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quilt是什么意思 quilt的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:32:35
  • 169

quilt是什么意思 quilt的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. She spent months a beautiful quilt for her granddaughter's wedding. (她花了几个月时间为她的孙女婚礼做了一条漂亮的被子。)

2. I love the cozy feeling of snuggling up under a warm quilt on a cold winter night. (我喜欢在寒冷的冬夜里缩在温暖的被子里的舒适感。)




例句:You've planned your vengeance out of the crazy quilt of your imagination sewed together with thin little threads of wishful thinking. (你用自己的一厢情愿 把那些疯狂的想象... 拼凑在一起)


例句:I opened my worn-out cotton quilt, put the book of Capital Theory under the quilt as my pillow, and lay down on my Bed flatling and acted as if there was no one else present. (我打开我的烂网套,把哲学讲师送我的《资本论》第一卷塞在网套下当枕头,旁若无人地、直挺挺地在我的“床”上躺下了。)


例句:Mrs. Peters: She was piecing a quilt. (彼得斯夫人:她正在拼接被子。)


例句:Mrs. Montefiore: My great-grandmother made that quilt , when Teddy Roosevelt was President. (翻译:那是我的曾祖母做的,那时候还是泰迪。罗斯福当总统呢。)


quilt一般作为名词、动词使用,如在down quilt(羽绒被)、Euphon quilt(一种吸音被)、feather quilt(羽毛被)等常见短语中出现较多。

down quilt羽绒被
Euphon quilt一种吸音被
feather quilt羽毛被
grecian quilt双面床单布
honeycomb quilt蜂巢纹床单布
milles quilt马赛提花床单布
mitcheline quilt提花双层床单布
patchwork quilt拼布床单;用小块布缝缀的被罩
presumption of quilt[法] 有罪推定


1. Mrs. Peters: She was piecing a quilt. (翻译:彼得斯夫人:她正在拼接被子。)

2. Mrs. Montefiore: My great-grandmother made that quilt , when Teddy Roosevelt was President. (翻译:那是我的曾祖母做的,那时候还是泰迪。罗斯福当总统呢。)

3. seis ironing board is suitable for well ironing sheet, quilt cover, bed cover , table cloth, bathing towel, woolen blanket etc. (翻译:它广泛适用于熨平各种被罩、被面、床罩、台布、浴布、毛巾、毛毯等织物。)

4. PDK Regency Home Textile quilt have washed sand drying process before factory. (翻译:瑞杰斯家纺绗缝被在出厂前全部经过水洗砂洗烘干程序。)

5. More like one insignificant corner patch in the crazy quilt of combat, but it was enough to end the existence of this little city. (翻译:这里更像是被人遗忘的小角落 但曾经的疯狂和暴力 已足以摧毁这个小镇了)

6. She worked all day now and the child lay on an old torn quilt on the ground, asleep. (翻译:她整天在地里干活,娃娃就躺在地上的一张破旧的被子上睡觉。)

7. The dragon face vicissitudes of life dragon is often in quilt appearing as our this the nation symbol thing, lots and lots of place. (翻译:龙颜沧桑龙常常被作为我们这个民族的象征物,出现在许许多多的地方。)

8. There are plenty of things to do with old clothes that aren't wearable any more, such as turn them into dusters or a quilt. (翻译:有许多方法来处理哪些不能再穿的旧衣服,例如将它们做成抹布或者被套。)

9. Grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood my grandmother lying in bed, the quilt over his head, seems to be ill. (翻译:外婆家,小红帽看到外婆躺在床上,被子蒙着头,似乎是病了。)

10. The soft pillow, the resting snug big bed, covers a warm quilt on the Zhen, she comfortably Ceng Ceng, finally can go to bed! (翻译:枕上柔软的枕头,睡着舒适的大床,盖着温暖的被子,她舒服地蹭了蹭,终于可以睡觉了!)

11. You're playin' for this here beautiful quilt made by Annie Welsh. (翻译:你在表演着这个在这里 美丽的被子 由安妮威尔士进行。)

12. Coburn learned that the woman had always wanted to learn to quilt. (翻译:她得知这位妇女一直想学缝被子。)

13. And they agreed, and between the time I saw this place and the next time I went, there was a terrible accident. A man, an old man, fell asleep, and his quilt dropped in a pan of fire that kept him warm. (翻译:它们同意了。就在我两次拜访中间 一个悲惨的意外发生了。一个老人 在睡眠中把被子掉在了暖炉上)

14. Pierre did as he was bid, and carefully craning his neck to avoid entanglement with the quilt, kissed the broad-boned, muscular hand. (翻译:皮埃尔极力地把颈子伸长,以免碰到伯爵的丝绸被子,又用嘴唇吻吻他那骨胳大的肥厚的手,履行了她的忠告。)

15. All right, you gonna tell me why you came all the way out here just to buy some ratty old quilt? (翻译:好吧 你告诉我你为什么要过来 就为了买这些烂的不成样的被子?)



1. 词释:quilt是指一种由多层材料缝制而成的厚被子,通常用于保暖或装饰。

2. 材料:quilt通常由两层或更多的面料之间夹着填充物制成。这些面料可以是棉、绒布、丝绸等,填充物可以是羽绒、棉花等。

3. 制作过程:quilt的制作过程需要经过设计、切割、缝合、填充等多个步骤。通常需要用到缝纫机、切割刀、填充机等工具。

4. 文化意义:quilt在西方文化中被视为传统的手工艺品,常常用于家庭装饰或礼物赠送。同时,quilt也是一种文化符号,代表着温暖、家庭、纪念等意义。


1. My grandmother made a beautiful quilt for my wedding present. (我的祖母为我的婚礼送了一床美丽的被子。)

2. The quilt is made of high-quality cotton and filled with soft down. (这床被子由高品质的棉花制成,填充着柔软的羽绒。)

3. She spent months designing and sewing the quilt, and it turned out to be a work of art. (她花了数月的时间设计和缝制这床被子,最终成为了一件艺术品。)

4. The quilt has intricate patterns and bright colors, which add a touch of warmth to the room. (这床被子有复杂的图案和鲜艳的颜色,为房间增添了一份温暖。)

5. The quilt has been passed down in my family for generations, and each patch tells a different story. (这床被子在我的家族中传承了几代,每个补丁都讲述着不同的故事。)

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