诗兰黛)、Harry Lauder([网络] 哈利劳德;哈瑞洛德)等常见短语中出现较多。

estee lauder雅诗兰黛
Harry Lauder[网络] 哈利劳德;哈瑞洛德


1. Luck, Lauder, that's what it's all about-- good luck and bad luck. (翻译:幸运 Lauder 事实如此 好运和霉运)

2. Then this time I' m recommending you and then compare this series of Estee Lauder red pomegranate emulsion. (翻译:然后这个时节我比拟引荐你再用雅诗兰黛红石榴这个系列的乳液。)

3. Family is important to Lauder. (翻译:家庭对兰黛来说很重要。)

4. When they succeeded, Mr Lauder bought “Adele Bloch-Bauer I” for a reported $135m. (翻译:当其家人继承了油画所有权之后,劳德买下了“阿黛尔•布洛赫鲍尔初次印象”,据说花了一百三十五万美元。)

5. The Lauder Family and The estee Lauder companies. (翻译:兰黛家族和雅诗兰黛公司。)

6. And fortified myself with estee lauder (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}喷着雅诗兰黛增强型香水 {\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}在努德斯特伦赠送的香水)

7. I owe my life to Estee Lauder. (翻译:我想说,我欠雅诗兰黛一条命。)

8. Estee Lauder died in 2004 at 97. (翻译:雅诗。兰戴于2004年去世,享年97岁。)

9. Once Ronald Lauder became owner of the painting, it went to the Neue Galerie on long-term loan. (翻译:当莱纳德•劳德成了这幅画的主人之后,这幅作品长期地被借给了新画廊。)

10. As DE Rothschild recalls, "The saleswoman said to me, 'How do I feel about Estee Lauder?" (翻译:罗斯柴尔德回忆道:“女店员对我说,如果你问我对雅诗兰黛有何感想?” )

11. I'm sure I must've looked entirely the fool... crusading away against Mona Lauder and all her so-called inventions. (翻译:以前的看法,我太愚蠢了... 反对Mona Lauder那所谓的奇想)

12. Said it was all a dreadful bore, what with Mona Lauder... and her gossip. (翻译:据说和Mona. Lauder聊天太无聊了)

13. Mrs. Lauder did not know me from Adam, and yet I received a call from her. (翻译:兰黛女士根本不认识我,但她却亲自打电话给我。)

14. I have been thinking about that smart Mr. Lauder. (翻译:我在想那位聪明的兰黛先生 I have been thinking about that smart Mr. Lauder.)

15. leal to the core of her intrepid Scottish heart- Harry Lauder. (翻译:忠诚于她勇敢无畏的苏格兰之心——亨利·劳德。)




1. Lauder学校:Lauder学校是一所私立文艺学校,总部位于宾夕法尼亚州的费城市。它提供从幼儿园到12年级不同年龄段学生的教育课程。学校的名称来自于其创始人Esther B. Lauder夫人。


- Lauder学校最初成立于1963年。

- 我的朋友在Lauder学校教英语。

2. Lauder集团:Lauder集团是美国一家知名的化妆品公司,拥有多个品牌,如MAC、Clinique、Bobbi Brown和Estée Lauder等。该公司总部位于纽约市。


- Lauder集团股票近年来表现良好。

- Estée Lauder是Lauder集团创始人之一。

3. LAUDER缩写:LAUDER是"Linguistic Assessment and Unsupervised Discovery of Emotions and Relationships"的缩写,这是一种能够自动分析大量文本数据,发现其中的情感和关系的技术。


- LAUDER技术可以帮助企业更好地了解消费者的需求。

- 我们正在研究如何使用LAUDER来分析社交媒体上的数据。

4. Lauder姓氏:Lauder是一种常见的英语姓氏,源于苏格兰。许多人使用这个姓氏作为自己的名字。


- 我的好朋友姓Lauder。

- Lauder这个姓氏在苏格兰很常见。


1. She studied at Lauder College, majoring in English. (她在Lauder学院学习,专业是英语。)

2. My sister works for Estée Lauder, one of the brands owned by Lauder Group. (我姐姐在为Estée Lauder工作,这是Lauder集团旗下的一个品牌。)

3. LAUDER technology can help companies yze consumer needs better. (LAUDER技术可以帮助企业更好地分析消费者需求。)

4. Many people with the Lauder surname live in Scotland. (许多姓Lauder的人住在苏格兰。)

5. David Lauder is a well-known artist in the UK. (David Lauder是英国著名的艺术家。)

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