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middle name是什么意思 middle name的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:23:39
  • 176

middle name是什么意思 middle name的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:míd·dəl neɪm


1. My middle name is Lee.


2. In some cultures, middle names are used to honor a family member or ancestor.


3. She doesn't like to use her middle name because it's hard to ounce.


middle name在中文中有"突出的个性、中间名或姓名首字母"的意思,在日常中也代表"名和姓之间的名字"的意思,单词读音音标为[ˈmidl neim],middle name是一个英语名词,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到74个与middle name相关的例句。

Middle name的翻译


例句:From Northern Ireland to South Asia, the Middle East to Middle America, people are condemning, coercing, and killing in the name of God. (从北爱尔兰到南亚,从中东到中美洲,人们在以的名义声讨、胁迫和杀戮。)


例句:In the middle of the ocean! (行驶在大海中 In the middle of the ocean!)


例句:For Network Dep. server name, enter your cell name plus your node name plus your server name. (对于Net work Dep . server name,输入您的cell name、node name、server name。)


例句:- In the middle of a party? (翻译:-不是 {\3cH202020} - In the middle of a party?)


middle name一般作为名词使用,如在her middle name([网络] 她中间名)、my middle name([网络] 我的别名)、your middle name([网络] 您的中间名)等常见短语中出现较多。

her middle name[网络] 她中间名
my middle name[网络] 我的别名
your middle name[网络] 您的中间名
name name[网络] 名称;域名;的名称
in the middle在中部; 正忙于; 拦腰; 当心
the middle[网络] 左右不逢源;中产家庭;中间之道
in ... namena. 名义上的\n[网络] 在名义上;名义上地;有名无实的


1. For Network Dep. server name, enter your cell name plus your node name plus your server name. (翻译:对于Net work Dep . server name,输入您的cell name、node name、server name。)

2. - In the middle of a party? (翻译:-不是 {\3cH202020} - In the middle of a party?)

3. But codebreaker is my middle name. Actually, it's Megan-- (翻译:不过译码员可是我的中名 其实是梅根啦...)

4. Your middle name is Marvin. (翻译:你名字是马尔文。Nope. Your middle name is Marvin.)

5. His middle name is Justin. (翻译:他的中间名叫朱斯丁。)

6. No, I'm sure the chances of this plan being as catastrophic as comrade Arkady implies, such as giving Kalashnikovs to the Trade Unions, say, are slim to say the least. (翻译:a middle ground we could explore? so to speak.)

7. He's a gambler, and chance is his middle name. (翻译:他是一名赌徒,冒险是他最大的特点。)

8. Stay in the middle, keep swinging on dudes. (翻译:Stay in the middle, keep swinging on dudes.)

9. - Forgiveness is my middle name. (翻译:- I hope you can forgive me. - Forgiveness is my middle name.)

10. In the middle of the night? (翻译:In the middle of the night? 就这样搞? 在半夜?)

11. - Just the one in the middle. (翻译:中间的那个 Just the one in the middle.)

12. In the middle of that riot (翻译:In the middle of that riot)

13. Yeah, kind of in the middle of something right now. (翻译:Yeah, kind of in the middle of something right now.)

14. - Get in the middle of it. (翻译:- 躺在中间 - 很好 - Get in the middle of it.)

15. Hit the middle of the barricade! (翻译:撞路障中心 Hit the middle of the barricade!)


middle name作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、middle、names等。

1. 词的意思:'middle name' 指的是一个人的中间名,也就是在名字中间的名字。

2. 词性:'middle name' 是一个名词短语。

3. 常用场景:在英语国家,很多人都有中间名。通常,中间名是为了纪念某位家族成员或某个重要人物而起的。在正式场合,人们经常会使用中间名,而在日常生活中,则很少会用到中间名。

4. 词组搭配:没有特别的词组或习惯用语与 'middle name' 搭配使用。

5. 相关短语:没有特别的相关短语与 'middle name' 相关。

6. 发音拼写:'middle name' 的发音为 /ˈmɪdəl neɪm/。

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