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katya是什么意思 katya的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:33:37
  • 168

katya是什么意思 katya的中文翻译、读音、例句




Translation: Katya is a common female name in Russia.




例句:Even if the door is open the person you're looking for may not be there, Katya (就算门没锁 Even if the door is open Katya)


例句:I have no employment records of him at all. (1960年娶了Katya Fulenko)


例句:According to her words, Katya has been with this family for 9 years and loves Alexander a lot. (据她说,Katya和这个家庭已经相处了9年,和Alexander非常亲近。)


katya一般作为名词使用,如在Katya(n. (Katya)人名;(乌克)卡佳)等常见短语中出现较多。

Katyan. (Katya)人名;(乌克)卡佳


1. According to her words, Katya has been with this family for 9 years and loves Alexander a lot. (翻译:据她说,Katya和这个家庭已经相处了9年,和Alexander非常亲近。)

2. Two weeks ago, I was sitting at the kitchen table with my wife Katya, and we were talking about what I was going to talk about today. (翻译:两周前, 我和我的妻子,卡特亚, 坐在餐桌旁, 我们两人当时谈论着我今天将要讨论的事情。)

3. That morning that I was sitting with Katya and Lincoln, I looked at my son, and I realized that when my client, Will, was his age, he'd been living by himself for two years. (翻译:那天早上我,卡特亚和林肯坐在一起,我看着我的儿子, 我意识到当我的客户,威尔, 和我儿子一样大的时候, 他已经独自生活了两年了。)

4. I noticed your boat is named Igrushka Katya... (翻译:我发现你们的船叫Igrushka Katya...)

5. And during a pause in my conversation with Katya, I looked over at Lincoln and I was suddenly thunderstruck by a recollection of a client of mine. (翻译:做他的数学作业。我和卡特亚的谈话暂停了一下, 我看着林肯 然后突然被我想起来的一位客户的经历所 震惊了。)

6. Katya, the radiation alone... the radiation is fluctuating. (翻译:卡佳,这里的辐射... 辐射强度一直在变)

7. Alex, I would never have risked moving Katya, not with all the cameras pointed at your family right now. (翻译:Alex 我绝不会冒险转移Katya 至少不会在媒体的关注下)

8. I just ask him and he'll do everything for me, for Katya, for Danil as well. (翻译:我只需开口 他就会处理一切 为我 为 Katya 为 Danil 而做)

9. 19-year-old Katya from the Bronx, New York, versus 17-year-old Mary Miranda, from Havana, Cuba. (翻译:来自纽约布朗克斯的 19岁歌手Cathia对阵 来自古巴哈瓦那的)

10. You will inherit a portion of the property of the deceased on an equal basis with Katya. (翻译:你跟卡佳一样 根据平均分配 也会得到死者的财产)

11. I want to be with Katya more than anything in the world. (翻译:在这世界上我唯一的愿望 就是和我的女儿凯娇在一起)

12. Katya left her office, took a taxi, unknown destination. (翻译:嘉迪雅离开办公室上了的士 目的地不明 我们有人跟着她了)

13. What is it that you do now exactly, Katya? (翻译:嘿,Katya,你做的具体是什么,Katya?)

14. Her name was Katya, and she was better than all of you. (翻译:她的名字叫Katya 她比你们所有人都强)

15. I leave you to your reunion with the motherland, Agent Katya Zemanova. (翻译:- 我将你交给你的祖国团聚 - 卡提亚. 莲玛诺瓦干员)




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