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exaggerate是什么意思 exaggerate的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-30 02:52:52
  • 196

exaggerate是什么意思 exaggerate的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Don't exaggerate your abilities, it's important to be honest with yourself. (不要夸大自己的能力,诚实面对自己很重要。)

2. She tends to exaggerate when she tells stories, so I never know how much of it is true. (她说故事时候经常夸张,所以我不知道多少是真的。)

3. The media tends to exaggerate the negative aspects of a situation. (媒体往往夸大一种情境的负面影响。)




例句:I need this footage for next time you say never exaggerate (我当然要拍下去 万一以后你不承认自己吹牛那怎么办)


例句:You exaggerate your fears, and you're terrified about the humiliation of defeat. (你夸大你的恐惧 并且你惧怕失败 给你带来的。)


例句:The Satanists are also now trying to exaggerate fears about nuclear fall-out and nuclear melt-down in Japan. (撒旦崇拜者如今正试图夸大对日本核扩散及核溶解的恐惧。)


例句:And to underestimate one's self is as much a departure from the truth as to exaggerate one's own ability. (翻译:每件事都该以本来的面目出现 低估自己的能力 就是背离事实)


exaggerate一般作为动词使用,如在to exaggerate([网络] 夸张;夸大;言过其实)等常见短语中出现较多。

to exaggerate[网络] 夸张;夸大;言过其实


1. The Satanists are also now trying to exaggerate fears about nuclear fall-out and nuclear melt-down in Japan. (翻译:撒旦崇拜者如今正试图夸大对日本核扩散及核溶解的恐惧。)

2. And to underestimate one's self is as much a departure from the truth as to exaggerate one's own ability. (翻译:每件事都该以本来的面目出现 低估自己的能力 就是背离事实)

3. Some provinces may exaggerate their output: the sum of reported GDPs is a tenth higher than the national total. (翻译:一些省份可能夸大了其产值:上报的国内生产总值之和比全国总量高十分之一。)

4. Exaggerate and overstate problems. (翻译:夸张夸大问题。)

5. ! Oh, right, like he doesn't exaggerate every disease he gets. (翻译:得了吧 就好像 他不是每次得病都小题大做一样)

6. It is hard to exaggerate the importance to Korean life of kimchi, which is usually made of fermented cabbage. (翻译:很难夸大泡菜对于韩国人生活的重要性,而泡菜通常是由洋白菜发酵后制成的。)

7. I don't mean lie, but you could exaggerate. (翻译:- 我不是指撒谎 但你可以夸大其辞 你以前这么干过)

8. But Mama, I missed the penalty. Don't exaggerate. (翻译:但是妈妈 我都没踢进点球 别说的那么夸张)

9. I just recall the behavior and language of friends and then I exaggerate them a bit (翻译:我只是在回忆朋友们的行为和语言 然后我又夸大了一点)

10. He does tend to exaggerate a bit sometimes, but that's nitpicking. (翻译:有些地方过于夸张了一些,但总体来说无伤大局。)

11. Black and Latino patients are twice as likely to receive no pain medication as whites for the same painful long bone fractures because of stereotypes that black and brown people feel less pain, exaggerate their pain, and are predisposed to drug addiction. (翻译:黑人和拉丁美洲病人, 不被给予止痛药物的几率是白人的两倍, 即便都要承受同样的长骨骨折的痛苦。这都是因为一种成见, 认为黑人和棕色皮肤的人 痛感相对更弱, 而且会夸大自己的痛感, 或者是容易对药物产生依赖性。)

12. Admittedly, cannot deny because of this cantering action, but also cannot exaggerate its action. (翻译:固然,不能因此而否定慢跑的作用,但也不能夸大其作用。)

13. Salesmen may feel less restrained to exaggerate. (翻译:销售人员可能会觉得不那么克制地夸大其词。)

14. He tends to exaggerate the difficulties. (翻译:他往往夸大困难。)

15. Lest you think I exaggerate, here are the beginnings of the A-B-Cs of anthropology. (翻译:也许你会认为我是夸大其词 那咱们先看看人类学的ABC )



exaggerate 是一个动词,意思是夸大,夸张,过分渲染。常用场景包括描述事情、情况、感受等时,为了强调某些方面或者使某些情感更加明显而过度渲染;也可以用来指别人的夸张言辞或行为。

常见的词组搭配有 exaggerate the truth(夸大事实)、 exaggerate the importance of something(夸大某事的重要性)、 exaggerate one's feelings(夸大某人的感受)等。相关短语包括 exaggerated(夸张的)、 exaggeration(夸张)。

发音上, exaggerate 的读音为ɪɡ'zædʒəreɪt,重音在第二个音节上。拼写时需要注意双“g”和单“t”的拼写。

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